Monday, September 25, 2017

Haunted Premises 鬼宅

Over this lunch table, the conversation went to a haunted school that has a garden full of ghostly spirits, and as per the school's owner's spouse, a bante came and he said one of the toilet is haunted.
So the owners boarded up the door of the alleged haunted toilet.

The lady boss of a coffee shop said that her premises is haunted and there are frequent sightings of an old man in white clothes.

Seeing that lunch is on the coffee shop's boss, I decided to go have a look.

The ground floor is the coffee shop and the second floor a massage parlour, and the third is an apartment, the fourth has 2 rooms and the roof terrace.

I sensed the presence of "creepy" energy from the turn of the stairs, then the reception area of the massage parlour to the room where beds are line on both sides with curtains as partitions.
As I walk up to the third floor, the "creepy" energy is also felt along the stairs.
Nothing inside the bedroom and toilet on the third floor, and also nothing in the rooms on the top floor. Only the stairs!

I advised the owner to do proper offering to the earth deity & spirits, to appease the spirits there.
The spirit has been there for hundreds of years, so we advise all to abide harmoniously.

The owner and family attended Pure Karma's Batam homa event.

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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