Wednesday, April 5, 2017

正思惟~批評?Right Resolve ~ Criticism?

These comments caught my eyes this morning! :)
Lets have FUN!

Criticising fellow students is anathema to the Eight Fold Noble Path
Means that you all have gone astrayed
If not behaviour resulting from Eight Fold Noble Path then won't grow in wisdom
Almost often cause the development of Greed aversion ignorance of individuals
Leaving Path further and hinder self and others
Please stop immediately
Some of the comments:-
HFS 真的不想看到。。聽師尊的吧!
 - truly don't want to see... listen to Shizun's ba!
LC 藍羊,真是智慧!!!
-Blue sheep, truly is wisdom!!!

JC 國有國法,家有家規,
-A country has its laws, a family has its rules.
thus a school has school rules, discerning criticism's directed at matters or individual?
Years of convenience treat as casual, resulting in unlimited waves of problems, its high time to step into Right Path!

GQY 所以對內 你把自己列為裁決者?
- Thus towards internal self you listed yourself as the judge?

HFS 我想知道是誰說的那位「謝某」不行正軌。。?
-I would like to know the person that alleged that [Xie person} as not treading the Right Path..?

JC 提出問題,就是讓自己或他人反思!如果不反思,那也是自家的事!反正幻生幻受,不關咱家的事!再問一句?!是誰起貪瞋癡?!
-raising a question, is to let self and others reflect upon! If don't reflect, that is the individual's problem! Anyway, illusionary arise and illusionary bear with, nothing to do with me! Ask another? Who gives rise to Greed aversion ignorance!

GQY 兩方說的都在臉書互打 但誰有菩提心下文筆 都分辨的出來
站在第三者來看 這根本就是鬥爭 鬥爭不就是貪嗔癡

JC 講白一點,要被境轉,關咱家何事!修行這不是就是下手處?!您以為修行光是在壇城前修儀軌嗎?!再討論就沒意義了!哈哈!

GQY 就是這個關咱家何事 遠提菩提心 所行非正道

HGS- 我們很多第三者 是非常明辨 誰是誰非 誰針對人 誰針對事 誰搞事 誰鬧事 誰出錢 誰收錢 誰爭名 誰爭位 誰欺負誰 誰想上位 誰搞小圈圈 誰不聽師尊的話 誰自大 誰自大狂盲 誰在說誰 誰護教 誰護師 誰假意 誰幹誰 誰想幹掉誰 誰發真心 誰發假心 谁虚伪 誰谦虚 誰要做老大 誰要對付誰 。。。誰誰誰!!!

JC- 富山師兄,小弟就多說一句,人生就像這臉書虛擬的世界一樣,關閉了!啥事曾發生過?!
真正的菩提心是幫助他人認識解脫道,因為人間的是非對錯只有角度立場還有在啥環境而不同!...See more

GQY 錯了 菩提心不是幫人認識解脫道 而是幫助自己所行為正道
認識解脫道 是見道 才是認識解脫道
自己無見道 何來幫助他人認識解脫道

JC- 羊,那釋迦牟尼佛跟師尊根本就不用管我們了,不用再辛苦化身在這人世間!

GQY- 照你所說 菩提心是解脫道 你超度一隻沒有心靈世界的狗看看 菩提心是解脫道 那師佛也不用來人間了

GQY 菩提心不是究竟 那個只是指南針而以
HFS 我簡單的一句 一句像樣的人話
請別害人 請別傷害無辜

GQY 沒有這個指南針 行事作為就會偏頗

JC- 諸惡莫作,眾善奉行!幫您們講完了!哈!

GQY 鬥爭就是做諸惡業 說的到 也身先士卒做的到阿

LC 周師兄,說得也是事實!
取捨,...See more

MW 每一個批判別人的人都覺得自己在行俠仗義。
每一個提出問題的人也覺得自己在宣導正見。...See more

GQY 這是阿修羅的鬥爭
-This is dispute of Asuras

Lets look Objectively at [Criticism], shall we?

Read through the comments carefully, 
how many truly understood what GM Lu shared?
What level of understanding if any?
How much of GM Lu's teachings or sharings were USE or Executed in these participants' Body Speech Mind?

Ah! The Chat initiator?
Are his statements or views ABSOLUTELY TRUE?

Try using the Fundamental teachings of Diamond Sutra & work out [Criticism] wisely!

From GM Lu's point:-
  • 不如脫光算了 Might As Well Strip Naked
  • 對於人們的批評,我只是笑笑而已,完全不理會,也不回應。
    As to criticism from others, I only laugh and completely ignore, also don't respond.
    I go my way.

Healthy discussion amongst fellow students is a good way to tread the Bodhi Path, if well armed with sound foundation of Buddha Dharma! 

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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