Sunday, January 1, 2017

神算/鬼算?Divine Prediction/Ghost Prediction?

Among the many forms of divination is a cleromancy method using the I Ching (易經, yì jīng) or Book of Changes. I Ching consists of sixty-four hexagrams and commentary upon those symbols. Each hexagram is six lines, each one of which is either yin (represented by a broken line) or yang (a solid line). By randomly generating the six lines by one or other of various methods and then reading the commentary associated with the resulting hexagram, the sense(s) of that commentary is (are) then used as an oracle.





碟仙 Plate fairy,一种占卜方式,在华人世界广为流传。进行方式与欧美的通灵板(Ouija board)类似。

求签 - Request Divination  - this is a method pretty popular with worshippers at temples. 

Asking Rice: is a traditional method of communicating with ghosts. 
This is often used by the unscrupulous to trick or cheat people.


“问米” 起源于中国,是将亡故的亲友灵,与家人相互配合的法术。念诵念珠而让自己进入灵魂出窍的状态,进而与灵界通信,呼唤特定的灵。所呼唤出的灵,可以与通灵人附身,或只是单纯的问路,这完全都是术者本身的自由。

There are many ways of Divination, BUT do you really know what you are doing?

Mortals believe that they need Divine Help to smoothen out the kinks in their life or even to enriching them, bestowing them with unlimited Riches and granting all their wishes to appease all their cravings or desires!

问事 Wenshi - Personal matters consultation.
An alternative offered by many masters to give answers or directions!

I am against Wenshi & most so called "Divine Prediction"!


Fact is, Who is giving the directions? Divine or Ghost?

Many have done one or more of the above?
So, your life is rich and luxurious and satisfying?

I Ching (易經, yì jīng) - is a whole world of knowledge that users should study deeply before attempting to use for prediction for self or others.
Interpretation accuracy varies from the intelligent levels of individuals using it!

I am still of the same opinion: Do you really really need to know???

Well, Sam is a good example of One that satisfies Your Need to Know!
Others in TBS are Lian-huo & Team, Chun-lian jiao shou shi, Lian-ji ~gua-shan, Hui-jun, Lian-ning, Lianye-green lotus, VM YangZZ (This was the one that accused Sam yesterday), and many others, including all grades of dharma propagation personnel!
Fellow students should know who are the ones that provide Wenshi services and for how long have they been operating!

If you listen well to GM Lu, He said that none of his students request teachings in Divine Prediction or Geomancy, BUT all of them seem to be well versed in these fields and provide services to all including public.

Why are these TBS students that are titled masters left out of the current Cleaning Up?
Does rooting out Sam's associates help to also reveal others that are involved?
Sam was at Karawachi, Indonesia. Who is incharge there? Hahaha!
And the incharge are in a famous Trio of Lianfei, Lianzu, Huijun!

Lianxie 渫- that passed away from illness, her altar was too cluttered up with statues of soldiers or generals.
GM used the 9 syallble mantra of Acala to try and save her, but she still died not long after. This was done in the Reception Hall of Caotun Temple and many of us witnessed it!

She was the one that asked GM to make her creditor blur for 10 years or better 20 years so that he won't ask for payment of loan extended to her!
I don't know who took over her chapter, but someone should go clean that altar up, even though GM has done it in 2010 when he was doing the rounds of Taiwan chapters!
Did anyone secretly slipped some statues or talismans onto this altar?

Yes! GM revealed yesterday that Sam slipped statues quietly onto altars she visited!

It pained GM to see students died from influence of Evil practices, BUT why do these students open their arms and hearts to welcome these practices and their practitioners?

GM said as long as you have Root guru atop your head you will be fine!

So, please do that and chant as much Guru Mantra as you can!

You really don't need any form of Prediction or Divination!

Steadfast faith in Root Guru and diligence in Cultivation will carry you smoothly through all hurdles or hindrances!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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