Sunday, January 1, 2017

幕后黑手?Black Hand behind the Screen?

Look at the date of this last post: 5 June 2013!

And, it started on 17 May 2013.

Isn't it obvious what this Facebook account is opened for?

To defame or slander Lotuschef upon Big Brother's Order!

If you are one of those that supported this Big Brother who hides behind a false identity call "tok chef", you best wake up too!

Being too obedient to any mortal can surely lead you to Vajra Hell!

See those that alleged Sam hurt them and their family?
Total obedience to Sam caused them to lost their entire fortune and also family members!

Likewise, gains that you expect from obedience to Big Brother won't materialised as per your wishes or expectations too!

Look closely at Big Brother and ran for your life!

The current Purple Lotus Saga Clarified One Critical Point: 
No one can take over from GM Lu at this current moment and the outlook of a True Living Buddha in the Successor is truly not too rosy!

He is a purple lotus and originates from Brunei, the same as Sam!

But can all purple lotuses be classified as askew?
Not really!
But seems like the "Trend" in both Purple lotuses are in Like direction!

Both attempted and still attempting to Supercede Their Root Guru or Take over Root Guru or Ousting Root Guru or Replacing Root Guru!


Sam was the one that spoke about Copyrights during Saturday cultivation in Seattle Temple.
Lianning spoke at an event in the presence of GM Lu, at a school hall in Taiwan.
Anyone recall what he spoke about? :)
Taking over or Succession!
Still remember GM Lu's comments?

Buddha's wisdom is something to be reckon with!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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