Saturday, September 30, 2017

Offerings Available for Bhaisayjaguru Event 2017

Terjemahan Bahasa: Daftar persembahan untuk Homa Puja Bhaisajyaguru 2017

Offerings for Fire Puja for Bhaisajyaguru event
on 18 November 2017

The followings are available to register for:

Medicine Pills
Medicine Pills @ SGD 10 each.
This is the worldly offering to all deities, one's karmic debtors, one's ancestors.

Earth god pack for your home @ SGD 38. [Right]
Earth god pack for your office @ SGD 88. [Left]
A more comprehensive version of offering of wordly resources to all earth deities.

Offering pack for karmic enemies @ SGD 88. [Left]

Special Add-ons bundle: Choice of adding on a small incense stupa @ SGD 7 each.
Incense stupa is @ SGD 10 each if solely subscribed without the bundle.

Left: Orange-shaped gums, Right: Peach-shaped gums
Orange-shaped gum @ SGD 2 each.
Peach (shoutao)-shaped gum @ SGD 3 each.
The orange & shoutao are out of worldly resources for blessing of auspiciousness, health & longevity.


Participant has to register for one of the followings:

Left: Lotus pack, Right: Flower box
For not attending in person ~ Offering in Lotus pack @ SGD 15 each.
For attending in person ~ Offering in Flower box @ SGD 25 each.
To accumulate out of worldly resources.

Special Add-ons bundle for the above offering:
For those who have subscribed for lotus pack or flower box, you may add:
Orange-shaped gum @ SGD 1 each.
Shoutao-shaped gum @ SGD 1.50 each. 
A pair of oranges-shaped gum @ SGD 1.50 each.
A pair of shaoutaos-shaped gum @ SGD 2.50 each.

Stupa Tray Offering
Stupa tray offering to Divinities @ SGD 88 each (main sponsor)
For attending in person ~ No limit to quantity of offering packs to be subscribed for.
For not attending in person ~ May subscribe for whole family but restricted to 1 (one) address only.

*) Only 1 (one) medicine pill will be added to each subscribed stupa tray during this event.
For shoutaos and oranges, you need to subscribe separately.


To register, please detail your orders in your email to:

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Friday, September 29, 2017

Penggunaan Abu Homa

Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dengan tambahan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 27 September 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 护摩灰的用法 Usages of Homa Ash


Berbagai persembahan yang dibakar untuk para Buddha, Bodhisattva, Dharmapala dll…nantinya akan menjadi abu. Di dalam Tantrayana, Homa merupakan dharma yang pahalanya besar berhubung para Dewata hadir dan menerima persembahan. Demikianlah maka sisa abu pembakarannya punya daya kekuatan yang luar biasa.

密教護摩法,對於息災消業,增福增慧,改變命運,具有不可思議的大效應。而護摩灰亦有其處理的方法,及息 (meredakan, mendamaikan) 增 (meningkatkan) 懷 (menyayangi/jodoh afinitas) 治病 (mengobati penyakit) 的作用。
Dharma Homa di dalam Tantrayana dilakukan untuk meredakan bencana dan menghapuskan karma/dosa, meningkatkan keberuntungan dan kebijaksanaan, mengubah nasib. Efeknya sungguh luar biasa.
Kemudian, abu homanya juga ada penanganannya tersendiri, bisa digunakan untuk menolak petaka, meningkatkan, untuk jodoh afinitas, serta penyembuhan.

息災火供: Homa untuk meredakan bencana
Taburkan abu homa di tempat dengan air yang mengalir panjang. Ditaburkan seperti ini artinya melepaskan penyakit, kekuatiran…

增益火供 (祈福): Homa untuk Peningkatan (Memohon Keberuntungan)
Taburkan abu homa di depan toko, di dalam toko sendiri, di dalam tungku pendupaan dewa bumi, atau letakkan di mesin kasir, maka bisnis akan meningkat berlipat ganda.

敬愛火供:Homa untuk Jodoh Keharmonisan
Pasangan membawa sedikit abu tersebut, begitu juga diri sendiri juga membawa sedikit abu tersebut, maka akan cinta kasih dan rasa hormat akan berkembang.
Saat di rumah timbul perselisihan, taburkan abu ini di dalam rumah.
Kemudian untuk Meningkatkan Jodoh Afinitas, taburkan abu tersebut di puncak gunung, biarkan angin berhembus dan menyebarkannya.

治病火供: Homa untuk Penyembuhan
Taruh sedikit abu homa ke dalam air Maha Karuna Dharani, kemudian berikan kepada pasien untuk diminum. Ia mempunyai daya penyembuhan.



Dari arsip percakapan:

AA: Hi fashi                      
: Sorry to disturb                      
: I want to ask about the ash after fire puja                      
: What should i do with it?
[Bagaimana cara menangani abu dari  puja api homa?]
LL: u can throw it away. or u can put in small plastic bags n seal them. then place 4 corners of your house n office. can give to ST also n put under her earth god's incense pot. it has cleansing n protection properties.                      
: dont sell them but can give to help ppl        
[Boleh dibuang, atau taruh di dalam plastik kecil dan disegel. Kemudian letakkan di 4 sudut rumahmu dan di kantor. Juga boleh ditaruh di dalam tungku pendupaan dewa bumi. Ia memiliki daya penyucian dan perlindungan.]

AA: Hehehe                      
: Okk fashi                      
: Can also put together with water to clean front our door?      
[Apa boleh dicampur dengan air untuk membersihkan depan rumah?]

LL: no. don't dd to water                      
: the ash has plastic n its best to sieve it.                      
its good to share with others, so if u can pack them in small zip plastic bags
[Jangan dicampur air. Di dalam abu ada sisa remahan plastik, lebih baik disaring dulu. Adalah hal bagus untuk dibagikan ke orang lain, masukkan saja ke dalam plastik-plastik kecil.]

Adalah yang diajarkan oleh Mahaguru perihal penggunaan abu homa.
Berhubung di dalamnya ada bahan plastik dll, lebih baik jangan dimakan lol.


Hada (哈达) dan gulungan kain (布卷) di sini terbuat dari bahan POLYESTER.

Ada menaburkan bubuk glitters berwarna emas di atas bahan-bahan persembahan.

Demikianlah aku menyarankan untuk tidak mengkonsumsi abu homa!

Hahaha! Lebih baik diklarifikasi di sini supaya orang-orang yang tidak tahu tidak menuduhku menentang ajaran Mahaguru Lu perihal konsumsi abu homa untuk menyembuhkan penyakit!

Salam Metta.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

护摩灰的用法 Usages of Homa Ash

Terjemahan Bahasa: Penggunaan Abu Homa


These Homa ash results from the process of burning offering to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dharmapalas..... Homa in Tantrayana is of Great merits, in the process the Divinities descend and accept offering, thats why the resulting ashes have unfathomable strength.

密教護摩法,對於息災消業,增福增慧,改變命運,具有不可思議的大效應。而護摩灰亦有其處理的方法,及息(appease) 增(enhance)懷(caring/affinity) 治病的作用。
Tantrayana's Homa dharma pertaining to resolving/appeasing calamities and eliminating karma/sins, enhance auspiciousness & wisdom, change individual's fate/destiny, have unfathomably great effects.
Moreover, this homa ash has its own methods of treatment and Appease, enhance, Affinity and healing purposes.

息災火供:Appease calamities Homa:
Put Homa ash into long flowing water. Sending away this ash signifies sending away illnesses, worries...

增益火供 (祈福):Enhance Gains Homa (Pray for Auspiciousness)
Sprinkling this ash at the front of shophouse, inside own shophouse, inside the earth god's incense pot or place in cash-tellers, business will increase few folds.

敬愛火供:Affinity/Caring Homa
Let your partner carry some and self carry some, will develop respectful affection.
When there is disharmony at home, sprinkle this ash inside home.
Moreover, the usual Affinity Dharma is to bring this ash to the top of mountain and let the wind blow and spread them out.

治病火供:Healing Homa
Put a little homa ash into Great Compassion Dharani water, give to patient to drink. Has healing usage.



AA: Hi fashi                        
: Sorry to disturb                        
: I want to ask about the ash after fire puja                        
: What should i do with it? 
LL: u can throw it away. or u can put in small plastic bags n seal them. then place 4 corners of your house n office. can give to ST also n put under her earth god's incense pot. it has cleansing n protection properties.                        
: dont sell them but can give to help ppl                        

AA: Hehehe                        
: Okk fashi                        
: Can also put together with water to clean front our door?                        
LL: no. don't dd to water                        
: the ash has plastic n its best to sieve it.                        
its good to share with others, so if u can pack them in small zip plastic bags

This is what Grandmaster states about the Homa ash usages!⁠⁠⁠⁠
we have some plastic and etc, so best not to eat lol


Our Hadas哈达 & Scrolls 布卷 are made from these POLYESTER material.

We sprinkled these offerings with gold color glitters! 

Thats why I advised against eating the Homa ash! 

Hahaha! Best to clarify, else ignorants will accuse me of going against GM Lu's statement that Homa ash can be eaten to heal illnesses! 

With Metta.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, September 25, 2017

Wenshi Again! 又想问事!

After Homa event on Saturday, I was strong-armed to visit this house!
Before entering this house, the owner, TC said to me that he has a room specially reserved for use by bhantes.
Owner also said he has a meditation area built so he can meditate frequently.

I walked through the house to this meditation place. (Picture above)
Then I request that the lights be switch off.
Its too hot with spotlights heating up this place!

After sitting for a while, I got up and walked back into the hall and CY shijie was sitting at the dining table looking askance at me! :)

She expects me to make comments on this house!

I kept quiet and walked out to the porch and sat down on a wooden bench.
CY and the owner, TC, and others came and sit there as well!

[1] TC said the bhantes don't stay more than 3 days in his place!

The rest of my companions came in another vehicle.
TC went inside the house and return with a red-packet and offered it to me.
I blessed him with the red-packet and I felt him trying to draw energy from my palm! :)

So I told him about "Self being void"~我空!

Despite various attempts by TC and cronies to draw comments from me, I maintain silence and didn't comment on the house at all!
TC got frustrated and he mumbled some words illegibly that sounds like an ancient language and pretty hostile.

Next on the agenda, a visit to a restaurant owned by TC's friend, KT.
CY attempted to get me to go dine at KT's restaurant on Thursday night but I refused.
So this agenda somehow can't be given a miss!

I heard CT calling someone and informing that he is having tea with a bhante.
This person came with his partner and sat next to CT.
O! I sat opposite CT on a long cushion bench.

KT instructed me to look at the new comer and give some comments.
I told them all about Wenshi being SGD3000 per block of 20 minutes or thereof!
Also payment first and appointment will be given later.

This group is yet another that are Wenshi-diehard!

[2] CY then said that what I told KT earlier during the Homa event, he has already said to KT many times, and I only confirmed his words!!!

This is what I told the family of CY ~ please tell your .... that see fengshui of a house or business premises, need to pay S$10K for business n SGD 6K for home!

Dear all, 
now read carefully and is CY very like XX that churns yarns to deceive and to give himself a make believe aura of super-natural power?

The Bhantes don't stay for more than 3days!
Hahaha! it took less than 3 days for visiting Bhantes to leave this house!

There is nothing special about the meditation area!
And also the owner don't have any spiritual powers!
As he is very like XX, do steer clear of him!

All in?
No big deal!

O! GM Lu didn't teach me to see Fengshui! 
So best seek out someone else that claims that he/she can see Fengshui accurately!

My way?
I read energy of the premises only! 

AND, even if force to go to any place, I can still maintain silence and walk in and then swiftly out again! 
Don't try any tricks, please!

Also don't order me to see this person or that one, or any place too!
I do not encourage people to test whether I have "powers" or not! :)
I like to play with ignorants!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Haunted Premises 鬼宅

Over this lunch table, the conversation went to a haunted school that has a garden full of ghostly spirits, and as per the school's owner's spouse, a bante came and he said one of the toilet is haunted.
So the owners boarded up the door of the alleged haunted toilet.

The lady boss of a coffee shop said that her premises is haunted and there are frequent sightings of an old man in white clothes.

Seeing that lunch is on the coffee shop's boss, I decided to go have a look.

The ground floor is the coffee shop and the second floor a massage parlour, and the third is an apartment, the fourth has 2 rooms and the roof terrace.

I sensed the presence of "creepy" energy from the turn of the stairs, then the reception area of the massage parlour to the room where beds are line on both sides with curtains as partitions.
As I walk up to the third floor, the "creepy" energy is also felt along the stairs.
Nothing inside the bedroom and toilet on the third floor, and also nothing in the rooms on the top floor. Only the stairs!

I advised the owner to do proper offering to the earth deity & spirits, to appease the spirits there.
The spirit has been there for hundreds of years, so we advise all to abide harmoniously.

The owner and family attended Pure Karma's Batam homa event.

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

D2~ Dharma Trip ~ Batam Indonesia


D1~ Dharma Trip ~ Batam Indonesia

These are courtesy of Lotus JX.

C7~ Dharma Trip ~ Batam Indonesia

The following are photos from the roof-top where we held our event!