Above: Left is the REN meridian & Right diagram is the DU Meridian.
From side view: REN (pink) is the one from under the lips to the anal and the DU (red) is under the ridge of the nose to the anal - can be initialise by one's will of mind.
The dark and light yellow are also REN & DU meridians but prohibit to use one's will of mind to initialise.
任脉 ~ conception vessel; ren meridian, meridian of conception
the front midline channel, the ren channel.
督脉 ~ governor meridian; governor vessel; du meridian; the governing channel
From side view: REN (pink) is the one from under the lips to the anal and the DU (red) is under the ridge of the nose to the anal - can be initialise by one's will of mind.
The dark and light yellow are also REN & DU meridians but prohibit to use one's will of mind to initialise.
任脉 ~ conception vessel; ren meridian, meridian of conception
the front midline channel, the ren channel.
2012-05-23 19:19:31 - date posted
据甘肃卫生厅 Health department in Gansu province 网站(http://www.gsws.gov.cn/html/2/5/30289.htm)消息,5月12日至20日,甘肃省医务人员真气运行学 Mobilisation of True Qi骨干培训班在武山矿泉疗养院成功举办。省级9家医院和各市州人民医院、中医院、藏医院的领导及医务人员共47人参加了培训。经过9天的培训,学员们全部掌握了静功五步通督法和动功胃肠功、五禽导引的训练方法,感受了真气在任督二脉中运行的经过,体验了博大精深中医的神奇,证明了经络学说的存在,对中医产生了信心。
In Kungfu or pugilistic movie, those that can open up both the REN & DU meridians can become GREAT Kungfu masters!
As per the Health department in Gansu province website:
From May 12 to May 20. 2012.
41 out of 47 attendees of a 9-day program in learning Mobilisation of True Qi, were reported as being able to open both REN & DU meridians.
These 41 attendees broadly feels excited and full of vitality and chronic health ailments decreased or completely healed, intake and output and sleep all returned to normal state.
Are the Kungfu novels and movies lying?
Not absolutely!
Because the most important requisite in practicing Kungfu is a Healthy body!
Like in cultivation of Tantric Dharma!
One not only needs to clear and open the meridians but also the chakras!
BUT! Being able to GAIN Transcendental Powers or Extraordinary Powers just by opening up the REN & DU meridians is a Myth.
Ask yourself: Am I able to Mobilise Qi at ease throughout the meridians and chakras?
As GM Lu said: Don't ask me, but ask yourself, as you are the one TRULY in the KNOW!
With Metta
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef