The Aura of Wisdom
By Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by True Buddha Foundation Translation Team
This was translated from Grandmaster Lu's 154th book, 智慧的光環.
CHAPTER 35 - The Precious Teachings of Tantric Buddhism
In the past, Vairocana Buddha transmitted the supreme vehicle of unexcelled Yoga secretly to Vajrasattva, who waited hundreds of years before transmitting the same doctrines to Nagarjuna Bodhisattva.
Nagarjuna waited another several hundred years before transmitting the secret doctrines to Acarya
Nagabodhi, who in turn waited several centuries before transmitting the teachings to Acarya Vajrabodhi.
Vajrabodhi then proceeded to the east and arrived in China, transmitting the secret teachings to two senior monks, Amoghavajra and Zen Master Yixing.
Hence, from Dharmakaya Tathagata to the senior monks in China, the Tantric Buddhist teaching was directly transmitted to only six Acaryas.
Therefore, the Tantric doctrines are very precious.
The Essentials of Tantric Buddhism states: `Tantric Buddhism is the supreme wisdom gained upon self-realization by the Buddha, whose doctrines are transmitted directly to entangled ordinary individuals.
As such, when one cultivates these doctrines one receives swift progress in which the power attained is simply unimaginable.
However, the Tantric teachings place great emphasis on sadhana ritual, and those who wish to practice must enter the great mandala and receive the empowerment from the Vajra Master before they can be allowed to cultivate the practice.
Otherwise, it would be considered an act of embezzlement, drawing upon oneself unthinkable negative karmic consequences.
Thus, in our motherland, China, Tantric Buddhism has been lost since the Tang and Song dynasties, for no one would dare to study it.`
From this, we know that the self-realized holy wisdom of the Tathagata is extremely precious indeed!
The fact that `no one would dare to study it` is itself appalling.
And the fact that swift progress can be attained in Tantric Buddhism, the power gained far surpassing that of other schools, has attracted great interest and attention to its doctrines.
Sakyamuni Buddha once used the five stages of making ghee (pancaksira) to represent the five respective canons:
Milk is the Sutra canon.
Cream is the Vinaya canon.
Fresh butter is the Sastras canon.
Melted butter is Prajna canon.
Ghee is the Tantric canon.
Ghee is the very essence of milk, and hence, Tantric Buddhism embodies the essence of the Buddhadharma.
It is said that if one leaves Tantric Buddhism, there can be no hope of attaining buddhahood.
It is rare for one to hear the Tantric doctrines.
You should be glad that you have found them this time.
Pure Karma Vihara
True Buddha School