Friday, March 24, 2017

佛法 Buddha Dharma ~ 少林武功 Shaolin's Martial Arts

In this drama: The monk gave a real Enlightening Sermon!

天龙八部 第34集

Above: Sequence/Order upside down.
Below:When Sequence is upside down, big calamity will befall.

Above: Buddha's disciples practicing martial arts
Below: Purpose is to strengthen body, protect dharma and suppress demon

Above: When practicing martial arts,
Below: Must have compassionate mindset

Above: If not using Buddha's knowledge as foundation,
Below: Then when practicing martial arts, will surely harm one's own body.


This sermon is similar to many that GM Lu has shared through out this 40+ years with all.

However, the ones that can truly understand and achieved Guru Yoga is like a droplet of water in an ocean!

Do you really spend time studying Buddha Dharma from the very Foundation?
Know what is Boddhicitta?
Can you practice with Boddhicitta, always?

Have you ever got angry when others "block" your access to your Root Guru?

Now, GM Lu said: Those that are physically beside me but don't cultivate well, are in actual fact very far away from ME!
Those that cultivate well are truly near by my side!

Do or don't?
All your personal choice!

Wake up now!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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