Thursday, June 28, 2018

My Assignment - Medan Trip [1]

Usnisa Vijaya shaped incense blocks for Medan Event!

Case 1: A Medical Professional.

This person has a wealthy man aura and that of a great leader.
But on closer look, he has Liver Qi deficiency that also affect his gall bladder.
At times, he has a scared look that is breathlessness and fear in his eyes.

Can you imagine telling a medical professional that his liver has problem just by looking at his face? Hehe! And this is our first encounter!

Well, he was sitting down and his a abdomen is hidden by a marble table!

I offered him a "Liver rescue package" and chanting Gao Wang Sutra.

Case 2: A Pharmaceutical Marketing Agent

This person is a TBS student for almost 30 years.
Great Karmic Negatives brought over from previous lifetimes.
He has a congenital problem with his eyes.
This one has a cynical expression and he was advised to try and change.

Also advised him to chant guru mantra followed by 100 syllables mantra, to help him lessen & eventually void his karmic negatives!

Ya. Remember GM Lu said that Vajrasattva  Repentance Practice or the 4 Preliminaries is the Greatest Repentance!

Are you cultivating knowing what you are doing Each & Every step of the Way?

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

「道果~ 九节佛风口诀 Lamdre ~ Key of 9-cycles Breathing Technique


In Caotun, Taiwan ~ May 2013Fellow student SH told us that he asked GM Lu for the Key to 9-cycles Breathing Technique.

I said to him that he shows no sign of benefiting with the Key!

Few days later, Rev. LY came to me and asked me what is the Key to 9-cycles Breathing Technique?

I asked her what she thinks is the Key?

She said: 细,慢,长. [Fine, slow, long].

Dear all, this is what GM Lu said about practicing the  [9-cycles Breathing Technique],it is definitely not the Key!

In 20180520's speech, the Key to [ 9-cycles Breathing Technique] is revealed.

[练精神统一 ] - Focus or Combine Vitality into One!

Another point shared was [Easily slip into Samadhi] with this practice!

At different stage of PATH, the fruit you nourished or nourishing is growing at the pace corresponding to your SINCERE EFFORTS in Cultivation! 

细,慢,长. [Fine, slow, long] - is a general instruction for all to start with!

BUT, similar to Enlightenment, One has to realize or find the Key to the Path on One's own steam!

细,慢,长. [Fine, slow, long] - will help you to Focus on Qi Mobilization and if done successfully, will eventually lead you into Samadhi!

[练精神统一 ] - Focus or Combine Vitality into One! ~ actually achieve the No/Void Thought 无念 that is truly difficult stage for most to achieve.

It so happened that I was sharing the above with 2 fellow students yesterday and recounting the May 2013 dialogue, then I listened to GM Lu's speech and told them what a coincidence!!!

Hahaha! I have been busy and missed some speeches, so finding time to catch up! 

So, please cultivate with diligence and find your own KEYS!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, June 22, 2018

Membeli Tanah untuk Membangun Rumah Ibadah 买地建庙

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 16 Mei 2018
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 买地建庙 Buy land to build temple

Kawan-kawan, mari kembali mengingat dan menyatukan kembali pecahan-pecahan informasi untuk menyadari beberapa Kebenaran!

Kembali ke tahun 2010, Mahaguru Lu tiba-tiba kembali ke Taiwan.
Beliau kemudian mulai berkeliling ke rumah-rumah ibadah TBS di Taiwan, 2 lokasi setiap harinya, setiap hari Senin, Rabu dan Jumat.

Dan di suatu rumah ibadah, seorang VM meminta Mahaguru Lu untuk melakukan sesuatu terhadap orang yang meminjamkan uang kepada VM tersebut untuk membeli tanah dan membangun rumah ibadah. Ia bilang supaya si kreditur menjadi lupa selama 10 tahun, atau bahkan 20 tahun bila memungkinkan, sehingga dia tidak mengejar-ngejar si VM untuk menagih uang yang dipinjamkannya!

Jawaban Mahaguru Lu: bukan permintaan yang mulia dan beliau tak akan melakukan hal-hal seperti itu!

Setelah sesi itu, Mahaguru pergi melihat rumah ibadah baru.
Aku ingat rumah ibadah itu dengan jelas karena aku melihat banyak patung tentara dan bukankah seharusnya mahluk-mahluk surgawi yang ada di atas altar. Pokoknya memberiku perasaan aneh.

Si VM kemudian muncul di salah satu acara malam Tahun Baru Imlek di Vihara Vajragarbha Caotun untuk memohon Mahaguru Lu menyelamatkannya berhubung ia sakit parah.
Mahaguru Lu menggunakan mantra dan mudra 9 Aksara (kuji-in) Acala untuk menolongnya.

Namun ia tak bertahan hidup cukup lama dan kudengar ia meninggal tak lama setelah kemunculannya saat itu.


Teman-temanku yang terkasih,
Niatmu merupakan Pedoman Kunci! Selalu seperti itu!

Bersadhana dengan berbagai Pedoman Buddha Dharma sehingga jalan bagi Dirimu dan juga mereka di sekelilingmu akan menjadi lancar.

Pada kasus di atas, apakah dengan Mahaguru Lu menyetujui atau melihat tanah yang kamu dapatkan untuk rumah ibadah baru lantas membawa kontribusi terhadap frekuensi karmamu sendiri?

Saatnya sadar!
Semuanya SELALU berkisar pada Tubuh, Ucapan, dan Pikiranmu sendiri!

Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Kertas Orang-orangan Jahat 纸小人

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 9 Mei 2018
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 纸小人 Small Paper People

Dari arsip percakapan:

LC: (帮我剪十二个纸小人,我一份,芬一份。用courier 寄给我,在13号前寄到)
PT memintaku memotongkan 12 orang kecil (orang jahat) dari kertas untuknya dan istrinya, kemudian dikirimkan lewat kurir sebelum tanggal 13 Mei.

AA: hah 纸小人? Memangnya melatih dharma apa?

LC: 小人就是冤亲债主。你修法回向和供资量如纸金和莲花
Orang-orang jahat adalah musuh karma. Kamu (seharusnya) bersadhana dan melimpahkan pahalanya, atau memberikan persembahan seperti teratai dan kertas sembahyang.
Bukannya memotong orang jahat.
Para insan adalah diri sendiri, diri sendiri adalah para insan, semuanya satu dan sama. Di mana ada orang jahat?


Teman-temanku yang terkasih, di saat bersadhana, tahukah kamu apa yang sedang kamu lakukan di setiap tahapannya? Tahukah kamu mekanisme di setiap tahap yang kamu jalani?


Visualisasi empat batin yang tak terhingga (apramana), BILA DILAKUKAN DENGAN BAIK, sungguhlah mampu MENGOSONGKAN SEGALANYA!
Ia merupakan salah satu wujud tertinggi dari Bodhicitta yang memberi manfaat bagi SEMUA INSAN termasuk Diri Sendiri!

Tanyakanlah kepada dirimu sendiri dan jujurlah, apakah kamu sungguh-sungguh tahu bagaimana cara bersadhana dari AWAL?

Kamu ingat aku selalu membahas POLA PIKIR, dari titik terawal?

Salam metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, June 17, 2018

鲁士 Lersi



Extracted from: -

The word Lersi is derived from the Sanskrit word Rishi of which Ruesi is a derivative of, meaning a "seer" or "one who sees into the beyond". have received knowledge from Brahma himself and therefore able to interpret or discover the true meaning of the Vedas and many of the Kata/ Gatha (mantras).

They existed before Siddhattha's time in this world. They resided in the deep forests in what is now known as Nepal and India. Separated from society and free of the attachments and distractions normal life brings, the Lersi developed strong spiritual powers, often meditating for weeks at a time.

"The Ruesi are known to have attained various supernatural mind powers, such as;
The Ability to Float and See the Future, Heal with Forest Herbs, Voice Powers (Incantation and Prana), talk with animals, read minds, and even Teleportation, Manipulation of the Elements, Alchemy and other Miraculous forms of Mastery of the Environment. "
(Ajarn Spencer Littlewood,

This power gave them an infinite amount of insight into the various uses of plants, minerals, stones, etc. for their practical and magical use.

Their role was similar to that of a shaman, medicine doctor, witch doctor, mid-wife, dhamma teacher, etc. Yet none of these accurately define the role of a Lersi as they were gifted with the knowledge of these and more. They made potions from plants and roots, healing the people when they came across sickness, cured those who have been cursed, cursed those who unjustly cursed, created protective amulets and yants for those in need, etc. They wandered from place to place instructing the people as they went. A Lersi is a heritage that is handed down from one generation to the next, via mouth to ear, but very cautiously.

On the dash board of the cab that I took from airport home, 3 mini statues were displayed, all facing the interior of the cab.
I asked info about each statue and found out one of them is Lersi!
So I asked the cabbie why he displayed the statues facing inwards and he said he was actually facing them outwards, but someone said he should turn them around to face the interior of cab.

I had fun pointing out some keys to let him ponder on!

Cabbie really didn't know what each statue represents and their "powers"!

At the end, I told him that he only need one instead of 3 statues!

Can you figure out why?

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, June 15, 2018

[28] A Short Vacation 短暂休假

 A lovely Japanese food shop! 

Below: Eye-color palettes for homa offering.

 Minced beef in spaghetti sauce with rice.

Above: Garlic prawns
Below: Seafood pasta

Thats almost all for this trip! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

[27] A Short Vacation 短暂休假

Its Steak nite! 

Lunch ~ beehoon soup with prawns, enoki, bacon, brocoli & kimchi,

Dinner at my niece's ~ roasted duck & pork and char-siew with basmati rice & wombok in chicken stock.

Lunch ~ Salmon, brocoli, bee-hoon soup.

Dinner ~ rice, sambal eggplant, pak-choy fried with prawns.

[26] A Short Vacation 短暂休假

Below: This 3-colors shell is filled with pineapple paste!
A very creative way of making pineapple cookies!
The chef is a friend of my buddy!

 Above & below: Peanuts sugee cakes!

Above: Almond sugee also in 3 colors!

Below: From the same chef, these lovely peanut cookies!