Wednesday, February 22, 2017

师尊,乜佛菩萨係啱样请㗎?GM, So this is the way to Invoke Divinities?

Quoting from 8-1-2011 Power of script – Dreams / 疏文的力量 – 梦:

[--- Recently I encountered many unexplainable occurrence which can only be attributed to written Scripts to inform or request for blessings & etc from GM & all Divinities.

Quoting from 恆河大手印傳承祈請文 Mahamudra Invocation Verse:

[--- 1. How come they way that he chant like very hard and suffering?
Watch 2014年1月31日王啟仲師兄唱誦「恆河大手印傳承祈請文」-台灣雷藏寺
in Vimeo or Youtube.

2. Can feel the difference compare to few years back when he chant.


Still remember to be joyful to let your sincerity show!

Works for when you are Invoking Divinities or Doing Offering to Divinities and all!

However, given that SZ said if One is a Reincarnation of Buddha or Bodhisattva, One Needs to Cultivate to LINK UP to the relevant Divinity one reincarnated from!

Well, if he can't make it this lifetime, then he has to return another time to complete his assignment lol.

Once again: Reflection of One's activities on a regular basis is beneficial for Cultivation. ---]


大手印傳承祈請文 ~ Mahamudra Invocation Verse?
GM Lu said during a recent dharma speech that this is an Invocation verse or script of All Lineage Gurus of the White Tantric Sector!


Why now?
Because most need to wake up!
And also to prevent another XX saga from spreading like wild fire!

GM also asked whether anyone understand what is being sung by fellow student Qi-zhong?

AH! This is the Key point!
When you invoke Divinities, you must know well who are the ones you are inviting, agree?

Therefore, Adulation for someone who does an invocation in a language you don't understand at all is really not what a Sincere Disciple of Buddha should ever practice!

Cultivation is a Solo trip to get on the Bodhi Path and stay on this Bodhi Path till you reach Nirvana or the other shore!

Invocation should not be a yelling and shouting to the Divinities to come grace your cultivation session at all!

Remember: Buddha shares ways to Leave suffering to attain Happiness!

Want to cry but no tears flow, want to halt but can't!

This is the feeling that I gleaned when I heard the mahamudra invocation verse again that day!
Means, nothing works, no matter how hard the student tried!

Invocation like Offering concerning Divinities MUST adhere to certain Criteria!
It is like the invocation we all do as set in the Sadhana, also the same as the Script we write and read out for events! 

4. Invocation

We visualise that we shoot a beam of great white light towards the universe as if out-stretching both hands to humbly request the Root Guru and all Divinities and Deities to descend and grace our altar, accept our offerings and bless all of our endeavours, so that all may be auspicious and fulfilling for all of us.
Maintain this visualisation, and we recite invocation mantra.

5. 唸召请咒


Please go read again GM's versions of Invocation!
(I shared one in this blogspot.)

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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