Friday, March 10, 2017

只需[身口意]Only Need [Body Speech Mind] !

Terjemahan Bahasa: Hanya Butuh [Tubuh Ucapan Pikiran]!


A: Would like to share an article with you, fashi.
I found that this writing makes sense and is logical too.
A method to strengthen the frequency from far away to move to close distance.
So it also clarifies that distant empowerment is possible.


The Miraculous Usage of the Three Mysteries

By Maha Acarya Feng Da An

Various Buddhas’ Energy and Sentient Beings’ Field of Energy penetrate into people's bodies and mind together ceaselessly. The Buddha’s Energy is subtle (as it reveals the true nature of Dharmadhtu) and delicate, so its use is pure. Sentient Beings’ Field of Energy is turbid (as it is formed by delusions), so its use is polluted. Sentient beings cannot experience Buddha’s Energy because their Field of Energy has veiled it.

Within the Field of Energy, the farther an object, the weaker is the Field of Energy. The strong Field of Energy can cover the weak one. As a result, the objects that sentient beings can see, hear and touch are all those close to them.

As for sound, the further the distance, the weaker they become and it will die out when it is very far away. But if there is one method to raise the strength of the wavelength, the sound in the distance can also be heard or even louder than those of closer objects as in the case of the radio. The TV set and fax machine also have similar function in making people see far-away objects in their full colors; the enhanced Field of Energy of a distant object can overcome that of a closer object.

Likewise, the Buddha’s Energy could also be strengthened with wonderful methods to make it stronger than the Sentient Beings’ Field of Energy. 

There are broadcasting facilities to raise the voice. Then, how to strengthen the Buddha’s Energy?

There are three miraculous usage:

  • Various Mudras to bring forth the seed of enlightenment.
  • Various Mantras to moist and develop the seed of enlightenment.
  • Various pure contemplations to experience the corresponding states.


B: hahaha!
The seed syllable allowed to be nurture by mudras, mantras, also visualisations!

This is the concept of my latest article :)
(执子之手 Holding Fast Your Hand)

Still remember feeling the energy empowerment when you watch live casts or even recorded ones?
this is also what your article trying to explain!

But one need to experience for self then there is reality!

A:Yes, and I also remember during the puja here you told us that the seed syllable grew by being nurtured with bodhicitta and recitation of the mantra.
Thank you again.

B: hahaha!
not many appreciate my sharings! :)
Keys I shared also ended upon deaf ears!
and all one need is all the basic keys!


What are you still chasing after?

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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