Tuesday, January 31, 2017

劣徒 Errant Disciples

Terjemahan Bahasa: Murid-murid yang menyimpang



Referring to the recorded sermon:

In the above event, GM Lu revealed that two VMs went to seek out the Singaporean fellow student that won big money!
Also in the same speech, he brought up the Thai lady that practices "Hooked Wealth Heavenly Lady" sadhana and won big money every month, continuously for 2 years!

What do you think GM Lu wanted to teach all of us?

The 2 VMs are Fake masters that show great lack of faith in GM Lu's teachings and also great disrespect for Their Root Guru & Dharma and also No Diligence in Cutlivation at all! :)
They just need to cultivate with diligence to be conferred with the necessary resources to propagate dharma!

THINK: If you money goes towards engagement in heinous activities against Root Guru and Buddha Dharma, resulting in great harm to fellow beings, what will you be?
An accomplice in their Collective Karma!!!

Once again, THINK like a Buddha to attain Buddhahood!
Being the supreme one that has the whole universe in his hands, why do you need to go beg and lie and cheat and spin sorry tales to get money at all?


For people that gives to these Fakes, do wake up and cultivate well with GM Lu's guidances!
You might land yourself into great poverty in later life and eventually join these Fakes in Vajra Hell! 


Now, realised why GM Lu said he don't need gongyang anymore and he has plenty?
Also realised why I don't like to accept gongyang Indiscriminately!
Karma is always one's own!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

红财神与 毗卢遮那佛咒 Ganesha & Vairocana Buddha Mantra

Above: GM Lu explaining the "Trick" of successful invocation of Ganesha for different purposes! :)


Not long after taking refuge with GM Lu, I sighted the Dancing Ganesha when I am singing Vairocana Buddha Mantra as I was driving. There are many heavenly ladies also dancing and singing and some playing musical instruments!
Hahaha! Heavenly entertainment!
It happens many times, whenever I sing the Vairocana Buddha Mantra.

I woke up this morning also singing the Vairocana Buddha Mantra, and then I watched the recorded version of yesterday's GM Lu's Ganesha event!
Hehe! There sure is a link between Ganesha and Vairocana Buddha Mantra for me!

If I chant Kalachakra's mantra in sleep, then some natural disaster will occur somewhere in the world!
So best this doesn't pop up in my sleep! :)

As GM Lu said, there are various masters that interpreted Lamdre and each have their own versions!

To invoke Ganesha's presence, I just need to sing the Vairocana Buddha Mantra Or form mudra, chant mantra and he "Appears"!
I like to skate on ice with him around a big fire set in snow-land with all divinities seated in a great feast enjoying the performances by various teams.
Yes! Figure Skating!

Remember that I shared that I sighted Ganesha gifting all attendees of a local Ganesha Homa event with heaps of gold ingots, gold bars, SGD, USD, and top with a huge ruby gem the size of pomelo?
I told them that Ganesha has these gifts for them and they have to figure out how to secure these gifts by themselves!

Then during a visit to Taiwan, while checking into a hotel in Taipei, I saw light pastel green suitcases looked after by a shijie and commented that I like this color very much.
The shijie told me that her hubby bought them because he won lottery after that Ganesha Homa and he betted on my car number!
My car number came out on Saturday, and Sunday and also the following Wednesday!

Actually, during most Ganesha's homa, by GM or myself or other fellow students, I sighted piles of Paper Currency and Gold bars in a certain Treasury! :)

I went to help a friend that helped out at Lotus Light Charity's monthly distribution of supplies to the needies, set right his altar.

His wife knelt down on the floor and touched both the surfaces of my feet reverently with both hands and then touched her forehead.
I was shocked and quickly helped her up.
She told her husband that she saw Ganesha with me!
I asked her is it a little boy Ganesha that is bare chested with a white cloth wrapped around his loins?
And she said: Yes!

After the earth quake in China, during yet another Ganesha's homa, I visualised that Ganesha sprays water to kill the burning fires, and also use the carrots to burrow deep into the ground to transport those trapped under the ground to safety!

Dear all,
With Boddhicitta, you can do lots to help those in need!

With Boddhicitta, you can spark your 7 lotuses/Chakras to Bloom! :)

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

自负 Self Hinders!

BB: hahaha! what does it matter to anyone who is the Mortal's heir of mortal's TBS?
really who cares??
we cultivate not to be slave or servant or supporter to others but to save ourselves n others n go to pureland, not stay within the 6 realms lol
CC: i stopped reading his page and hid it long time ago.
he interpreted the teachings according to his own likes and anyway he quoted 『你離開True Buddha School就是斷了傳承,除非你拜別的師父學法。』
( You leave TBS means broke lineage transmission, unless you go learn Dharma from another Guru.)

BB: hahaha! extremely misleading
  • 叫天天不应 Calling to the Sky without Response!
  • 最後,蓮生活佛以強調密教首重「傳承」作為強而有力的結尾;
    At the end of this session, GM Lu stressed the importance of [Lineage Transmission] - all that you have learnt from GM Lu, including all Abhiseka, if severed, you will wipe clean then you want to come and learn again, breaking the dharma vein/pulse, how then can you still do this practice again?

    Therefore, [Dharma vein] can't be severed!

    [Lineage transmission] is very important!
    The above is a summary write up found in TBSN.
    It differs from what GM Lu actually said! :)

    Please go listen to the speech carefully and check what GM Lu actually said!

    What I heard was ---- If you leave GM Lu tutelage, you will lost the existing level of cultivation from his [Lineage transmission] and whatever you continue to do will not be effective.
    And, continuing to practice what GM Lu has taught you, will be Stealing Dharma.

    Therefore, all that you have learned or acquired from GM Lu and all that you have practiced to date, will be completely wipe-out.

    If you seek out other gurus to learn from, you will have to start from the beginning again.

    Means that you can't continue from where you left off when you are with GM Lu when you change Root Guru.
[27/01 9:57 pm] Zf : 管他們啦!🏼。有沒有看天公blog?
[27/01 9:57 pm] Zf : http://letterforgm.blogspot.hk/2017/01/blog-post_7.html?m=1
[27/01 9:58 pm] Zf : 我跟Z都看。祗有天公同們敢駁哈比
(Z & I also read. Only Sky-god fellow students dare to rebut Harpy!)

Dear all,
Did GM Lu gives Threats to anyone to stop them from Leaving his tutelage?

I remember years ago, when TBS admin started a war targeting me, Harpy goes round threatening others with penalties and one such is listing the offender into Monkeys' List! :)
And some fellow students wrote into Facebook and other forums that Harpy has no education or Bo tart j ( In Hokkien) ~ means never read books!
Just because she has become lackey of shi-mu, doesn't mean that her words has acquired any substance of importance to read and what more rebut!!!

Wake up!

All you need is to adhere to the instructions or teachings of your chosen Guru!
No one else matter or should matter at all! :)

The 4 levels of Mahamudra starts with - Focus on one Yoga!
Stay focus on your chosen guru's teachings and ignore the rest to start with!
When you reaches level 3 ~ One flavor yoga, you can then realised that all Harpy and her masters and rulers have yet to Yoga at Root level!
They are very much mortals and some are spirits directed or controlled mortals too!

One prudent advice: Money is never your salvation and you can't buy your way to Buddhahood! :)

GM Lu sang the 7 Lotuses Blooming song again on CNY's day ~28 January 2017 and also gave a brief explanation of the meaning of the lyrics!

These are my sharing for this song~ both posted on 16 January 2017:-
  • 七朵莲花 ~ 7 Lotuses!
  • 愿菩提-七朵莲花 ~ Wish Boddhicitta-7 Lotuses!

  • [B: 7 lotuses bloom - GM was singing this song
    Actually it means our 7 chakras opening or opened
    [七朵莲花开 -意味着 ~7轮打开]
    A: 🌺

    B: hahaha! How many realised this pointer?
    The Yidam walks towards and into him!

    Sighting Yidam & Talking to Yidam!
    看见本尊 & 与本尊交谈!]
[But the lyrics has real Rich Buddha Dharma flavour!

[*] ~ he has love in his heart and 7 lotuses bloom -this love that enables 7 lotuses to bloom or in other words the opening of the 7 chakras, is Boddhicitta and when all 7 chakras opened, this person can see his Buddha Nature!
Realisation or Enlightenment! :)

**< ....>** ~ his Boddhicitta wish!

***<....>*** ~ his Boddhicitta wish Realised!

And this wish is made to Padmaguru or Padmasambhava, chanting his mantra several times!

Don't waste time on someone that can't understand his/her own Root Guru's teachings! 

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, January 30, 2017

Apakah kamu mendengarkan kata-kata dari Hati Mahaguru dengan tenang?

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 4 Januari 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Did you listen quietly to words from GM's Heart?
Versi Mandarin: 你有寜听师尊的心语?

Di atas: Mahaguru setelah diserang dengan Anak-anak panah Ilmu Santet.

Di Taiwan:

  1. Mahaguru bilang [Acara Makan] terlalu banyak, bahkan sampai harus menghadiri acara makan di siang hari.
    Menyita waktu tidur siangnya yang sudah sedikit.
    Sungguh lelah!
  2. Di Vajragarbha Huangdi, kelelahan dan tak tahan lagi, tak punya pilihan lain sampai harus menarik kursi ke dalam toilet, bersembunyi di dalamnya untuk tidur sejenak!

Di Seattle:

  1. Tidak memperbolehkan Wenshi (konsultasi masalah pribadi), hanya boleh tanya seputar Sadhana!
  2. Setelah serangan anak panah ilmu santet, seseorang membayar master berkebangsaan Malaysia untuk menyantet, menggunakan Santet Panah untuk melukai seluruh badanku, sehingga sangat kesakitan. Tujuan mereka adalah mencegahku supaya tidak naik ke singgasana dharma untuk membabarkan dharma!

Seberapa banyak yang kamu dengar?
Dan seberapa banyak yang kamu serap?

Tidak memperbolehkan Wenshi atau konsultasi persoalan pribadi?
Kenyataannya, tidak berlangsung lama!
Karena [Kata-kata] Boss dari Mahaguru-lah yang [Berlaku]!

Ah! Kunci penting terlewatkan begitu saja!
Hormati Guru, Hargai Dharma, Bersadhana dengan tekun!
Tidak mendengarkan kata-kata Guru!
Tidak memahami kata-kata Guru!
Menghancurkan kata-kata Guru!
Memusnahkan maklumat Guru!
Bukankah itu semua [Melanggar Disiplin Sila]?

Ada banyak alasan mengapa tidak memperbolehkan Wenshi!
Mendukung Wenshi menyebabkan Insiden Purple Lotus hari ini menjadi meluap kemana-mana!
Sedari awal, Wenshi yang diberikan oleh orang-orang yang tak punya Pencapaian Sadhana hanyalah berujung menipu uang dan kekayaan!
Berbagai macam penipuan berkedok agama akan bermunculan tiada henti!

Asal dari semuanya ini – Mengapa melempar segala kesalahan kepada Mahaguru?
Murid yang telah bersarana bila selalu saja mencari Wenshi – berarti tidak mengimani ajaran dharma Mahaguru serta sadhana yang dilatihnya!

Administrator ordo punya salinan Aturan & Ketentuan yang mengatakan bahwa: semua [VM] boleh memberikan layanan [Wenshi]!
Masih ada banyak lagi yang Hanya [VM] yang boleh melakukannya!
Aku sempat membahas persoalan seputar [Ketentuan] dari administrator ordo dengan seorang murid senior !
Aku tanya: Setelah seorang murid berhasil ber[Yoga] dengan Mahaguru, maka siapakah [Ia]?

Skenario hari ini, sungguh berterima kasih kepada orang-orang awam yang [Bodoh]!
Bagaikan sekelompok orang yang [tuna aksara] mengajarkan cara mengenali kata-kata!

Bicara kepada Serangga!

Terlebih lagi, Mahaguru sering mengatakan hal ini berkali-kali: Selama ini, semua mengandalkan [Shimu] yang [Sendirian] mengurus [berbagai persoalan Ordo]!
Saat mendengar kata-kata itu, kamu semua bertepuk tangan!
Pernahkah kamu berpikir, setidaknya sekali saja, untuk [Memahami] maksud Mahaguru?
Semua [kekacauan] ini adalah [atribut] dari [Shimu] yang [Pandai dan Berkuasa]!

Sungguh, yang ini renungkanlah baik-baik!
Melewati bertahun-tahun lamanya, persoalan Ordo dikelola dan dikendalikan oleh Shimu, Sang [Pemimpin], sehingga kamu tak mampu [Mendengarkan Kata-kata dari hati Mahaguru dengan tenang]?

Orang awam bagaimana bisa [mengelola] [Ordo Agama Buddha] dengan baik?

Mohon jangan memarahiku dulu!
Mohon bertanyalah kepada Hatimu sendiri!

Ordo Agama Buddha Tantrayana, bagaimana bisa membiarkan seorang [awam] yang tak bersadhana untuk menjadi Ketua Administrator?
Kalau sampai tak berakhir buruk, maka sungguh lucu/aneh!

Saatnya bangun dan sadar diri!

Salam Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, January 29, 2017

禅宗祖师世亲 Zen Patriarch Vasubandhu

CHAT 1 :
[29/01 2:03 pm] Lotuschef: Hi dear, can still remember 高王观世音真经? should be of great help to your health. 
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

[29/01 2:05 pm] AA: Yes i rmbr
[29/01 2:07 pm] Lotuschef : Good. chant n dedicate to all sentient beings. your health don't look rosy 
(AA sent CNY greetings with photo of him & family. I read his aura from this photo. GM Instructed me to send CNY well wishes to many that are in my mobile phone contacts list. )
✊ thumb inside fist is yellow light for health n wealth. Cheers

[29/01 2:10 pm] AA: I dedicate it only to myself and family, is that ok?
[29/01 2:14 pm] Lotuschef : if u need help go to media centre of lotuschef.blogspot.sg.
[29/01 2:15 pm] Lotuschef : No. all sentient beings include you n family n also your karmic enemies ..
[29/01 2:19 pm] Lotuschef : gifting n sharing the wonders of this sutra helps you in saying sorry to those u have wrong in current n pass lifetime. sharing with all beings you establish good affinity with all 😄

Think BIG. when you have no karmic enemies then you will be fine.

[29/01 3:01 pm] AA: Got it! Thanks for your advise. Amitufuo
CHAT 2 :
B: u read my latest?

C: Zf one?

B: Zf still believes that VM Y, is a true yogi
hahaha! the naming of enlightened ones really is the greatest Mara's test!
C: this tells that salvation is really a matter of time and affinity
anyway, GM yesterday told us the 4 levels of masters
and to ask ourselves in which level we are in
if the master lies, then it's really too bad for those who believe in him/her
the pronounced ones are on the theoretical enlightenment only

if only KT would understand that
it requires pragmatism

B: My dear, not everyone truly can understand dharma's profoundness
even after GM explained in simplified form also not many grasp a thing! 

In Chat 1 - the subject learned High King Sutra and GM's Mantra to save his girlfriend that jumped down from the 1st floor of a block of flats.
Remember the one that was in critical condition from Head Injury that I helped and she recovered swiftly?
Both are non-TBS students.

After this incident, when AA's friends suggested that he adopt other religious practices, he said: Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom to them! :)
Vasubandhu (Sanskrit; traditional Chinese: 世親; ; pinyin: Shìqīn; Wylie: dbyig gnyen) (fl. 4th to 5th century C.E.) was a very influential Buddhist monk and scholar from Gandhara. Vasubandhu was a philosopher who wrote on the Abhidharma from the perspectives of the Sarvastivada and Sautrāntika schools. Along with his half-brother Asanga, he was also one of the main founders of the Yogacara school after his conversion to Mahayana Buddhism.

Vasubandhu's Commentary on the Treasury of the Abhidharma (Abhidharmakośabhāṣya) is widely used in Tibetan and East Asian Buddhism as the major source for non-Mahayana Abhidharma philosophy. His philosophical verse works set forth the standard for the Indian Yogacara metaphysics of "appearance only" (vijñapti-mātra), which has been described as a form of "epistemological idealism", phenomenology[1] and close to Kant's Transcendental Idealism.[2] Apart from this, he wrote several commentaries, works on logic, argumentation and devotional poetry.

Vasubandhu is one of the most influential thinkers in the Indian Buddhist philosophical tradition. In Jōdo Shinshū, he is considered the Second Patriarch and in Chan Buddhism, he is the 21st Patriarch.
世亲(梵文:वसुबन्दु Vasubandhu),亦译天亲,音译婆薮槃豆、伐苏畔度,佛教 4世纪 瑜伽行唯识学派 论师,生于北印度健驮逻国富娄沙富罗城,在说一切有部中出家,为无著之弟。
Yogacara thinkers like Vasubandhu argued against the existence of external objects by pointing out that we only ever have access to our own mental impressions, and hence our inference of the existence of external objects is based on faulty logic. 
Vasubandhu's Vijnaptimatratasiddhi, or 'The Proof that There Are Only Impressions' (20 verses) begins thus:

"I. This [world] is nothing but impressions, since it manifests itself as an unreal object, Just like the case of those with cataracts seeing unreal hairs in the moon and the like." [81]

According to Vasubandhu then, all our experiences are like seeing hairs on the moon when we have cataracts, that is, we project our mental images into something "out there" when there are no such things. Vasubandhu then goes on to use the dream argument to argue that mental impressions do not require external objects to (1) seem to be spatio-temporally located, (2) to seem to have an inter-subjective quality, and (3) to seem to operate by causal laws.[81] The fact that purely mental events can have causal efficacy and be intersubjective is proved by the event of a wet dream and by the mass or shared hallucinations created by the karma of certain types of beings.[82]

Buddha's teaching of scripture and realisation are maintained through Teaching & Practice.

The High King Sutra and GM's Mantra are the teaching and all you ever need is to PRACTICE!

Don't waste your time chasing in the wrong directions!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

佛能被软禁吗? Can A Buddha Be Put Under House Arrest?

[27/01 9:45 pm] Zf : 蓮廚法師。祝新的一年新景象。佛力加持各人修持成就
[27/01 9:46 pm] Lotuschef : 明天火供
[27/01 9:49 pm] Lotuschef : 其实我们想去BB同你们玩火供,他们话好怀念
[27/01 9:49 pm] Lotuschef: 我们有好多新供品
[27/01 9:50 pm] Zf : 正呀。巳有護摩爐做好。供品亦有。隨時來
[27/01 9:51 pm] Zf : 你真有福份。活得自在
[27/01 9:52 pm] Lotuschef : 师尊做星期六, 我们做礼拜日如何?
[27/01 9:54 pm] Lotuschef : 因为我不需要跟任何人争什么喜欢到那里玩就去玩。
[27/01 9:55 pm] Zf : 師尊活得不自在。言行也要受管。我們做弟子反而可以更自在
[27/01 9:55 pm] Lotuschef : 没有一大堆(规矩)!
[27/01 9:56 pm] Lotuschef : 所以没有被(封)就更自由自在
[27/01 9:57 pm] Zf : 管他們啦!🏼。有沒有看天公blog?
[27/01 9:57 pm] Zf : http://letterforgm.blogspot.hk/2017/01/blog-post_7.html?m=1
[27/01 9:58 pm] Zf : 我跟Z都看。祗有天公同們敢駁哈比
[27/01 9:59 pm] Lotuschef : 有个马来亚师姐经常鬼上身,上师 法师 见到就跑。只有我帮她。
[27/01 10:01 pm] Lotuschef : 所以, 前些日子 师尊说: 上师都不会抓鬼。
[27/01 10:01 pm] Zf : http://letterforgm.blogspot.hk/2017/01/blog-post_15.html?m=1
[27/01 10:02 pm] Lotuschef : 师母是创办人又如何?
(So what if Shimu is the founder?)[27/01 10:02 pm] Zf : 重點是師尊像被軟禁。誰敢出頭
[27/01 10:03 pm] Lotuschef : 哈哈哈! 佛能被软禁吗?
(Hahaha! Buddha be under house arrest?)

[27/01 10:04 pm] Zf : 法師。你通力夠。祗可惜…像蓮Y說。你們也不能同流合污呢
[27/01 10:04 pm] Lotuschef : 师尊讲了:要看(深)一点!
[27/01 10:06 pm] Zf : 有同們說過。立春後宗派會新景象
[27/01 10:06 pm] Lotuschef : 像蓮Y? 就问题大了!
[27/01 10:07 pm] Zf : 她過了2月份這個法會會閉關喇
[27/01 10:08 pm] Lotuschef : 她修得不精。而且磁场暗淡
[27/01 10:09 pm] Lotuschef : 耀武杨威
[27/01 10:10 pm] Lotuschef : 如果不改, 自负。
**[27/01 10:10 pm] Zf : 因為佢🏼成日去墳場。完氣未復。又去同十方眾生結緣
(Because she always goes to cemetery. Original Qi~Life's essence, not yet recover, and go establish affinity with sentient beings of 10 directions)  **

[27/01 10:16 pm] Lotuschef : 不是这样! 修行人的 身 口 意 如 佛, 就无可畏惧! 从我在2009 年遇见她就是这个样子!
[27/01 10:18 pm] Lotuschef : 打那时候, 我就劝过她修法
[27/01 10:19 pm] Lotuschef Lama: 在西雅图,一直认为自己开悟比W高。要别人奉承。
[27/01 10:21 pm] Lotuschef: 同修又霸XX们的头排位置。
[27/01 10:21 pm] Lotuschef : 麻烦到极

[27/01 10:28 pm] Lotuschef Lama: 真正开悟是不会跟任何人比高低!
(Truly enlightened then won't compare or compete with anyone!)

[27/01 10:29 pm] Zf : 說得好。悟後起修
[27/01 10:31 pm] Lotuschef : 我也祝你们都吉祥 如意 圆满
[27/01 10:33 pm] ‪Zx: 祝大家新年快樂!

Dear all, 
Is what GM Lu shares so difficult to understand?

Listened to GM Lu's speech on 28 Jan 2017?

Yes! Don't be too surfaced!
And I humbly suggest that we all stayed out of the gossip forums, because most of the writers or speakers are real far from Enlightenment!

All those Named Enlightened, which one has truly cultivate to affirm theoretical enlightenment?

When GM asked questions of the VMs, why the named enlightened ones didn't come forward with confident assurance to answer?

With regards to the Founder of TBS?
GM Lu has clearly stated many times that TBS was bestowed by the Buddhas & Boddhisattvas; and when he retires, TBS will be returned to the bestowers!

Remember, Divine/Saint or Mortal?
TBS of the Divine or TBS of the Mortal?

If it pleases anyone to be named TBS' founder, The Buddha will always obliged!
After all, what is a title or an image to a Buddha?

Wake up ba!

**-** This mindset that One's life essence will be depleted by helping sentient beings is WRONG! 
A True Buddha or a True Yogi is able to draw Qi  INFINITELY from the Universe without Hindrances and Limits! :)

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, January 28, 2017

2D~Celebrating Maitreya Boddhisattva's Birthday

Happy & Auspicious New Year for All! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

2C~Celebrating Maitreya Boddhisattva's Birthday