Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Menolak Mendengar Pesan Kebenaran ~ Tempat-tempat Aliran Sesat

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 19 Mei 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 忠言逆耳~黑心道场 Reject hearing Truthful Words ~ Evil Cult Premises

Mengutip dari artikel Tempat-tempat Aliran Sesat, Rabu – 17 Desember 2014:

[--- L: AA 师姐早。做义工不要到骗钱的佛堂。
就是跟不良份子一起背黑业。不做更好。这是师尊指示, 你好好的思考。

Turut membantu di dalam tempat-tempat Aliran Sesat, setara dengan bersekongkol dan membantu aktivitas mereka, karena menunjukkan kepada para pengunjung bahwa ada yang mendukung tempat tersebut!

Oleh karenanya, terciptalah yang namanya Karma Kolektif. 

Jadi bila kamu masih memberikan dukungan kepada tempat-tempat tertentu namun keberuntunganmu malah surut, segeralah tinggalkan tempat tersebut!

Jangan membantu menanggung karma buruk siapapun. ---]


Nasihat di atas diberikan kepada AA, seorang murid dari HK di tahun 2014, sekitar 2 tahun sebelum Kisah Purple Lotus atau XX ini meletus! :)

Seperti kebanyakan murid lainnya, AA memilih untuk tetap membantu rumah-rumah ibadah setempat termasuk salah satunya yang sedang dibidik oleh administrator TBS.

Sungguh ngeri melihat Karma Buruk yang menentang anugerah penyelamatan dari Buddha Dharma.

Ingatlah: Justru Kebodohan para insan yang menciptakan neraka dari kuil-kuil tersebut!

Dengan hal tersebut yang menghujani Mahaguru Lu selama 40 tahun lebih, hanya seorang Yogi Sejati atau Buddha yang mampu muncul dan tetap Suci bagaikan bunga seroja yang muncul dari lumpur namun tetap bersih! :)

Jangan bermandikan dan menenggelamkan dirimu sendiri ke dalam lumpur dunia ini, karena kamu belum mencapai Tingkatan Kebal terhadap berbagai hal buruk yang selalu mencengkerammu!

Kamu harus ingat Mahaguru pernah bilang bahwa kamu bisa bersadhana di dalam kamar mandi/toilet, bila memang ada suasana yang mendukungmu untuk bersadhana dalam jangka waktu yang lama di sana.

Daripada pergi ke rumah ibadah untuk bersadhana bersama, Mahaguru Lu punya banyak rekaman video yang akan membimbingmu dari sesi awal sadhana hingga selesai, dan masih ditambah dengan ceramah dari-NYA yang menarik pula!

Makananmu satu-satunya hanyalah bimbingan dari Mahaguru Lu!
Kecuali kamu memilih salah satu dari muridnya untuk kamu jadikan gurumu! :)


Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Tempat-tempat Aliran Sesat

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 17 Desember 2014
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 黑心道场 Evil Cult Premises

L: AA 师姐早。做义工不要到骗钱的佛堂。
就是跟不良份子一起背黑业。不做更好。这是师尊指示, 你好好的思考。

BB: 👍




AA: 明白。感恩提示🙏


L: 我见到道场的女住持司法骗一般香港游客。

BB: 阿彌陀佛!師尊慈悲的啟示!

L: 游客很可能是指非同门。
所以最近有要去做义工的堂或庙, 最好避开了。


BB: 其寶我有一次經驗,師尊夢示給我指示離開道場,最外金母卜杯也是這麽說,今次離開,我也夢到師尊。但沒說甚麼,我祗有懺悔功果完成

L: 嗨! 道场都是佛陀讲的地狱!

今天早上与师尊出游, 到了这个道场。女住持像台湾人, 4-5十岁。眼睛有邪气。


Di atas ini adalah percakapan antara aku dengan beberapa orang murid.

Pagi ini aku keluar bersama Mahaguru dan kami berhenti di suatu kuil.
Saat memasukinya, kami melihat sekelompok turis HK (yang berbicara bahasa Kanton).
Kepala biaranya, seorang wanita, datang untuk menyambut mereka.
Aku melihat murid AA yang berdiri di sebelah kiri altar, di sebuah sudut dan sedang memotong setumpuk kertas seukuran A3. Tumpukan kertas kira-kira setinggi 30 cm.

Sekilas memandang si kepala biara tadi, aku melihat sinar jahat di matanya.
Mahaguru menyuruhku lekas membawa AA keluar dari tempat tersebut.

AA bilang ia ingin tinggal sebentar dan membantu di sana, tapi aku memberitahunya untuk segera keluar bersamaku.

Jadi akhirnya kami meninggalkan kuil tersebut.

Kepala biara umurnya sekitar 40-50 tahun. Tampak seperti orang Taiwan.


**Turis-turis HK bisa saja bukan murid Ordo Satya Buddha (TBS).

Buddha bilang kepada Mahaguru bahwa sebagian besar kuil-kuil dan rumah-rumah ibadah cabang TBS adalah Neraka.


Teman-temanku yang terkasih, mengapa AA muncul di dalam “mimpi”-ku?

Aku memberitahu dia karena ia orang yang tulus dan beriman kepada Mahaguru.

Aku sepertinya “Pergi menjelajah di dalam mimpi” bersama Mahaguru lagi.

Turut membantu di dalam tempat-tempat Aliran Sesat, setara dengan bersekongkol dan membantu aktivitas mereka, karena menunjukkan kepada para pengunjung bahwa ada yang mendukung tempat tersebut!

Oleh karenanya, terciptalah yang namanya Karma Kolektif.

Jadi bila kamu masih memberikan dukungan kepada tempat-tempat tertentu namun keberuntunganmu malah surut, segeralah tinggalkan tempat tersebut!

Jangan membantu menanggung karma buruk siapapun.

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, May 27, 2017

直指-答与问 Direct Pointing Out - Answer & Question

Above: Snapshots taken from roof terrace of Monti Pavilion, Fullerton.
Below: Inside Monti Pavilion.

  • 神水法 Divine Water Dharma & 双身法 Yab-yum Practice
  • GM is very precise when explaining Anu Yoga and Anasrava Dharma and also Divine water Dharma.
    What has all these 3 items to do with having babies or achieving Sexual gratification?
    GM said when Sexual gratification is the target or issue, that is Sentient Being!

    For Anu Yoga, one needs to master Anasrava Dharma or No leak method and also Psychic Heat or Fire of Spiritual Serpent, in order to ensure that Hormones or Bindu Droplets are "melted" down and "recycled", so there is No Leak of Hormones or Bindu Droplets!

    A cultivator as per GM needs to be able to achieved Guru Yoga before entering into practice of higher trio of yoga - Maha Yoga, Anu Yoga and finally Ati yoga!
    Enlightenment comes with Guru Yoga too!
    With Enlightenment, one realizes what the Universe is all about!
    Hahaha! Does Sex and Procreation still rank highly in this yogi's mind?

    My humble suggestion: Pay more attention to what GM shared and is still sharing!

    O! When I read WT's emails, the astral message that I got is this person gets HIGH by talking about Sex! No kidding!
    He is not confused but trying to be "Intelligent"!:)

    YES! being able to Yoga is something that those that have yet to do so, can never imagine or figure out!
    Happy Cultivating and do listen only to your Root Guru!

I attended a dinner seminar hosted by an Insurance company and a Health/Wellness company for their prestige clients.

Being a local born & bred, I found that our sky-scape is real worth sharing! :)
Sharing nice things, make those that sight them "mellow". 

Remember the 4 lessons of Lian-Fan 了凡四训?
I shared in this blog too!

A Charitable deed a day!

A simple one is to put a smile on someone's face, or make someone laugh happily!
Remember that Buddha taught us to Leave Suffering and attain Happiness?
Yes. Cultivation must include all of Buddha's teachings!

Pointing Out Truths to Dispel myths or hearsay is yet another way to help others break free of "sentient tentacles" and move towards Happiness.

Questions put to me by my dining companions, like - 
a discipline of having only 2 meals a day, before noon;
adhering to a vegetarian diet; 
must not drink alcohol;
..... etc.

To GM Lu, he would classify these as "small potatoes"!

Dear all, 
if you listened well and understood at least half of what GM Lu shared, Dispelling myths is truly "a piece of cake" or "small potatoes"!

Dharma & application is the Boddhicitta way!

All that took refuge with the Triple Gems or GM Lu, vowed or pledged to walk the Boddhicitta pathway, bear this fastly in mind!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Qi 气 Light 光 Fire 火

However, in recent years my experiences at the True Buddha Tantric Quarter have been quite different. 
Now how does it feel each time I do the practice? 
During each practice, I can feel my whole body being enveloped by a swirl of chi, and outside the chi is light. 
In between the chi气 and light光 is fire火. 
That is, there is a swirl of chi surrounding my body and outside this chi is fire and, beyond the fire, is light. 
My whole body is held and supported at the upper portion of the Empty Space. These are very strong and tactile sensations. 
I can feel the layer of enveloping chi which, unlike the sensation of wind blowing against one, is like coming into contact with electricity or being surrounded by something that is substantial and firm. 
These sensations are very strong and are clearly perceived each time I do the practice.

You can go chant Guru mantra inside the shop to brighten them up.
Lots of work hor
of course do so when you can be alone
get your brothers to help u too!
If you are diligent in cultivation on a daily basis, YOU will understand what I am sharing & have been sharing all along! :)
YES! If you are "Effective", your surroundings will be lighted up or filled with Good Qi or Energy, Light as in Brilliance, Fire as in Warmth the Welcoming kind.

GM Lu taught all these and documented for many years, but you didn't think to spend time to study and use them!


Whoever you chose to believe & 
Whatever you chose to believe,
I have been sharing [USE 用]  ~ Buddha Dharma佛法 - Buddha's Methods or Solutions 佛的方法!

Need I say more?

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Back to Basics 返回基础 - 更改名字 Change Name

CHAT: WED 11:23
BB: These are specials for GM's birthday!
AA: Looks good!
BB: Yup. Edible, made from sugar paste
AA: Hi Fashi, i sponsor $100 for Shizun birthday ba

BB: Home Address?
AA: Home address for?
BB: you can dedicate with home or office address
AA: Home address ba. Shifting office soon. Downsizing
BB: Hahaha! Need a place where the Divinities can FIND you mah
AA: My home address: .......
Hahaha...ok. They come bless me in my dreams ba

BB: Downsizing? Thought you were expanding pretty rapidly
AA: No lei. Since last Nov sales has been plummeting v rapidly
I also dunno why. Do until 脸青青(Face green green) liao. Sudden drop

BB: how about you give me address of outlet or your HQ, then I can help you do dedication to Earth God to help improve business
From last Nov? Hmmm... the good season is from that period all the way to after CNY
any specific outlet that is major contributor of the decline?
O! sorry My business genes got HIGH!
AA: Ya...xmas was our worst xmas for past 12 yrs
All outlets dropped wor
Tats y v weird
Customers all disappeared. Dunno y
My office address is .......

BB: I seem to remember you have outlet in ... n etc. and the customer traffic remains good
AA: Ya. But suddenly customers vanished.

BB: how about u give me all the addresses of current outlets
AA: Been chanting shizun. Hopefully he can shed some hint

BB: how about u take photos of the outlets and email to me. I need the front view ~ means the entrance
& then the around the insides of the shops
most important is from the entrance of the shop facing out ~ see what is directly pointing to the shops
AA: Okie

BB: i wrote an article about a roadside store in Hk belonging to a fellow student. The shop that faces it set up mirrors and cos a sharp decline in sales. Tongmen asked me for help n when I was there, i felt weird! then upon checking, I found various mirrors positioned in a way that direct "arrows" at the roadside store from a long floor length mirror
sometimes rearranging goods can help.
You can go chant Guru mantra inside the shop to brighten them up. 
Lots of work hor
of course do so when you can be alone
get your brothers to help u too!

AA: Hahhaha

BB: I don't believe much in Fengshui, but energy movement is what is important for good business
Back to basics! I taught this to many of you at the beginning!
When you are walking along, start a chat with GM, pointing out sights to him.
You can do so with items in your shops, and remember that where ever GM goes, the place become auspicious & business properous.

how long since u do offering to Earth gods?
another item to look at is Pricing
AA: Maybe pricing is an influencing factor

BB: when did u do study of the current trend of visitors' data
age, spending range,...
AA: Now we are working w data company to help us analyse on that
More detailed analysis

AA: most of my indo friends like to go to harbour front to shop
especially the ones from .......
BB: Ha
They getting richer
AA: there are rich ppl in ..... lol

BB: OK. 4 addresses in one registration
莲花...阖府 .........

AA: Oh i change my name to ... liao
Thanks fashi!

BB: hahaha! Changing one's name is an indication of insecurity. 
GM wrote about this & I did too. Its in my blogspot.
Think: with a new "tag" to your Human Shell, you start all over again in the Purification process! Means in the Cultivation Path, you start from Ground Zero once again.
Did you go take refuge again with your new name?
It all boils down to WHY do you think you need a name change? Your Mind worked OVERTIME in ZEN terms!
AA: Hahah...ya. feel insecure now
BB: GM said ONLY when One feels pain then will learn to Let Go!
  • 更改名字 Change of Name
  • Extract:
    24-6-2011 Waltzing with Enlightenment - Change Nam...
  • Extract: Page 127 : 什么都不是

    GM said: None of these.

    What's in a Name?
    It's just a representation mark/symbol of you only.
    It is not your basic material. It is just another add-on only.
    For example: Big master, venerable, lecturer, living buddha are all common names, I don't need them.
    Because the are not basic/original material/nature.
    Therefore, none of these.

    Saintly students, decipher [None of these].
    What are you?
    Birth data, zodiac, name, ancestors, parents. male/female, education history, speciality, position, fame, career, money........

    Fixing position for self, seriously give these thorough scrutiny, does these represent your all?

    When you affirmed that they do not represent your all, then you realised you are [None of these].
    Start searching from you are None of these for your basic nature, you will be enlighten.

  • 更改名字 Change of Name [2]
  • 24-6-2011 改名字与改运
  • This is extract from book 220 pages 114-7.
    Q & A from the Contemporary Dharma King II.
    I am doing a brief summary, please read the original when you get hold of a copy.

    Changing of names can change our fortune/destiny?
    Also heard can change the names of previous lifetime as well, is it true?
    After my friend changed his name & after his death I would like to dedicate merits of printing Dharani to him, which name should I use?

Why [Back to Basics]?
Most either never read or heard of GM Lu's Pointers about [What's in a Name].

My views?
All expressed in related articles posted in this blogspot!

I am sharing a way to achieve Guru Yoga ~ Always have Root Guru with you or Never Leave Home without your Root Guru!

Yes! A Vision of your Root Guru [In Step] with you All the Time! :)

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, May 19, 2017

忠言逆耳~黑心道场 Reject hearing Truthful Words~Evil Cult Premises

Quoting from 黑心道场 Evil Cult Premises, Wednesday, December 17, 2014:

[--- L: AA 师姐早。做义工不要到骗钱的佛堂。
    就是跟不良份子一起背黑业。不做更好。这是师尊指示, 你好好的思考。

Helping in a Evil Cult premise, is equivalent to aiding and abetting their activities and showing any visitors that this place is supported!
Therefore, Collective Karma comes into play.
If you have been helping out at certain places and your lot or fortune worsen, please leave immediately!
Don't help shoulder anyone's negative karma. ---]


This was advice given to AA, a fellow student from HK in 2014, about 2 years before the Purple Lotus Saga or XX saga broke out! :)

Like most fellow students, AA chose to continue to help out at local chapters including the one that is currently targeted by TBS admin.

It is scary that most have Karmic Negatives that defy the saving grace of Buddha Dharma.

Remember: It is the Ignorance of Sentient beings that created Hell of temples!

With all these bathing GM Lu for 40+years, only a True Yogi or Buddha can emerge and remain Pure like the lotus flower emerging from mud but still stay clean! :)

Don't bath & immerse yourself in Sentient Mud because you have yet to Attain Immunity Level to negatives clawing at you all the time!

Remember GM Lu said that you can cultivate inside the bathroom/toilet, if there is an ambience that encourage you to cultivate within for long period of time.

Instead of going to temples to join group cultivation, GM Lu has plenty of recorded videos bringing you through the cultivation session from start to end & sweetened by a sermon from HIM too!

Your only sustenance is GM Lu's guidance!
Unless you choose one of his students to be your guru! :)


With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

观心 Beholding The Mind

IF someone is determined to reach enlightenment, what is the most essential method he can practice?
‘The most essential method, which includes all other methods, is beholding the mind.
But how can one method include all others?


If you can simply concentrate your mind’s Inner Light and behold its outer illumination, you’ll dispel the three poisons and drive away the six thieves once and for all.
And without effort gain possession of an infinite number of virtues, perfections, and doors to the truth, Seeing through the mundane and witnessing the sublime is less than an eye-blink away, Realization is now.
Why worry about grey hair?
But the true door is hidden and can’t be revealed.
I have only touched upon beholding the mind.
This is an excerpt send by fellow student to me.
The title is Grand-mistress Lian-xiang series: School Admin as Puppet.

[18/05, 00:31] Zf : 蓮香師母系列:傀儡宗委會









我們還要忍受多久-How long must we forbear

[18/05, 00:52] : 这编是垃圾! 因果是个人的选择。真正是良,又岂能被迫得变恶。不要在看天公伯了。
This page is garbage! Karma is Personal's choice. Truly Good/Righteous, then how can be force to transform into Evil. Do not read [Tian-gong-ba -Sky grandpa]!

Dear all, if you don't read Chinese, you are indeed Blessed! :)

Many students read from this forum and are avid followers!

<<13/05/2017, 01:21 ‬: 冇用啊,宗派百分之九同門都信宗委 
我們有睇天公伯 - We read [Sky-grandpa]
01:22 - lotuschef: 只是一群【无知,无明】的众生
Only a herd of [clueless, ignorant] sentient beings >>

AA: u read the latest on stage 5 samadhi?
ppl always alleged that I talk rubbish!
most don't like submitting their take on these assignments n when I grade them, they feel stupid n got angry at me n stay away from me! :)


AA: If they listen properly, maybe when they hear GM explaining 5th stage samadhi, then won't be so blur

BB: maybe it's a matter of affinity
and furthermore it's like stepping in an unknown area

AA:this is what ZF sent me early this morning

BB:so people don't like to be judged over something philosophical

AA: about Shimu n etc. n how VM of Pu-ming HK is corrupt n misappropriated 20millions, seems his wife play stock market n lost this amount
n Core going to sue this Vm shao-dong

BB:hah shao dong?

AA:天公伯 - Sky granpa - a popular forum that many read, n seems to defame core n shimu
yup. he has 2 temples

BB:yes, seems he's quite vocal

AA:anyway, he was the one that has a soaked white bread kind of sponge face

20 mio is a big amount
yes, shows off

AA: The article said that he curry shimu a lot
hahaha! bad eggs like these, continue to harm others, while good egg like me got hit at :)
O! I forgot! I am an evil egg!

BB: hehe mortal world is full on injustice and weird things
evil egg from heaven eating the bad eggs!

AA: and zf n team seems to enjoy these garbages
eat them??? No way! I don't want to have INDIGESTION!
tolong la! spare me
zf said that GM ignores all these going-ons nowadays
I understand what it is to let karma take its course. 
teach 40+ years still don't understand best leave them be lol
succour when their affinity mature

BB:he said in the recent sermon
about why people with good looks and money but are evil still exist and continue doing evil things
around that topic
but they will finally face their retribution, although not in this life time
waiting for the good karma to exhaust by itself

AA: O! seems the shao dong claimed credit for helping a HK student that were possessed. it was lotus light chang ren n students that did chanting n not shaodong (from part of another Sky grandpa article)

ya. but some get the bad part later in life lol
& I teach ppl to neutralise the matured n immature karmic negatives thru cultivation, saying sorry, and offering goodies

BB: yes. it was in the sermon
i'm grateful GM sends you to me to share precious things and details

AA: but u still lacking the 8 fold path's keys - right view, right effort, mindfulness.....

BB: yes hor 🙏
that's why what you said yesterday really struck my mind
Discipline as the Teacher
is what to be practised daily
controlling the mind is not so easy
but i don't want to make excuses hehe, xie xie for reminding me fashi
Thu, 10:48 PM

If you truly listen to GM Lu, you will also steer clear of Forums like this one!
YOU, don't have that much time to waste on reading [gossips].
What has others behaviours, be they judged as good or bad, to do with you?
BUT, from this kind of "Detailed" reporting, I do wonder how many lost souls wasted their limited lifetime concocting this piece of juicy garbage.

To even create a Serial kind of spilling "garbages", this Sky-grandpa's team is really wasting their most important resource - Life with a Human Form!

Don't read Forums like this one.
Instead read GM Lu's books repeatedly until you grasp some basic keys.
Or read "Breakthrough Sermon" over and over again, till you can truly "Open your mind"!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, May 18, 2017

第五层禅定~时与空 Stage 5 of Samadhi~Time & Space

**Assignment 3

(1) 在修行中的什么阶段 [时间]是 [精华/要]?
(2) 又在什么阶段 [时间]不是 [精华/要]?

(1) At what stage in cultivation [Time] is [Essence/Essential] ?
(2) And at what stage in cultivation [Time] is not [Essence/Essential]?
In the drama, Time in the Encapsulated space or world is of No Essence and the attempt to lock in Time to counter-attack failed!

Remember that I shared the relationship of Time and Void?

This section of the drama is a good example to understand Time & Void!
 In GM Lu's recent speech, Stage 5 Samadhi is a Dimension where True Understanding of Time & Space is realised. :)

    I am attempting to spark up minds of those diligent cultivators!
Almost 3 years later, GM Lu defined Time as in Stage 5 Samadhi.

To those that still continue to slander me and alleging that I talked rubbish, high time you wake up and cultivate diligently!

I sounded warnings about those like XX, but no one choose to believe me. 
Your loss!

Not one submission for Assignment 3 can fully explain the [Time] factor bing not essential or the essence.
Too deep for most!

Of course, most have yet to pass Stage One of Samadhi!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

第五层禅定~殊胜的高王经 Stage 5 of Samadhi~The Magnificent High King Sutra

  • Entering Gao King's Avalokitesvara Sutra

    In my travels during samadhi (deep meditation), I once entered into a very wondrous realm. I actually leaped into a sutra and encountered the Samadhi-Light Tathagata. 
  • The words of the sutra got gradually bigger and bigger, and then countless number of Buddhas emerged from the sutra passages. 
  • The Samadhi-Light Tathagata was in the lead with countless Buddhas behind him. Each of them was seated on a lotus throne radiating immeasurable light. This was truly a magnificent sight.

    Chanting Gao-wang Sutra 念高王经?
  • GM Lu asked that day how many can stay focus while chanting Gao-wang sutra once?
    Well, I can do so!
    I can stay focus and continue to chant for almost 5 hours, after practicing to void out Sight & Sound!
    [I chanted Gao-wang sutra >250 times during this 5 hours.
    And it took me about 5 days to complete a 1000 rounds of this sutra.]

    AND, the sights that flash by like a video when you are deep into Gao-wang sutra is truly amazing!
    Don't believe veteran students words about the sights you see when you are chanting mantra or sutra.
    They really have yet to experience such wondrous sights!

Refer to: http://lotuschef.blogspot.sg/2015/03/the-annotated-repentance-sadhana-shri.html

9. High King Avalokiteshvara Sutra

The High King Avalokiteshvara wearing the Seven-Buddha Crown

We visualise the eight-petalled lotus, in milky white colour in our heart chakra slowly blooms, and in the centre sits the High King Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. All around the Bodhisattva within the lotus are the buddhas and bodhisattvas mentioned in this sutra.

We now have a lotus in our heart chakra filled with dazzling light like that of the stars shining brightly, and we have actually the mandala of High King Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva – that means pure land!

When you have pure land in your heart chakra, you have no more darkness, worries, sufferings, cravings, desires, angers, hatreds, aversions; and all you have are wisdom, compassion, bodhicitta for all beings.

Maintain this visualisation, and we chant High King sutra.

**If you chant more than once, you can proceed with visualising yourself enlarging gradually and merging into the Universe.


In recent speech, GM Lu shared concepts of Stage 5 Samadhi :)
Also another visuals when chanting High King Sutra!

When the words of this sutra floats up during chanting!

Remember that I advised how to stay focus to eliminate wondering mind & wild thoughts?

To calm one down, one can chant the Heart sutra and keep one's eyes or focus on the words of the sutra, chanting slowly following word by word with eyes and sound.

Same thing can be done with the High King Sutra.
Practice make perfect!
To those diligent ones out there, having the words of High King Sutra appearing as you chant is not a problem :)
And, likewise, sighting the appearance of each divine one mentioned in the sutra as you chant is also a common occurrence!

The Key is whether you have been practicing or cultivating with sincere diligence or not.

Do put in diligent efforts to learn and practice what GM Lu teaches!

You will soon realised that your wisdom level grow with each "sighting", and you are actually into Lojong or Mind training already. :)

Still, do or don't, all up to the individual!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Kokoh Bagai Pinus, Gigih Bagai Prem Cina

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 15 Mei 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 松风梅骨 Pine's Sturdiness Plum Blossom's Perseverance

menggambarkan sifat pohon pinus hijau yang kokoh dan tetap tegak meski diterpa hujan dan angin kencang;
bagaikan bunga Prem Cina di hari yang bersalju, mekar dengan indahnya meski diterpa salju yang sangat dingin.

Apakah ini contoh dari suatu mentalitas?
Apakah contoh suri tauladan?

Ia adalah sebuah contoh mentalitas seorang pahlawan yang hebat dan tak kenal rasa takut,

Ia adalah sebuah contoh yang dikagumi semua orang, sungguh bernilai untuk dipelajari.




Bila kamu kembali mengingat kata-kata Mahaguru Lu mengenai kriteria yogi yang sejati, mereka haruslah:
Berdiri tegap bagaikan pinus, duduk bagaikan lonceng, bergerak bagaikan angin, berbaring bagaikan busur.


Kiranya kita telah mendengar terlalu banyak desas-desus dan kebohongan yang tersiar, sebegitu banyaknya sampai-sampai banyak orang menganggapnya sebagai Ancaman sehingga menciptakan [Ketakutan]!

Lembaga administratif suatu pasamuan agama Buddha bersikap “sembarangan” dalam mengajukan tuntutan hukum kepada pihak-pihak yang mereka anggap sebagai musuh, ditambah lagi dibiayai dengan dana dari para umat!

Menggunakan [hak cipta] sebagai senjata untuk melindungi materi pembabaran Dharma!

Siapa kiranya yang masih berani bersarana kepada ordo agama Buddha seperti ini?

Target terakhir dari ordo agama Buddha ini sebenarnya apa?

Satu hal yang perlu diingat adalah bahwa keberlanjutan eksistensi lembaga orang awam membutuhkan dukungan materi duniawi dari para pengikut atau pendukungnya!

Jadi bila kamu tidak mampu berbagi Buddha Dharma yang Otentik, ibaratnya sebuah rumah makan yang tak mampu memasak makanan yang layak, KAMU akan segera “bangkrut”!

Jangan “MENGELOLA” sebuah pasamuan agama Buddha layaknya organisasi komersil!

Karena pada akhirnya?
Kamu memenjarakan dirimu sendiri di Neraka Abadi selamanya!

Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, May 15, 2017

卡陰 Hit by Evil Spirits

Terjemahan Indonesia: Diganggu oleh Roh Jahat

Quoting from 又是巧合?Coincidence Yet Again?:
[--- 20170429聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥開講「道果」- TBSN高清版


To those that are Hit by evil spirits, be compassionate to them, do not segregate them and perpetuate second round of harm. ---]


To those of you that I have helped all through these years, and those that witnessed my helping those that are dark & hit by evil spirits,
Realised from GM Lu's statements in recent speeches that Knowledge is the Key in removing fear of those that I found with dark auras and hit by evil spirits!

As a Buddha's student, we all pledged or vowed to help others!

AND, Absolute Faith in GM Lu will see you through in Offering a Helping hand.

GM Lu also said that those with heavy negatives can't reach Buddha Dharma or understand Buddha Dharma.

Your negatives will eventually catch up with you!

Remember I told you that Cultivation can help you to neutralise these negatives before they catch up with you?

And GM Lu said that your body is your Dharma boat to Pureland! 

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

證量 Affirmed Quantity

3 kinds of Affirmed Quantity : 
Quantity of Knowing (Understanding);
Quantity of Compared or Analysed Knowledge;
Quantity of Saintly statements - Sermons from those gurus that shared their analysis or interpretation of Buddha's teachings.

2017年5月13日聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥開講「道果」- 西雅圖雷藏寺




GM Lu is still stressing [Affirmed Quantity] and its importance.
He said that he is scolding XX because of the many that got hurt by XX's ghostly army of 5. 2 Chinese & 3 Japanese.

Of interest is that GM Lu said he made XX angry to succour her.
How many of you out there accused me of scolding, bad-mouthing, ... etc. others, especially VMs?
Don't you care about the INTENT & the actual contents of my words?

Obviously NOT!

BUT, do learn from GM Lu's statements, especially regarding to XX!

Fellow student Ya-qi, as per GM Lu, followed XX for more than 10 years.
Once, when they were out and XX sighted some dead crabs that were cooked, she pointed to one of the crabs and told Ya-qi that this one is reincarnation of her late father.
Ya-qi then bought up all the crabs, and she knelt and pray to the one XX pointed out and cried for a long time.
Then the reverends ate up all the crabs and XX then said that thanks to feeding the reverends, all these crabs were bardo delivered.

I came into frequent contact with Ya-qi when GM Lu returned to Taiwan in May 2010, during GM's rounds of all of Taiwan's chapters.
She has a fierce look and there is something in her eyes!
She also has a "hot favorite" kind of VIP stance too. :)

Sadly, when GM Lu revealed XX's problems, she turned out to be a major victim!

In 2010, when fellow student RT sent me videos of XX's speeches, I knew that XX is not telling the truth, especially about cultivation!

Dear all,
Instead of being hostile to me, if you have listened to me and believed my words, you would  have woken up in 2010, 6 years before GM Lu denounced XX!

Am I your enemy?
And, GM Lu also clarified that no one can help deliver you or bear your negative karma.
Still recall the Facebook account of Green Lotus?
He claimed that he cultivates and bore others negatives on their behalf!
Remember what I wrote then?


Don't listen to me, but do listen to GM Lu closely!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

松风梅骨 Pine's Sturdiness Plum Blossom's Perseverance

illustrating the sturdiness and upright nature of Green pine tree withstanding harsh wind & rain;
like Plum Blossom on snowy day,  looking proudly at the harsh winter or defying the harsh cold.

This is a type of mindset or mentality?
Is a type of model to emulate?

This is a type of great fearless spirit of hero's mindset,

This is a type that all admire, worthy of each one to learn from.




Now draw upon GM Lu's words on what a true yogi should be:
Stand erect as pine, sit as bell, move as wind, laying down as bow.


We have heard too much rumors & lies spread around, so much so that many perceived as Threatening, resulting in [Fear]!

A Buddhist assembly's administrative body is "trigger happy" to file legal suits against their perceived opponents funded by funds from fellow students!

Slapping [copyrights] on Dharma propagating materials!

So who still dare to take refuge with this Buddhist sector?

Who still dare to share and propagate dharma from this Buddhist sector?

What is the ultimate target of this Buddhist sector?

Do bear in mind that continued existence of any Sentient group or organisation requires sentient materials from followers or supporters!

If you can't share Authentic Buddha Dharma, like a restaurant that can't deliver authentic cuisines, YOU will be out of "business" soon!

Do not "RUN" a Buddhist assembly as you will a sentient commercial organisation!

Day's end?
You trapped yourself forever in Timeless Hell!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, May 14, 2017

直指~害己多于害他人!Directing Pointing ~ Harm Self more than Others!

AA: 法師請問那個表。做主祈是含甚麼?出席包甚麼有任何分別?

LC: 主祈 出席只限一个名。若不出席就可以全家人但限于一处地址 

AA: 法師,BB來電,話CC告知有人掀發我們私人護摩此法會給宗委會。
現在BB調查誰將此事公開?第二。CC 擔心宗委派間諜來拍照。

BB‬: 不是DD講,可能EE。但咁夜明天才問 
AA: 我們先研究是否。一要改期或改地點? 
FF: 其實我們不是用真佛宗名義及師尊照片或像便無事,今次只是私人派對,做自家火供…………任何人都不能干涉! 

AA: 其實都係架。係BB同CC慌張😱 
FF: 即是法師在新加坡做火供,有問題咩! 
AA: 佢驚XR走過來丫煱 
LC: 哈哈哈! 不必烦。 我们一起在私人场所玩。不需要多想。 
AA: 那位XR也很麻煩.巳經失勢。還想在師母面前領工 

FF: 重新出通告,取消以上宣傳,改為私人自家火供便無事,但一定唔可以用師尊相片及真佛宗名字作為任何舉辦法事,因為會觸犯肖像權………………🙏🏻 
AA: 明白。多一事不如少一事。

FF: IMG WA0000 取消以上通告,重新出一張自家火供聚會通告便無事。
AA: 👌🏼.以便私人聚會資料外洩 
GG‬: 對的👍🙏🙏🙏 
LC: 佛在心中,酒肉穿肠过! 嘻嘻! 
问问自己,你是否心中有佛? 师尊讲过,相应是自己知道,不用问! 

AA: 法師。你知嗎?宗派有律師團體。我記得肖像巳註冊了。咒字logo也註冊。BM也收律師信。隨時被宗派起訴。面對訴訟 

LC: 记得师尊介绍的一首歌~七朵莲花开吗?歌词~问我心中是否有爱? 

AA: 說話當然啱。在明有律師團。在喑有黑網軍那班人。一個私人聚會也會容易給他們大做文章。小心為上 

LC: 我的私下里为师傅庆生无事 

AA: 你私人法會也不要放上你的blog。因為香港很多上師巳指桑罵槐地閙同們跟住脫離法師………。當然是BB的問題。因為我不再到任何道場。 

LC: 真的不必多顾虑。宗的律师是大马夫妇。有文化的。不像那帮流氓 
AA: 如果有法師你頂住就好了。怕是親師母那班從中作梗。總之一切低調。 
LC: 道场?好像是茶楼饭店。而你是花钱的大爷。 

AA: 所以呢😅😇修行要忍辱 

LC: 我一向讲只欢迎【真心,诚心】想修法的来一起修法。若是有畏惧的,就是没法【自主生死】。那还是給别人当跑腿或走狗算了。

AA: 現在法會要經宗委會批准才可以肖像及真佛宗字眼。這份文宣我未想過可以給同們外洩 

LC: 法会通告也是私下发给友人。我网上的没有地址 
那么你认为拿掉师尊的照片你们可以安心,就照办吧。我 OK 

BB‬: 我們很少做呢d私人護摩,我們好珍惜亦好感恩法師你肯来同我們一齊教我們。護摩完法師你返回新加坡,我們又有排等,唯有返本地堂寺参加法會。而这里的同門非常特別,知道左會當你身上有菌咁,令人非常吾開心,所以我們只叫信得過d同門来,免得日後麻煩啫。 

LC: 从紫莲事故还没学到真谛! 
如果你还认为修法需要到道场,错了。问: 佛有说你不能自修吗? 

AA: 我也贊成 
LC: 学佛的基本是【自主生死】,【离苦得乐】,重点是【解脱】。醒醒吧! 
BB‬: 我們的祖先安在寺,節日去拜祭時見到上師,比上師抓住訓話😱 
LC: 堂当同门是米饭班主。 
BB‬: 係吖 
LC: 【抓】?哈哈! 
BB‬: 冇用啊,宗派百分之九同門都信宗委 
LC: 只是一群【无知,无明】的众生 

BB‬: 連戴帽嗰d都冇人敢出聲 
LC: 我讲实话,最终决定的是你自己。 

FF: 👍🏻 
LC: 拍照时,不要拍人,拍供品和火就好。 
Later, I read from Patriarch Bodhidharma's Break Through Sermon:   
「如佛所說,我於三大阿僧祇劫,無量勤苦,方成佛道。 云何今說,唯只觀心,制三毒,即名解脫?」   
 「佛所說言,無虛妄也。 阿僧祇劫者,即三毒心也;胡言阿僧祇,漢名不可數。 此三毒心,於中有恆沙惡念,於一一念中,皆為一劫; 如是恆沙不可數也,故言三大阿僧祇。 真如之性,既被三毒之所覆蓋,若不超彼三大恆沙毒惡之心,云何名為解脫? 今若能轉貪嗔癡等三毒心,為三解脫,是則名為得度三大阿僧祇劫。 末世眾生愚癡鈍根,不解如來三大阿僧祇秘密之說,遂言成佛塵劫未期,豈不疑誤行人退菩提道。」 >>

大智大慧總不言, Great wisdom and intelligence always do not speak of,   佛門宜默不宜喧; Buddha's way most suitable to maintain silence then broadcast;   
萬般巧說均不實, Numerous smart speeches all not accurate/true,   
悟明真旨無言詮。 Realised True Directive needless to explain. >>

http://lotuschef.blogspot.sg/2015/02/adhere-to-topmost-true-realisation.html?<<Read the following and listen closely and adhere closely to what GM Lu shared with you in them! :) 

 凡事處之泰然 Consider All Matters Calmly 
 當我有了悟境之後,明白了: After I attained Enlightenment stage, understand: 
「無所得」。Nothing to Attain. 
「無所住」。Nothing to Abide. 
「無所謂」。Nothing matters. 
 我就變成了「淡淡」。 I became [bland or placid]. 
Whatever matter, all can't cause me to have [Heart palpitation], [Heart panic], [Fear], [Great Shock]. 
 因為天下根本沒有什麼事。 Because under the sky, there truly have no matter.>>

如果, [你]是 [无明][无知]等等, 而又有很多时间可以浪费在[搬弄是非][广泛删播谎言][没用心听根本上师的教诲] [
喜欢做大哥/大姐]还有 [幸灾乐祸][挑拨是非]



With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Mencari Kebenaran Berdasarkan Fakta

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 26 April 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 实事求是 Seek Truth From Facts

Ungkapan berikut ini dikutip dari sebuah drama tiongkok yang sedang ditayangkan.
Berjudul: Ahli Bedah 外科风云

实事求是 shíshì-qiúshì

[mencari kebenaran berdasarkan fakta; praktis dan realistis; bersikap objektif berdasarkan fakta]
是一说一, 是二说二, 严格按照客观现实思考或办事

Adalah poin yang bagus untuk Melatih Buddha Dharma.

Untuk mencari kebenaran, pertama-tama kamu harus mempunyai landasan pengetahuan yang relevan sebagai titik awal pencarian.

Karena bila kamu termasuk orang yang percaya atas apapun yang orang-orang lain katakan, suka membabi buta mengikuti dan memihak kepada mayoritas yang bodoh, sungguhlah kamu akan menemui masalah besar!

Ibarat pecandu narkoba, tanpa orang-orang bodoh ini, Kamu tidak mampu Hidup!

Jadi, di masa mendatang, sebelum kamu langsung mengikuti perintah orang lain, selamatkan dirimu dulu dengan duduk dan MERENUNG. Pastikan kamu mengingat kata-kata gurumu dan bertindak dengan bijaksana!

Di dalam drama [Ahli Bedah] tersebut, banyak malpraktik yang ditutup-tutupi oleh mereka yang berkuasa dan kesalahannya dilemparkan kepada para bawahannya.

Sedangkan, di dalam drama Korea berjudul [Bisikan], KEBENARAN malah tidak ada artinya sama sekali :)

Karena berbagai bukti bisa Dipalsukan kapanpun!

Skandal politik Republik Korea 2016, menyajikan kisah-kisah nyata bagaimana Kebenaran bisa dipelintir hanya karena segelintir orang menyalahgunakan kekuasaan dengan jabatan dinas mereka!

Teman-temanku yang terkasih, ingatlah selalu bahwa para guru diangkat untuk mengajar, dan para politisi dipilih untuk bekerja demi memberi manfaat bagi semua penduduk di suatu negara.

Berdasarkan hal tersebut, cobalah renungkanlah dengan bijak.

Perlukah kamu menjalankan perintah dari pejabat yang diangkat namun ternyata bertolak belakang dengan Hukum di negara tersebut?
Perlukah kamu menjalankan perintah dari Administrator Ordo namun ternyata bertolak belakang dengan Buddha Dharma?

Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef