Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Make you happy?

Chinese Link:    

12/31/2016 Grand-Master Lu Talk 'The Fourteen Root Tantric Vows that XX has violated'

The [Show] is over!
Like to Understand what GM spoke about during the above event?
Study the lyrics of the following song then!
(This song keeps popping up in my mind! 
Especially these words -  [滿眼熱淚 怨憤難言 世事常意外]!
Have ZEN flavor!
As you go along, check out at which level of Enlightenment of Realisation are you at too! 
Remember the 4 Noble Truths!
Use it! :)
Let chant Guru's mantra and begin! 
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom x7


湯正川 - 心中懷著你的愛 1981
曲 : 顧嘉煇 / 詞 : 江羽
My heart contains Love for you

滿眼熱淚 怨憤難言 世事常意外
Eyes are filled with tears, Indignation, anger hard to voice, Worldly matters often unexpected
今天道路多障礙 苦痛還要忍耐
Today's route full of hindrances, suffering and pain still must forbear
抱怨命運 變化無常 快樂難永在
Harbour dissatisfaction of one's fate, changes are impermanent, happiness hard to stay forever
多少患難苦困時 手足扶助見真愛
during many hardships, help from brothers enable one to see True Love
公允那裡在 苦痛悲哀
Public fairness & justice where are they, Painful suffering, grief and sorrow
人生若是舞台 只想這一幕可以改
Life is is a dance stage, only wish this scene can be changed
那怕命運 變化無常 努力除障礙
Unafraid of non-constant changes of fate, work hard to eliminate hindrances
手足命脈一線連 心中懷著你的愛
Brothers life's pulses (Fate) are link by a thread, My heart contains Love for you.

[The english meaning of 手足shǒu zú is:
hands and feet
(fig.) brothers
retinue, henchmen, accomplices]

Huike figures in several Bodhidharma-legends.

Pacifying the Heart

Huike said to Bodhidharma, “My Heart is anxious. Please pacify it.”
Bodhidharma replied, “Bring me your Heart, and I will pacify it.”
Huike said, “Although I’ve sought it, I cannot find it.”
“There,” Bodhidharma replied, “I have pacified your mind.” 


Other than the [No Heart theory], please also study the [Karma & affinity theories]!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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