Friday, January 12, 2018

水落石出 Truth is Revealed

Above: Enlightened Ones can VOID criticisms
... In the course of dharma speeches, some time Shizun also will harshly criticise certain matters, 
This only can be done by those that are Enlightened,
If not truly enlightened then don't criticise, else will create negatives.
Enlightened ones can void criticism.
Actually criticising someone is a form of karma, breach karma of speech.

  • Reckoning 报应之时 [A]
  • AA: The voice chat really sounds like xx ning. And full of dissatisfaction towards shimu n the new setup of admin structure
    : Sort of blaming shimu having complete control of GM
    : Really not what an enlightened one will say n think.
    : thing is ning got recorded to document his body speech mind!

  • 16-1-2011 不要做魔的跑腿!Don't be Demon's lackey!
  • 6-8-2011 魔的走狗?是/非?对/错?
  • ....有人一直要求師尊給他名位, 認證自己是仙佛轉世,
    透過各種管道想盡辦法, 要蓮寧上師安排不成就罵蓮寧上師,
    自稱站在師母那邊, 以皈依三十幾年的老弟子自居,

    Actually the statements from the student NL alleging another, CY, is power hungry and etc.... makes a great zen koan for discussion.
    NL exposed his "big boss" behind the scene and he reveals that his boss and grand mistress do not share the same Team, as he alleged CY is in grand mistress' camp.
    He failed to see that, his accusing CY of wanting to get into the CORE where control tower is, revealed that his boss is in control tower, agree?

Hahaha! From the voice chat purportedly of xx ning, there is some truths that the Demon's lackey revealed!
That is [his boss and grand mistress do not share the same Team, as he alleged CY is in grand mistress' camp].

Enlightened Ones can VOID criticisms?
Well, you need to be real diligent in cultivation to achieve Enlightenment and Learn how to VOID too!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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