Tuesday, January 31, 2017

红财神与 毗卢遮那佛咒 Ganesha & Vairocana Buddha Mantra

Above: GM Lu explaining the "Trick" of successful invocation of Ganesha for different purposes! :)


Not long after taking refuge with GM Lu, I sighted the Dancing Ganesha when I am singing Vairocana Buddha Mantra as I was driving. There are many heavenly ladies also dancing and singing and some playing musical instruments!
Hahaha! Heavenly entertainment!
It happens many times, whenever I sing the Vairocana Buddha Mantra.

I woke up this morning also singing the Vairocana Buddha Mantra, and then I watched the recorded version of yesterday's GM Lu's Ganesha event!
Hehe! There sure is a link between Ganesha and Vairocana Buddha Mantra for me!

If I chant Kalachakra's mantra in sleep, then some natural disaster will occur somewhere in the world!
So best this doesn't pop up in my sleep! :)

As GM Lu said, there are various masters that interpreted Lamdre and each have their own versions!

To invoke Ganesha's presence, I just need to sing the Vairocana Buddha Mantra Or form mudra, chant mantra and he "Appears"!
I like to skate on ice with him around a big fire set in snow-land with all divinities seated in a great feast enjoying the performances by various teams.
Yes! Figure Skating!

Remember that I shared that I sighted Ganesha gifting all attendees of a local Ganesha Homa event with heaps of gold ingots, gold bars, SGD, USD, and top with a huge ruby gem the size of pomelo?
I told them that Ganesha has these gifts for them and they have to figure out how to secure these gifts by themselves!

Then during a visit to Taiwan, while checking into a hotel in Taipei, I saw light pastel green suitcases looked after by a shijie and commented that I like this color very much.
The shijie told me that her hubby bought them because he won lottery after that Ganesha Homa and he betted on my car number!
My car number came out on Saturday, and Sunday and also the following Wednesday!

Actually, during most Ganesha's homa, by GM or myself or other fellow students, I sighted piles of Paper Currency and Gold bars in a certain Treasury! :)

I went to help a friend that helped out at Lotus Light Charity's monthly distribution of supplies to the needies, set right his altar.

His wife knelt down on the floor and touched both the surfaces of my feet reverently with both hands and then touched her forehead.
I was shocked and quickly helped her up.
She told her husband that she saw Ganesha with me!
I asked her is it a little boy Ganesha that is bare chested with a white cloth wrapped around his loins?
And she said: Yes!

After the earth quake in China, during yet another Ganesha's homa, I visualised that Ganesha sprays water to kill the burning fires, and also use the carrots to burrow deep into the ground to transport those trapped under the ground to safety!

Dear all,
With Boddhicitta, you can do lots to help those in need!

With Boddhicitta, you can spark your 7 lotuses/Chakras to Bloom! :)

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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