Tuesday, March 28, 2017

推销手腕~我是盲的?Sales Gimmick~I am Blind?

Blind ~
adjective, blinder, blindest.
1. unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; sightless:
a blind man.
2. unwilling or unable to perceive or understand:
They were blind to their children's faults. He was blind to allarguments.
3. not characterized or determined by reason or control:
blind tenacity; blind chance.

This morning, someone claiming to be blind came to my doorstep and persisted in selling me something.

Ah! Whats the problem?

I live in the middle apartment from the stairway and both apartments to my left and right have shut windows and doors!

If the person that is trying to sell me something can't truly see, then he would have knocked on both of my neighbours' doors as well and not walked directly to my front door!

It is scary that people try to cheat others by claiming to be Handicap!
And this supposed to be blind person is big size and fat, and very pushy in forcing a sale! 

Do exercise some wisdom when being approach by anyone that has a strong and pushy sales' pitch and at the same time claimed to be handicap in some way! 

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, March 27, 2017

Pemikiran Benar ~ Berkat dari Mahaguru?

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 17 Maret 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 正思惟~师尊加持?Right Resolve ~ GM's blessing empowerment?

Jalan Utama Berunsur Delapan seringkali dibagi menjadi tiga bagian:
  • Kebijaksanaan (Pali: Pañña; Sanskerta: prajñā)
    [1] Pengertian Benar (sammä-ditthi)
    [2] Pikiran Benar (sammä-sankappa)
  • Kemoralan (Pali: Sīla)
    [3] Ucapan Benar (sammä-väcä)
    [4] Perbuatan Benar (sammä-kammanta)
    [5] Pencaharian Benar (sammä-ajiva)
  • Konsentrasi (Pali: Samädhi)
    [6] Daya-upaya Benar (sammä-väyäma)
    [7] Perhatian Benar (sammä-sati)
    [8] Konsentrasi Benar (sammä-samädhi)



Pikiran yang benar, Niat yang benar (samyak-saṃkalpa/sammā sankappa) juga bisa diartikan sebagai “pikiran yang benar”, “pengartian (arti, bukan pengertian) yang benar”, “tujuan yang benar” atau “pengerahan kemauan kita untuk berubah”.
Di dalam faktor ini, si praktisi harus terus-menerus bercita-cita untuk menyingkirkan segala kualitas yang salah dan tak bermoral dari dirinya sendiri.
Pemahanan yang benar atas Pandangan yang Benar akan menolong si praktisi dalam membedakan antara tujuan yang benar dan yang salah.

Di dalam kanon berbahasa Mandarin dan Pali, di jelaskan seperti berikut:

Dan apakah itu Pemikiran Benar?
Mempunyai keteguhan hati dalam meninggalkan keduniawian, atas pembebasan dari rasa dendam, atas sifat yang tidak merugikan:
Inilah yang dinamakan sebagai Pemikiran Benar.

Ia berarti meninggalkan hal-hal duniawi dan memberikan komitmen yang lebih besar kepada jalan kebatinan; amal; dan komitmen tiada kekerasan terhadap para insan lainnya.

Pikiran Benar (sammà samkappa) adalah langkah ke-2 di dalam Jalan Mulia Berunsur Delapan yang diajarkan oleh Buddha.
Pikiran-pikiran berwujud menjadi kata-kata atau gambaran yang terbentuk di dalam batin dan seringkali disertai oleh atau memunculkan perasaan yang kemudian diikuti oleh munculnya tindakan.

Sedangkan bagian ke-2 dari Jalan Mulia Berunsur Delapan adalah Pikiran Benar.
Semua bagian tersebut tidak diurutkan secara khusus, tapi kamu memulai dengan Pemahaman yang Benar dan berakhir dengan Pemahaman yang Benar.
Semua bagian dilakukan secara serentak.
Secara ringkas, perbedaannya dengan bagian Pemahaman yang Benar, adalah kamu memulai dengan beberapa pehamaman mengenai ajaran-ajaran Buddha dan mengakhiri dengan pemahaman ajaran Buddha berdasarkan pengalaman yang didapatkan.
Selama proses tersebut, kedelapan bagian dilakukan secara serentak.

Sang Buddha menggambarkan ada 2 jenis pikiran:
Pikiran yang mengembara ke mana-mana (vicàra), dan pikiran yang logis atau terarah (vitakka).

Biasanya, batin kita selalu penuh dengan pikiran yang terpecah belah, acak, mengeluyur ke mana-mana dan kendali kita atas mereka atau terhadap apa yang akan terjadi setelah itu hanyalah kecil. Saat kita mempunyai tugas yang harus dilakukan atau sebuah masalah yang harus diselesaikan, maka Kemauan akan mengendalikan dan mengarahkan pikiran kita ke suatu arah tertentu. Namun pada umumnya, begitu tugas itu telah selesai atau masalah telah terpecahkan, kemauan akan surut menghilang dan pikiran akan mulai mengeluyur tak menentu lagi. Di sini Buddha memberikan pengamatannya yang penting tapi seringkali diabaikan, bahwa ‘Apapun yang dipikirkan dan direnungkan oleh seseorang, seringkali batin akan cenderung mengarah ke sana’ (M.I,155).
Begitu ada sejenis pikiran yang kita pikirkan terus-menerus, maka akan semakin sering mereka muncul.
Bila kita sering mempunyai pikiran seputar keserakahan dan membiarkannya terus ada, maka mereka cenderung untuk lebih sering memenuhi batin kita, dan kita akan mulai bertindak dengan gaya yang lebih serakah.
Oleh karenanya, sebuah aspek yang penting dalam mempraktikkan agama Buddha adalah melatih Pikiran Benar, tidak membiarkan berbagai pikiran negatif tinggal di dalam batin kita, dan juga menggiatkan pikiran-pikiran yang positif.

Sang Buddha secara luas mendefinisikan Pikiran Benar sebagai pikiran-pikiran akan tiada kemelekatan, mengenai cinta kasih dan menolong (M.III,251). Konsentrasi Benar, Perhatian Benar, dan Daya Upaya Benar jugalah penting dalam membantu proses perkembangan Pikiran Benar.

Pikiran Benar meliputi berbagai pikiran cinta kasih dan tanpa kekerasan terhadap semua insan. Di dalam meditasi vipassana, kesadaran diletakkan pada pikiran dengan niat untuk mengakhiri pikiran sehingga meditasi bisa terus berjalan di saat ini dan bebas dari segala pikiran buruk. Pikiran Benar pada dasarnya mengacu pada pikiran yang bajik, yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan Pengertian Benar karena ia pada akhirnya akan menampakkan hasil setelah melewati praktik dan pencapaian kebijaksanaan.

Dua ayat pertama dari Dhammapada bab pertama yang dibabarkan oleh Sang Buddha adalah:

“Diri kita saat ini adalah hasil dari apa yang telah kita pikirkan, ia dibangun oleh pikiran kita, ia diciptakan oleh pikiran kita. Bila seseorang berbicara atau bertindak dengan pikiran yang suci, kebahagiaan akan mengikutinya bagai bayangan yang tak pernah meninggalkannya.”

Pikiran kita sama pentingnya dengan tindakan kita karena mereka menciptakan diri kita sekarang ini, demikianlah sudah menjadi kewajiban supaya kita menjaga pikiran kita tetap suci.

Sebagai contoh adalah dengan membayangkan bila pikiranmu dipenuhi dengan uang dan cara mendapatkan uang. Keserakahan menjadi porsi besar di dalam hidupmu. Ia menggambarkan siapa dirimu. Pikiranmu menjadi terpaku pada uang dan demikianlah kamu menjadi seperti itu.

Contoh lain adalah seseorang yang pada umumnya disebut sebagai “orang yang pikirannya tercekam pada satu masalah saja.” Yang seperti ini akan memfokuskan batin dan pikirannya hanya pada satu topik saja. Segala percakapan yang muncul dari orang seperti ini cenderung berkisar pada satu subjek itu. Dimulai dengan pikiran dan kemudian meresap hingga menggambarkan siapa orang tersebut.

Seseorang yang optimis adalah ia yang melihat berbagai hal secara positif. Orang ini memancarkan kebahagiaan dan cinta kasih. Yang seperti ini akan menyapa orang dengan senyuman dan hal tersebut dilakukan dari lubuk hatinya, tidak hanya karena terkekang oleh etiket. Sikap positif seperti ini dimulai dengan pikiran yang baik dan positif.

Dengan menjaga pikiran kita selalu bajik dan di saat ini mendorong munculnya pikiran-pikiran yang produktif saja, maka pikiran barulah akan bermanfaat dan tidak kontra-produktif.

Sebuah kutipan lain dari Buddha yang berhubungan dengan Pikiran Benar adalah:

“Musuh terbesarmu tak akan mampu mencelakaimu sehebat pikiranmu sendiri bila ia tak dijaga. Namun begitu dikuasai, tak ada yang mampu menolongmu sekuat pikiranmu sendiri, bahkan itu ayah ataupun ibumu.” (Dh. Bab 3)


师尊加持? Berkat dari Mahaguru?
Apakah kamu benar-benar memahami apa maksud dan kegunaannya?
Dan juga apa saja batasan-batasannya?

Terlalu banyak sesuatu hal malah akan mencelakaimu!
Bagaikan pecandu narkoba, yang selalu mengejar sesuatu tiada henti, hal ini akan membuatmu menjadi “Tergantung” tanpa mampu melepaskan diri darinya!


Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

穷则独善其身 When Lacking, Learn to improve Self


Meaning: When still lacking or unrecognised, must first learn to control one's behaviour and adhere to being righteous & virtuous.
When being recognised, then one should work hard for the benefit of all beings.

Like cultivation, one starts from being lacking in knowledge & have to learn and build foundation.
When one has attainment, then one should then cultivate with Boddhicitta for the benefit of all beings!


The above is one of Mencius.

Good things must be shared! :)

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

立身不高一步立 If Not Standing Taller


处世不退一步处, 如飞蛾投烛,羝羊触藩,如何安乐?

If not standing taller then can't have a better and further view than others.
Similar to 
dusting one's clothing in flying dust, 
washing one's feet in muddy water,
How is there is a way to excel.

处理事物假如不做留一些余 地的打算,就好比飞蛾扑火,公羊去顶撞篱笆被卡住角,哪里能够使自己的 身心摆脱困境而感到愉快呢?
When dealing with matter and no plan to leave some leeway, 
then similar to a flying moth rushing at fire,
a male sheep banging against the fence entangling it's horns,
how to break away from difficult situation or calamity and feel happiness?

尘里振衣:振衣是抖掉衣服上沾染的灰尘,故在灰尘中抖去尘士会越抖 越多,喻做事没有成效,甚至相反。
《孟 子离娄》篇:“沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯吾足。”

To those that like to follow others blindly and join gangs and attack others with violent action or abusive speech, How can you ever stand tall?

Not being able to stand tall is fine as long as you don't get yourself hurt fatally or trap permanently with any escape route! 

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

天行健,地势坤 Heaven's Path is Infinitely Strong, Earth's Status is Greatly Virtuous


My humble view:~
Qian Prediction ~ said to be: Heavenly path is healthy or strong, likewise a true gentleman is himself strong and infinitely so;

Kun Prediction ~ said to be: Earth's status is feminine, or motherly, a gentleman should be like the Great earth, nourishing everything, virtuous, embracing & caring for all.


Good phrases to learn?

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

诗情画意 A Literary Moment

While watching a Chinese Police Story, my interest was caught by the above :)
Thus, I started a search from what I deciphered of one phrase ~  [盼月裁唐句].
Hahaha! I hope I am correct though.
The other phrase? I can't decipher at all!!! :)

[盼~long for, look for; 月~ moon; 裁~tailor, cut, decide; 唐~ Tang, as in Tang Dynasty time period;  句~phrase, verse, statement.]

I googled this phrase & can't find it!
But this one that follows, can sort of give us some clue.

The above: Quoted a section of a poem 漱流枕石心无语,听月煮书影自横。
The rest talks about a distinction of stages in a person's life and personal experiences with subsequent acquisition of Wisdom or gradual Enlightenment. :)



























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Similar with Cultivation of Tantric Dharma, the stages of yogacara follows One's stages of Enlightenment! 

Cultivation is Unlimited and there is No Hindrances or Restrictions!
If you can't understand why this is so, do put in more diligent effort and start from the Beginning again & again. :)

When you can look at the Moon for Inspiration and concoct a verse or poem at lib, you have Matured in Mind! :)

You can also have FUN studying some Literary works and polish up yourself in the Wisdom arena!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, March 24, 2017

佛法 Buddha Dharma ~ 少林武功 Shaolin's Martial Arts

In this drama: The monk gave a real Enlightening Sermon!

天龙八部 第34集

Above: Sequence/Order upside down.
Below:When Sequence is upside down, big calamity will befall.

Above: Buddha's disciples practicing martial arts
Below: Purpose is to strengthen body, protect dharma and suppress demon

Above: When practicing martial arts,
Below: Must have compassionate mindset

Above: If not using Buddha's knowledge as foundation,
Below: Then when practicing martial arts, will surely harm one's own body.


This sermon is similar to many that GM Lu has shared through out this 40+ years with all.

However, the ones that can truly understand and achieved Guru Yoga is like a droplet of water in an ocean!

Do you really spend time studying Buddha Dharma from the very Foundation?
Know what is Boddhicitta?
Can you practice with Boddhicitta, always?

Have you ever got angry when others "block" your access to your Root Guru?

Now, GM Lu said: Those that are physically beside me but don't cultivate well, are in actual fact very far away from ME!
Those that cultivate well are truly near by my side!

Do or don't?
All your personal choice!

Wake up now!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, March 17, 2017

正思惟~师尊加持?Right Resolve ~ GM's blessing empowerment?



Right thought Right intention (samyak-saṃkalpa/sammā sankappa) can also be known as "right thought", "right resolve", "right conception", "right aspiration" or "the exertion of our own will to change".
In this factor, the practitioner should constantly aspire to rid themselves of whatever qualities they know to be wrong and immoral
Correct understanding of right view will help the practitioner to discern the differences between right intention and wrong intention

In the Chinese and Pali Canon, it is explained thus:

And what is right resolve
Being resolved on renunciation, on freedom from ill will, on harmlessness
This is called right resolve.

It means the renunciation of the worldly things and an accordant greater commitment to the spiritual path; good will; and a commitment to non-violence, or harmlessness, towards other living beings.

Right Thought (sammà samkappa) is the second step on the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path
Thoughts are either words or pictures that form in the mind and which are often accompanied by or give rise to feelings which in turn may give rise to actions.

The second part of the eightfold path is Right Thought
All of the parts are not in any particular order except that you start with Right Understanding and end with Right Understanding
All of the parts are to be performed simultaneously. 
The difference with Right Understanding is simply that you begin with some understanding of the Buddha’s teachings and end with an experiential understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. 
All the while all eight parts are treaded simultaneously.

The Buddha described two types of thought
wandering thought (vicàra) and logical or directed thought (vitakka). 

Normally our mind is filled with scattered, random, wandering thoughts and we have little say in what they are or what they will be next. When we have a task to do or a problem to solve, the will takes hold of and directs our thoughts in a particular direction. But usually, as soon as the task is finished or the problem solved, the will subsides and thoughts begin their erratic wandering again. The Buddha made the important but often overlooked observation that, ‘Whatever one thinks about and ponders on often the mind gets a leaning in that way’ (M.I,115). 
The more of a particular type of thoughts we think, the more they will occur. 
If we often have thoughts of greed and allow them to persist they will tend to occupy our mind more frequently and we may begin to act in a more greedy manner
Therefore an important aspect of Buddhist training is to cultivate Right Thought, not to let negative thoughts persist within our mind and to encourage positive thoughts

The Buddha broadly defines Right Thought as thoughts of detachment, of love and of helpfulness (M.III,251). Right Concentration, Right Mindfulness and Right Effort are of course important in helping the development of Right Thought.

Right Thought includes thoughts of love and non-violence extending to all beings. In vipassana meditation awareness is placed on thoughts with intent to cease thoughts so that the meditation remains in the present moment free from unwholesome thoughts. Right Thought basically refers to wholesome thoughts, which is closely tied to Right Understanding because it results eventually through the practice and attainment of wisdom.

The first two verses of the first chapter of the Dhammapada by the Buddha, are:

“All we are is the result of what we have thought, it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.”

Our thoughts are as important to us as our actions because they make up who we are, thus, it becomes imperative that we keep our thoughts pure.

An example is to imagine if your thoughts are filled with money and how to get more money. Greed becomes a big part of your life. It defines who you are. Your thoughts become fixated on money and this is who you become.

Another example is a person with what is commonly called, “a one track mind.” Such a person focuses his mind and thoughts on only one topic. All of this person’s conversation tends to run on this one subject. It begins with the thoughts and then permeates to define that person.

An optimistic person is one who sees things in a positive way. This person radiates happiness and loving kindness. Such a person greets people with a smile and it is from the heart and not just conformation to etiquette. This positive attitude had its start with good, positive thoughts.

By keeping our thoughts wholesome and in the present we encourage only productive thoughts. Thoughts can then be useful and not counter-productive.

Another quote from the Buddha in regard to the value of Right Thought is:

“Your worst enemy can not harm you as much as your own thoughts, unguarded. But once mastered, no one can help you as much, not even your father or your mother.” (Dh., chapter 3)


师尊加持?GM's Blessing empowerment?
Do you really understand what this is and for what purpose?
Also, what are the Limitations?

Too much of something can hurt you!
Like a Drug addict, chasing all the time and all over for something, will cause you to develop a "Dependency" which you can't escape from!


With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, March 16, 2017

A8 ~ 16 March 2017 Homa In Celebration

Join us again! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

A7 ~ 16 March 2017 Homa In Celebration