Sunday, January 29, 2017

佛能被软禁吗? Can A Buddha Be Put Under House Arrest?

[27/01 9:45 pm] Zf : 蓮廚法師。祝新的一年新景象。佛力加持各人修持成就
[27/01 9:46 pm] Lotuschef : 明天火供
[27/01 9:49 pm] Lotuschef : 其实我们想去BB同你们玩火供,他们话好怀念
[27/01 9:49 pm] Lotuschef: 我们有好多新供品
[27/01 9:50 pm] Zf : 正呀。巳有護摩爐做好。供品亦有。隨時來
[27/01 9:51 pm] Zf : 你真有福份。活得自在
[27/01 9:52 pm] Lotuschef : 师尊做星期六, 我们做礼拜日如何?
[27/01 9:54 pm] Lotuschef : 因为我不需要跟任何人争什么喜欢到那里玩就去玩。
[27/01 9:55 pm] Zf : 師尊活得不自在。言行也要受管。我們做弟子反而可以更自在
[27/01 9:55 pm] Lotuschef : 没有一大堆(规矩)!
[27/01 9:56 pm] Lotuschef : 所以没有被(封)就更自由自在
[27/01 9:57 pm] Zf : 管他們啦!🏼。有沒有看天公blog?
[27/01 9:57 pm] Zf :
[27/01 9:58 pm] Zf : 我跟Z都看。祗有天公同們敢駁哈比
[27/01 9:59 pm] Lotuschef : 有个马来亚师姐经常鬼上身,上师 法师 见到就跑。只有我帮她。
[27/01 10:01 pm] Lotuschef : 所以, 前些日子 师尊说: 上师都不会抓鬼。
[27/01 10:01 pm] Zf :
[27/01 10:02 pm] Lotuschef : 师母是创办人又如何?
(So what if Shimu is the founder?)[27/01 10:02 pm] Zf : 重點是師尊像被軟禁。誰敢出頭
[27/01 10:03 pm] Lotuschef : 哈哈哈! 佛能被软禁吗?
(Hahaha! Buddha be under house arrest?)

[27/01 10:04 pm] Zf : 法師。你通力夠。祗可惜…像蓮Y說。你們也不能同流合污呢
[27/01 10:04 pm] Lotuschef : 师尊讲了:要看(深)一点!
[27/01 10:06 pm] Zf : 有同們說過。立春後宗派會新景象
[27/01 10:06 pm] Lotuschef : 像蓮Y? 就问题大了!
[27/01 10:07 pm] Zf : 她過了2月份這個法會會閉關喇
[27/01 10:08 pm] Lotuschef : 她修得不精。而且磁场暗淡
[27/01 10:09 pm] Lotuschef : 耀武杨威
[27/01 10:10 pm] Lotuschef : 如果不改, 自负。
**[27/01 10:10 pm] Zf : 因為佢🏼成日去墳場。完氣未復。又去同十方眾生結緣
(Because she always goes to cemetery. Original Qi~Life's essence, not yet recover, and go establish affinity with sentient beings of 10 directions)  **

[27/01 10:16 pm] Lotuschef : 不是这样! 修行人的 身 口 意 如 佛, 就无可畏惧! 从我在2009 年遇见她就是这个样子!
[27/01 10:18 pm] Lotuschef : 打那时候, 我就劝过她修法
[27/01 10:19 pm] Lotuschef Lama: 在西雅图,一直认为自己开悟比W高。要别人奉承。
[27/01 10:21 pm] Lotuschef: 同修又霸XX们的头排位置。
[27/01 10:21 pm] Lotuschef : 麻烦到极

[27/01 10:28 pm] Lotuschef Lama: 真正开悟是不会跟任何人比高低!
(Truly enlightened then won't compare or compete with anyone!)

[27/01 10:29 pm] Zf : 說得好。悟後起修
[27/01 10:31 pm] Lotuschef : 我也祝你们都吉祥 如意 圆满
[27/01 10:33 pm] ‪Zx: 祝大家新年快樂!

Dear all, 
Is what GM Lu shares so difficult to understand?

Listened to GM Lu's speech on 28 Jan 2017?

Yes! Don't be too surfaced!
And I humbly suggest that we all stayed out of the gossip forums, because most of the writers or speakers are real far from Enlightenment!

All those Named Enlightened, which one has truly cultivate to affirm theoretical enlightenment?

When GM asked questions of the VMs, why the named enlightened ones didn't come forward with confident assurance to answer?

With regards to the Founder of TBS?
GM Lu has clearly stated many times that TBS was bestowed by the Buddhas & Boddhisattvas; and when he retires, TBS will be returned to the bestowers!

Remember, Divine/Saint or Mortal?
TBS of the Divine or TBS of the Mortal?

If it pleases anyone to be named TBS' founder, The Buddha will always obliged!
After all, what is a title or an image to a Buddha?

Wake up ba!

**-** This mindset that One's life essence will be depleted by helping sentient beings is WRONG! 
A True Buddha or a True Yogi is able to draw Qi  INFINITELY from the Universe without Hindrances and Limits! :)

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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