Friday, July 6, 2018

师尊加持?GM Empowers?

TK: 那我明午12點約你在PP中午餐。想帶你見一見AA師姐。
Then tomorrow at noon we meet at PP to have lunch. Would like to bring you go visit AA shijie. She alone in old folks home very bored.

TK: 法師話呢個咒很重要。可以教HH姐諗
Fashi said this mantra very important. Go each HH shijie to chant it.

[AA: 😅😇😆😅😘😘😣 u法法希
法師快速回來探我. 法命我好雖要法師來過电比我😘]
(Fashi quick come and visit me, dharma life for me need fashi come over and charge me up)

KT : AA好快吸左電⚡
AA quickly absorbed electricity charging.

lotuschef: 😜😜😜
师尊疼她 Shizun cares for her
我只是中间人 I am only a middle person


I visited AA shijie who suffered from massive stroke affecting her right brain.
She is currently in an old folks home.
She can speak slowly with a lisp, her left side is weak.
I held her left hand and told her to chant Guru's long mantra.

I also silently chant along while I focus my "energy" on her.
"Electric Currents" started to flow down circling my crown and down both sides of my face to my left hand, and transferring to AA shijie.

This time, the intensity of current is real strong and lasted for about 10 minutes.
KT shijie was looking on and she was amazed.
Anyway, AA shijie brightened up and she asked me to hug her before I leave.

Now KT was telling me that a VM took some of AA's personal stuff all the way to get GM Lu to personally bless or empower them and brought them back to give to AA shijie.

Dear all,
Remember I wrote about the following?

  1. A VM said to fellow students that she will go ask GM Lu on their behalf.
  2. A Dharma lecturer gathered letters from fellow students and told them that she will sit down with GM Lu to go through their letters one by one.
  3. Now, this latest one, brought stuff to seek GM Lu to personally bless or empower them.


In all the above cases, the VMs & Dharma lecturer all have yet to cultivate to achieve Guru yoga, agree?

Just holding AA shijie's hand, and chanting Guru's mantra, Guru can bless AA shijie where ever she is and there is no need for anyone to go seek out Guru personally with personal items of hers at all!

After recent "drop-outs" of XX, named successor and his partners, VM LH of Surabaya......; have you woken up to the FACT that I am telling you the Truth all the time?

Tantrayana is simple and infinite and knowledge of fundamentals is the KEY to USE Buddha Dharma at will with ease as per situational needs!

With metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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