Wednesday, August 31, 2011

28-8-2011 Fire Puja at Rainbow villa - Mahachakra

Today's Principal Divinity is Maha Chakra.

There are light orbs in the above photos. 

Study the crowd passing through the empowerment banners.

How many truly have faith and trust in GM?
How many truly understand how to let go and 'emptied' self before receiving GM's empowerment?

When will fellow students follow GM's instruction to [ visualize, form mudra, chant mantra] and go through the empowerment banners thus receiving IN FULL what GM compassionately wants to give to everyone?


Pure Karma
True Buddha School

27-8-2011 Autumn Bardo/Blessing and Brahma Event

Light orbs at top of this one. GM has yet to arrive.
Light orbs here too.

The shrine for Brahma's ceremony and also Bardo and Blessing  ceremony.

The large light orb is truly bright.

The event was auspicious and all attendees got blessings and also empowerment transfer for Brahma.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

26-8-2011 Seattle before event

Fellow TBS students waiting for GM to come to lunch at TBS Big restaurant.

Once GM appears, everyone started to kneel and greet him.

Lunch was a big event too. Many students volunteered to help in the kitchen for a few weeks to prepare lunch and dinner for all that came to attend the big event to be held on 27th August 2011.

After lunch, GM gave blessing by touching all students' heads.
The queue stretch from with Dining Hall, all the way to GM's office. 

The sun is shining brightly and non of us bother about the heat.
we just happily walk behind GM after receiving blessings.

GM also stayed out in the sun to talk to us and reluctant to enter the cool of his office premises.

GM, we all love you!

GM repeated the same for dinner too. 

Pure Karma 
True Buddha School

31-8-2011 Yet another saved by GM

Hi Fashi,
Good day. Wish all going well.
Attached is ....... latest result of thyroid test. T4 and TSH within the spec limit.

Thank you GM blessing.
Just wonder why today the doctor still ask her to go for iodine treatment.
She was given 3 months medicine to continue monitor.

Cheer! Regards,
best to be safe. ask her to do homework n be hardworking.
continue to fold lotus with zunsheng paper. touching zunsheng constantly is good for her.
chant GM mantra while doing so n dedicate to all sentient beings.
absolute trust n faith in GM is the key
GM said must also consult dr when sick

i saw her filled with medicine buddha's dark blue light on 25-6 at chris office remember. told u she is getting heal.
The above has this problem for quite a while.

Seek advice from me this June.
Reason being, don't want to go for surgery.

Attended fire pujas and other activities and also do voluntary work for Pure Karma.

Ask her to do homework, chanting and dedicating to all sentient beings.

She dreamt of GM giving her blessing by touching her head and also her children.
In the dream GM told her that there are lots of activities on weekends and ask her to attend.

Yet another saved by GM.

Pure Karma

Edited 23 June 2017

31-8-2011 Wish Boddhicitta

Hahaha! I am at it again!

While at the airport this 12th August, fellow student who said he wanted to be a monk said he dare not go for ceremony of taking Boddhisattva precepts'  YET!
Another quickly said that one should not do so because the penalties are great for anyone who break the precepts.

GM said on May 1, 2011 at HK Mayura event that undertaking BODDHISATTVA precepts ceremony means one compassionately make a Boddhicitta Wish to help all sentient beings and willing to do one's best to help and even sacrificing self interest for the good of others.

Remember that all Buddhas and Boddhisattvas are INFINITELY COMPASSIONATE!
They won't punish you if you have done wrong unknowingly. 
They will also help you to execute and fulfill your Boddhicitta wish.


One fellow student told me that I should not ask fellow student to undertake the Boddhisattva Precept ceremony as the penalties are great.

GM's version is the ONLY version!!

Dear all, MAKING A BODDHICITTA WISH is the First step in cultivating Boddhicitta!

A word of caution to those that continue to frighten others with severeness of Penalties, ONE WHO HINDERS OTHERS ALONG THE BODDHI PATH IS ONE WHO HAS GONE INTO MARA'S CAMP!

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

31-8-2011 VIP/VVIP in TBS

Haha! Just posted an article by QingFeng [light wind] about VIP and "front rows" seats all reserved for them.

Following GM last year doing the rounds of True Buddha's Chapters in Taiwan, I also noticed that the VIPs were given seats together with our vajra masters while we lamas were mostly seated on the floor and the rest of students behind us.

Ordinated lamas should not bother with where we are told to sit and we happily sat down where ever there is place.
Our Hearts fully tuned to GM's Dharma Teachings.

For those that boast of being able to "buy their ways" to "VIP" seats, I regret to tell you this:-

Please refer to my article "DINING PRIVILEGES" as well.

Buying your way to have dinner with GM and seating at the same table --- what do you hope to gain??
Why do you need to broadcast to everyone??
You are more special??

Hahaha! Not at all!!

Knowing humbleness and being compassionate to all sentient beings and not making them have negatives like JEALOUSY, FEELING INADEQUATE/INFERIOR,  DESIRES FOR POWER/WEALTH/ what a TRUE YOGI should do.

Like a battery, when you charged it up and then use it or leave it aside for a period, the charges diminishes and you need to recharge again.

Similarly, GM blessing you by his presence or touching your head, this blessing will also wear-off.


When you have need of Universal power/energy to help sentient beings, you will be supplied with the know-how and enough resources to spill over levels to execute your Wish Boddhicitta.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

31-8-2011 誰是VIP?



























Pure Karma 
True Buddha School

31-8-2011 Believe IT or NOT! 信不信由你!

This Catholic family of 3 gathered around the sitting area to pray for Holy blessings.
Part way along, I went to sit down & pick up the printed pages that Grandma has prepared.

I did this after getting a signal to sit in.

About a minute after I sat down, my glance was directed at DT (he has a terminal illness).
The signal I got was to tell DT to button up his shirt when doing prayers & to sit up right as well.

He must be fully committed in asking for help & blessings.

Haha! There's a statue of Jesus Christ by the fireplace!!!

Jesus Christ is HERE!

GM and many Divinities are here too.

I have asked GM to save DT too since early July.

I am sure DT will be alright & can live a healthy life for more years with so many Divinities present.

Haha! Remember:- Sincerity & whole-heartedly asking for help.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

Friday, August 26, 2011



S: I try to refrain from posting GM's teachings in His original words but in my words so that i can test and know my level of understanding of the Dharma. And of course, i will not be ashamed if anyone can correct my mistakes or misperception and indeed i am grateful to him.

S: The act of regurgitation of GM's teachings, in my opinion is that one has not digested and absorbed all the necessary nutrition and vitamins for one's spiritual growth.

LC: Haha. It is good to share your perception. I have asked Chris & team to rotate n lead cultivation since I am away for almost 2 months.

LC: In your own words means you read & absorb GM's teachings & try to get it across. It is most beneficial for those that have no Chinese language knowledge at all.

LC: I don't think i did a complete job too, translating GM's articles. But better than nothing. Haha!

LC: GM has lots of goodies that span a few decades, for a 3-year old like me, has to work very hard to absorb n share. Haha! I do wonder often how much those with no Chinese or vey little Chinese learn from me.

LC: At least I know I am on to something when I can cultivate n connect.

LC: so what i share is not too far off. and then GM kindly let me read an article or articles on the same topic which gives me the theoretical part to my practical part. Haha! I love GM very very much.

S: its fortunate for them as i see that u r teaching them the gist of GM's teaching for inner growth rather than spending their precious time in planting good karma for the future.

LC: Haha! is that what I am doing?

S: Yap!

LC: I just hope to make them aware n don't cultivate blindly with no target in front & also don’t get mislead by those that claim they have great powers for this & that. & most important, raise their greed by teaching them get rich quick. never telling them the truth to get rich.

S: Well, hope that all these will be taken seriously and not be tempted or swayed easily. That’s why ur marathon chanting plus puja play a very important role here. Always seek thru inner self and not outside.

LC: just answered someone's queries on hair loss n statues cleansing on my blog. Haha! I am like AUNTIE AGONY!!!

S: auntie anti-agony:)

LC: 嘻嘻

LC: no one tell me that being a fashi, one has to be knowledgeable.

LC: I think i should start charging for professional consultation! Haha!

S: AAA rating from S&P (Spiritual & Practise) hahaha....


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Uncovering the Treasure Trove of Guru Buddha 揭开师佛的宝库

I found lots of articles translated in English which are those from earlier days of GM's Dharma propagation.I found them very useful for cultivation and I publish them on this blogspot.
Sad to say, the viewer-ship of these articles are low.
觉得对于修法很有帮助, 于是刊登在这个布洛克。
很遗憾, 阅读数字低的可悲。

GM's Dharma teachings spans the 3 Times and 10 Directions, do you know that?

Everything from GM should be treasured and reading/watching them repeatedly only benefits the reader who have INFINITE FAITH and TRUST in GM.

My recent article on INTERNAL and EXTERNAL OFFERING is an application of GM's teachings in daily life.
GM talks about this again recently on the 30 July 2011 and I posted it too on this blogspot.
我近期写关于内/外供养的一文, 是把师尊的教诲融入日常生活里面的。
师尊也在今年7月30日开示再重负一遍, 而我也登上这个布洛克了。

Buddhist Philosophy is the Philosophy of Life.

In Tantrayana, we added cultivation thereby ENHANCING our life and also those beings around us and ultimately all sentient beings we compassionately reach out to help.

Practising Bodhicitta on the Bodhi Path to Nirvana.

I am not advertising or promoting my blogspot, but trying to share GM's incomparable teachings.
我不是在宣传我的布洛克, 而是试着分享师尊殊胜的教诲。

I am open to discussion also from the articles in this blogspot.

Let us all walk along the Bodhi Path hand in hand following our Beloved Guru, shall we?
让我们手牵手随着我们敬爱的师尊步越菩提道, 好吗?

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.

Let us be fill with Joy uncovering GM's Treasure Casket!

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

24-8-2011 Uncovering GM's Treasure Casket

I found lots of articles translated in English which are those from earlier days of GM's Dharma propagation.
I found them very useful for cultivation and I publish them on this blogspot.

Sad to say, the viewer-ship of these articles are low.

GM's Dharma teachings spans the 3 Times and 10 Directions, do you know that?

Everything from GM should be treasured and reading/watching them repeatedly only benefits the reader who have INFINITE FAITH and TRUST in GM.

My recent article on INTERNAL and EXTERNAL OFFERING is an application of GM's teachings in daily life. GM talks about this again recently on the 30 July 2011 and I posted it too on this blogspot.

Buddhist Philosophy is the Philosophy of Life.

In Tantrayana, we added cultivation thereby ENHANCING our life and also those beings around us and ultimately all sentient beings we compassionate reach out to help.

Practising Boddhicitta on the Boddhi Path to Nirvana.

I am not advertising or promoting my blogspot, but trying to share GM's incomparable teachings.

I am open to discussion also from the articles in this blogspot.

Let us all walk along the Boddhi Path hand in hand following our Beloved Guru, shall we?

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.

Let us be fill with Joy uncovering GM's Treasure Casket!

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

24-8-2011 Cultivation in daily life 修行融入生活

C: 又開會,真像共產黨!超sleepy!
[meeting again, really like communist party! extremely 困!]

L: 修行嘛!
[well, cultivation!] 

C: 係嘅,不過食飽飯幾難頂,想入睡魔地,呵呵!
[agree, but hard to withstand after filling my stomach, think of entering "sleep-modhi", hehe!]

L: then don't eat too much.

L: u have to use wisdom to overcome your problem, this is cultivation
[你用智慧解决问题,这就是 修行]

L: 要做的,开心去做。 法喜充满
[have to do, then do it happily. Filled with Dharma Joy]

C: Thank you ! 明白!
[谢谢! understand!] 


 This is a story by AJB, a renown monk, whose speeches are greatly appreciated and sort after by many Buddhist.

I was staying with this temple in the hills.

One day, the resident 2nd in command, instructed us to shift a pile of bricks out of sight from the front of the temple to the site behind the temple. 

He said to do it before the Abbot’s return, as it is unsightly.

Fellow monks and I commence the shift under the hot sun, pushing primitive make-shift wheel-barrows. 

We completed the task within a few hours.

Upon the Abbot’s return a few days later, he asked that the bricks be move back to where they were.

Once again, we toiled under the hot sun.

I was disgruntled with the fickle-mindedness of the administration team and commented: The load is too heavy and the sun is too hot!

Fellow monk, G: When you have to do it, do it happily.

Looking at him, I suddenly realized and felt ashamed as no one complains as they are carrying out the Abbot’s instruction.

They all have peaceful and contented disposition that shine brightly.

From then hence, no job is too difficult nor too tiring nor pointless.

The Sun seems to be cooler and friendlier, the load of bricks seem to lighten as well.

Our hearts created the difficulties and negatives thereby weighing us down.

When we do everything happily putting in our whole hearted commitment, nothing is too difficult to overcome.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

23-8-2011 How to read and understand GM’s teachings?

Wanted to share this for quite some time.
Many fellow students have told me they don’t understand GM’s writings & even Dharma Speeches.
Those about Zen masters & the current Zen Sutra of the 6th Patriarch is getting to the point where most just could not follow.

There is a simple solution.

According to GM:-

1.       You need to clear your Karmic negatives by cultivating & dedication of merits to your Karmic foes & then to all sentient beings. Wish them auspiciousness, health, happiness…
2.       Cultivate repentance to get blessing from GM and Divinities so that your karmic negatives can be eradicated with their wisdom
3.       You have to practice Four Preliminaries studiously to yoga with Vajrasattva and GM.
4.       You talk to GM where ever and whenever you want to frequently
5.       When you open GM’s book, bring GM to your mind & visualize GM smiling at you
6.       Then visualize GM reading the contents of the book or article out loud to you

For Zen sutras, you have definitely to work hard to yoga with GM & then your Principal Divinities …
Always make sure you have GM presence when you encounter difficulties, ask GM to please show you the way.

In Tantrayana, Our Root Guru is the be all and end all of our cultivation.

Like the credit card advertisement that said: Don’t leave home without it!
You cannot forget to have GM’s presence in whatever endeavors you undertake.

Trust and Faith in GM, your Root Guru is the KEY.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School  

23-8-2011 你的心魔

23-8-2011 Your Heart's Demon 你的心魔
Morning Fa-shi, 
Sorry to bother you again, I got a question to ask. 

One of my customer had bought the Niche as the suite room was not yet ready so her mother ashes is temporarily place at our "Ji-Ling" room.
我的一个顾客买了厢房灵位, 因厢房还没装修好,她母亲的骨灰暂时摆放在本庄的[祭灵]房。

Now we will help her to place the ashes into the niche in next month, her sister who is in pregnant want to flight back from ...... to see it.
我们下个月将把骨灰埯请入预定的厢房灵位安放。 她有一个怀孕的妹妹欲从外国飞回来观礼。

Shall we let her to see the process or ask her to wait and rest at a side, after everything done then let her to pray? 
我们可以让她这样做吗? 或是让她在一旁休息等候, 入位后才让她祭拜?

Thanks & best regards, 
谢谢 和 祝福

Why did they ask this question?

They are afraid of something Bad happening. 

As long as they have this thought, then not good to let her be there.

Our Heart or Mind has a demon that make us think all kinds of thoughts & create scenes causing fear.

This is the Demon in our hearts. 

Cultivating Yogi overcomes this demon & uncovers the Buddha residing within.

The deceased in question is their parent: would a parent harm their own offspring?

The pregnant lady's problem is not her mom's spirit but those hanging around loosely in & around the place. 
孕妇的问题不是她母亲的灵, 而是周围的灵众。

If there are some who has past karmic negatives with her, then she will be affected.

This applies to anywhere she goes. 

Karmic forces "ripen" anywhere at anytime, that's why we have to ensure we do not create any Negatives. 
因缘‘成熟’是任何地方在任何时间, 所以我们要确保我们不要造负面的业。

Therefore, we in TBS are lucky to have Dharma Protectors protecting us all the time & GM ensuring we are OK whenever we need help & chant GM's mantra to ask for help.
因此, 我们真佛宗的同门很辛运有金刚护法昼夜不休的保护我们。 还有师尊确保我们安然无恙。需要时,只要念师尊心咒求救就可以了。

your questions are considered as private consultation. 

just answer you this time only 

I put up a price tag on these consultation, so people don't keep asking me for fun after asking others.
对于这些私人项目, 我会收费。避免群众问了别人又来问我。

I only answer questions on cultivation, any others, please tell the relevant party to consult me or other fashi/priest & pay consultation accordingly.
我只回答修法的问题, 其外, 请交待问事者直接找我或别的法师/神父并缴交相关费用。



There are alternatives like getting a Talisman for protection but the person concern must have Charitable mindset so that we can help them neutralize Karmic Negatives.
还有别的管道如[护身符] 等, 但此人必须有善心, 那我们可以帮他化解负面因果。

I don't issue Talisman for protection if the person not willing to help themselves by doing good and sincerely wants to say sorry.

Money won't buy you protection where I am concern.
在我来讲, 金钱不能买到保护。

Don't come to consult me if you are not sincere.
若你无诚心, 请不要来找我。

Amituofo 阿弥陀佛
Lotuschef 莲厨
Pure Karma 净业

23-8-2011 請問,師尊是在趕時間嗎?


GM, are you in a rush?

原文:释莲厨[英语版] 华文翻译版:清风 释莲厨
Original English Script: Venerable Lotuschef
Chinese Translated Script : QingFeng + Venerable Lotuschef
The recent events at Caotun temple.

After dinner, GM went round giving blessing by touching all students' head.

有幾位義工同門被安排來維持秩序, 但有些蛮粗鲁。
Some of the volunteers that are supposed to maintain order are too rough.

I was walking by the side following GM and chanting GM's mantra with the crowd.

I noticed that some volunteers grab those that had the blessing, lift them up from the side and shuffled them backwards and away.

I understand that we have to clear the kneeling crowd after they got blessings, but I would advocate the attention on safety of fellow students.

Grabbing people from the side, one must let them stabilized before asking them to turn and move backwards away from the kneeling lines.

The atmosphere created is like telling everyone that GM is rushed for time and don't like to be delayed.

This is very far off from GM's mindset of infinite compassion for all.
If the situation didn't improve, someone is going to get hurt by falling.

In Jakarta, outside Mada Tantri, the crowd pushed forward and I almost landed in a flower planter if not for the helping hand of one of the chapter's personnel.

GM would be very sad if anyone got hurt just to get blessing or be near him.

I sincerely hope someone do something fast.

Amituofo                 阿弥陀佛
Lotuschef                 莲厨
Pure Karma              净业
True Buddha School 真佛宗

23-8-2011 Your Heart's Demon

Morning Fa-shi,

Sorry to bother you again, I got a question to ask.  One of my customer had bought the Niche as the suite room was not yet ready so her mother ashes is temporarily place at our "Ji-Ling" room.  Now we will help her to place the ashes into the niche in next month, her sister who is in pregnant want to flight back from ...... to see it. Shall we let her to see the process or ask her to wait and rest at a side, after everything done then let her to pray?
Thanks & best regards,

Why did they ask this question?

They are afraid of something Bad happening.

As long as they have this thought, then not good to let her be there. 

Our Heart or Mind has a demon that make us think all kinds of thoughts & create scenes causing fear. 
This is the Demon in our hearts. 

Cultivating Yogi overcomes this demon & uncovers the Buddha residing within.

The deceased in question is their parent: would a parent harm their own offspring?

The pregnant lady's problem is not her mom's spirit but those hanging around loosely in & around the place.
If there are some who has past karmic negatives with her, then she will be affected. 
This applies to anywhere she goes. 

Karmic forces "ripen" anywhere at anytime, that's why we have to ensure we do not create any Negatives.

Therefore, we in TBS are lucky to have Dharma Protectors protecting us all the time & GM ensuring we are OK whenever we need help & chant GM's mantra to ask for help.

your questions are considered as private consultation. 
just answer you this time only
I put up a price tag on these consultation, so people don't keep asking me for fun after asking others.

I only answer questions on cultivation, any others, please tell the relevant party to consult me or other fashi/priest & pay consultation accordingly.



There are alternatives like getting a Talisman for protection but the person concern must have Charitable mindset so that we can help them neutralize Karmic Negatives. 
I don't issue Talisman for protection if the person not willing to help themselves by doing good and sincerely wants to say sorry.
Money won't buy you protection where I am concern. 
Don't come to consult me if you are not sincere.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School

23-8-2011 Hair loss & Cleansing Stautes

Q & A

I've been experiencing hair fall for several years and no medication has been quite effective to combat this ailment. 
Do you have any suggestion on medical stuff as of what vitamins or medicine that I should consume? It's just weird that my family doesn't have any balding history.

And the second, when we're not in the presence of competent lama or master here (in Jakarta), how do you suggest me to cleanse my own altar spiritually? I've been given two statues (1 Padmakumara, 1 Yellow Jambhala). The one who gave me didn't like to expose the history of the statue. He just said that he got it from someone, and the one who owned it previously has passed away, and now that 'I have the affinity with the Padmakumara' so he gave me the statue.
I just want to make sure that the statues are spiritually clean.

Thanks for the attention, lama. It's glad that I have someone competent to talk to about dharma. Please just take your free time to answer my mail. If you're busy with other chores, you can just ignore this one and prioritise others first. Again, many thanks, Lama :)

Amitabha. Lotus.....

Dear lotus ...., thanks for considering me a competent lama. haha!
Hair loss has many causative factors. Look at your daily lifestyle first.
People who plays indoor game like badminton has a higher tendency as to hair loss.
Reason being they are coup up indoor & as wind/air movements disrupt /affects the velocity of the shuttle-cork, FRESH air = oxygen is deficient.
Prolong deficiency of oxygen cause cells to die. Our body maximizes the use of oxygen in instances like these.
Dietary deficiency of various nutrients for cell development & growth is also crucial.
Go search the web for food good for Hair & general cell repair & replacements.

The statues coming from don't know where! Haha! First you do cleansing chanting Om Ah Hom 3x & visualize bright dazzling white universal light shining on them. you then place them on the altar
when u cultivate, Om Ah Hom Soha will invoke all Buddhas & etc presence. Offer with your heart. Offerings must be what you like or your favorite.
always invoke GM at the start for blessing your cultivation & the rest will come along as long as GM is seated.


Pure Karma 
True Buddha School

Monday, August 22, 2011

22-8-2011 GM, are you in a rush?

The recent events at Caotun temple.

After dinner, GM went round giving blessing by touching all students' head.

Some of the volunteers that are supposed to maintain order are too rough.

I was walking by the side following GM & chanting GM's mantra with the crowd.

I noticed that some volunteers grab those that had the blessing, lift them up from the side & shuffled them backwards & away.

I understand that we have to clear the kneeling crowd after they got blessings, but I would advocate the attention on safety of fellow students.

Grabbing people from the side, one must let them stabilised before asking them to turn and move backwards away from the kneeling lines.

The atmosphere created is like telling everyone that GM is rushed for time and don't like to be delayed.

This is very far off from GM's mindset of infinite compassion for all.

If the situation didn't improve, someone is going to get hurt by falling.

In Jakarta, outside Mada Tantri, the crowd pushed forward and I almost landed in a flower planter if not for the helping hand of one of the chapter's personnel.

GM would be very sad if anyone got hurt just to get blessing or be near him.

I sincerely hope someone do something fast.

Pure Karma
True Buddha School