Saturday, August 11, 2018

佛弟子?Buddha's Disciples?[2]

Email ~ From CY:

[--- Would like to register for offerings for ancestors.
And for myself suffering from illness, what can you recommend to register? ---]

The above email came from someone that we didn't hear from for years!

Lets talk about "Wenshi" or personal matters consultation!

For fellow students, if you come forward to "Wenshi":-
first state how many years you have taken refuge with GM Lu?
next state what you are cultivating daily?

The TRUTH is - its all on your face!

In the FIRST place, why do you think you need to "Wenshi"?
Thinking to get Divine Help in your personal life!
Hahaha! Why do you think you need Divine Help at all!

Quoting from 佛弟子?Buddha's Disciples?:

[--- 世尊的弟子学的主要是世尊讲的~
The World Supreme One's disciples learn mainly what HE said ~
自主生死 Control own life or death
离苦得乐 Leave suffering to attain happiness
众生平等。All beings are Equal.

如何[做到]?How to [Achieve]?
一个证悟的[老师],四无量心,八正道 ~无我,无执,无所谓,无畏惧,。。。
An Enlightened or Affirmed [Teacher], the Four Immeasurable Mindset, Eight-fold noble path ~ selfless, no fixation, no attachment, no fear, ..... ---]


Now there is this female fellow student in Seattle that comes to the temple purportedly to volunteer her time and strength.
BUT, she eats all her meals at the temple, her family also come for dinner every evening and she pilfers instant noodles & dried goods from the dining hall's cupboards and drawers, choosing stuff she and her family like!
To tell you the Truth, all these is written clearly on her FACE!

So what did GM Lu said that all of these errant disciples failed to hear and understand that they think they need to "Wenshi" and pilfer stuff from temples thinking its their dues?
Or those given titles and attempts to dictate to others and expect others to hand over their money?

If you cultivate regularly and with diligence PLUS fully understanding every step of your way in the Sadhana, YOU can see whats wrong with Self and also with others AT A GLANCE!
Yes, GM Lu said you just need to Open Up your Central Channel and accumulate enough Light energy to project LIGHT onto others' faces to read them!
All students can access GM Lu's teachings 24/7 online, and now with the Prajnagarbha set up, ease of access in the translated languages as well!

What excuse can you come up with to "Wenshi" ever again?

What can you read from CY's words?
Using your knowledge of what GM Lu taught or shared, what regime can you recommend to CY to follow?

O! GM Lu gave the answer in his speeches all the time!
AND, its real SIMPLE too!

Listent to GM Lu or not?

With Metta.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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