Tuesday, July 4, 2017

唸百字明咒 Chanting 100 Syllables Mantra

Terjemahan Bahasa: Menjapa Mantra 100 Aksara

The Tibetan "HOM" Syllable
The 100-Syllable Dharani Wheel

蓮生活佛著作 > 盧勝彥文集 > 第45册文集_坐禪通明法 > 除業障與四加行

蓮生活佛著作 - 除業障與四加行 Clearing Karma & 4 Preliminaries

修者唸百字明咒:「嗡。別炸薩埵沙媽耶。媽奴巴拉耶。別炸薩埵爹奴巴地叉。 遮接咩巴娃。蘇多卡欲咩巴娃。蘇甫卡欲咩巴娃。晏奴拉埵咩巴娃。沙爾娃。司地。 咩不拉也叉。沙爾娃。嘎嘛。蘇渣咩。即彈木。司哩任古魯吽。哈哈。哈哈。訶。邦 嘎印。沙爾娃。打他架打。別炸媽咩門渣。別咭巴娃。嘛哈沙媽耶。薩埵阿。吽呸。 」此咒每修持一回誦二十一遍。

若堅修此法,金剛心菩薩見修持者,護持修持者,灌頂修持者,使修持者一切罪 障魔難疾病全部滌淨去除,罪業已消,全身輕快。
菩薩自頂入心,可得金剛心菩薩與 自己合一,這是即身成佛的不二成就。

The above is an excerpt from GM Lu's Book 45.

The 100 syllables mantra of Vajrasattva!
As per GM Lu:
Those that cultivate this 4 Preliminaries Practice or Vajrasattva Repentance Practice ~ Vajrasattva will see these cultivators; protect and support them; give them abhiseka, enable them to be clear of all karmic sins, calamities from Mara, illnesses, as all karmic sins are cleared whole body is light and joyful.
Boddhisattva enters heart from top, can achieve merging of Vajrasattva with self, this is then Attained Buddhahood Instantly with Human body, a non-dualistic attainment.



Recently, lots of fellow students told me that they all participating in "Emperor Liang's Precious Repentance" event hosted by a certain chapter.

I told them that GM Lu said that the Best Repentance Practice is simply the Vajrasattva's Repentance!

I shared lots of articles from GM Lu on this.

However, many still chose to believe others and not their very own Root Guru!

What have you managed to learn from these "others" that helps you advance in "Phala"?

Why waste time attending events that last for days, when you can easily practice at home?

Time management is yet another that all sincere cultivators should know and focus on One's Root Guru's Key pointers!


You can work daily on Purifying yourself with just the Vajrasattva Repentance Practice!

Remember: Dharma Cultivation is not for Privileged Few, But everyone can achieve success too. Of course, Sincere Diligence is the KEY!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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