Friday, June 16, 2017

鬼压床~“比鬼砸” Pressed Down In Bed by Ghosts



“比鬼砸”的现象,在睡眠神经医学上是属于一种睡眠瘫痪(麻痹(sleep paralysis)的症状,患者在睡眠当时,呈现半醒半睡的情境,脑波是清醒的波幅,有些人还会并有影像的幻觉,但全身肌肉张力降至最低,类似「瘫痪」状态,全身动弹不得,彷佛被罩上金钟罩般,也就是一般人所谓的“比鬼砸”的现象。

  • 鬼魅壓床 Ghosts Depressed Bed
  • 蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 173_一夢一世界 One Dream One World

    Selective Summary Translation into English by Lotuschef




    There is a student that suffers from Ghosts Depressed Bed - which is ghostly spirits stack onto him when he sleeps.
    He dare not close his eyes, as once he closes his eyes, the shadow will climb onto his body and press onto him.
    Once that happened, he lost control of his body in speech and mobility.
    Only when the ghostly spirits leave then he can catch some sleep.
    Thus he is extremely fatigue in the morning and his body aches all over, he is extremely troubled.
22-3-2010 9am.
During cultivation, I negotiated with the Karmic foe of S.
I told her S is seriously injured & might die any moment or she might wake up & become a vegetable for the rest of her life. This is a real big kick & she should be satisfied.
Why hang around & wait for chances to take revenge?
When S is happy then you are most unhappy. Why continue to torture yourself in this sentient realm?
My GM can deliver you to Pureland & you free yourself from further sufferings in this realm.
[I saw a shadow hopped on to a lotus & GM scoops the lotus up & placed into a pond of water.]

My heart lifted & I am overcome with JOY that the Karmic foe is willing to hop on to a lotus & even more grateful to GM for scooping the lotus up & delivering to Maha Twin Lotus Pond, True Buddha School's pureland.

This is the First time Guru taught me to use his mantra to give "energy".

  • 13-3-2011 Power of Mantra 咒的魔力 【2】
  • 13-3-2011 Power of Mantra 咒的魔力 【1】
  • My breathing started becoming a little difficult because of the pressure on my chest, and my brain started getting foggy. I didn't open my eyes though as I was afraid of what I would see, but I mentally started chanting the "Zun Sheng Zou" over and over again. And about 5 to 7 repetitions, I felt the pressure lifting, and in my third eye, I thought I saw this greyish-green, irregular shape get blasted away by a pretty blue-purple round fireball (the fireballs I usually see).
    Shortly after this, I thought I saw in my third eye the back of Grand Master in his Long Pao and ceremonial Hat. [Grateful to GM for saving me.]
嘻嘻!好漂亮哦。继续念。唉!佛菩萨坐到莲花上了!好亮, 好亮哦。


  • 23-10-2011 This blog is One Year old.
  • When chanting GM's mantra, I found myself in the centre of the Earth. As I chant, the power of the mantra pushes all the negatives outwards. As these leave the Earth's surface, countless GM covered the Earth's surface.
    If we compare with the thousand multiplier Wheel mantra, these one multiplies by the number of sentient beings on Earth. Isn't this more powerful than the Thousand multiplier?
    But what I realized recently is that this evolved from 4 immeasurable visualization. We treat all sentient being as self. During cultivation we transform them into self. Then when we merge with say GM, they all became GM too. All these from 4 immeasurable vows.

The VM that proclaimed the above house being full of ghostly spirits, told fellow students that she was pressed down by ghosts in bed when she was sleeping.
And this happened one night before she planned to stay at the fellow student's place for a few days!
She cancelled her plans to stay at the fellow student's place.


Dear all,
M also encountered disturbances when sleeping and she chanted Guru's mantra, and GM came to the rescue!

Some students asked: As a VM, shouldn't she be able to protect herself in sleep at least?

My take: GM taught us many methods to help others. And as a VM, she shouldn't run away from the house that she proclaimed "full of ghostly spirits"!
With GM's sharing of Buddha Dharma & as a VM, she should be able to deal with the ghostly situation in the fellow student's house, agree?

GM also taught us to arm ourselves in sleep!
This VM obviously can't arm herself in sleep and put the blame on ghostly spirits in the fellow student's house that came & disturb her sleep!

Dear all, 
Ghost show themselves to a person for many reasons,
they need your help;
they want to take revenge on you;
they just want to frighten you for fun;
they are territorial and want to declare their territorial rights;
they have the same frequency as you;
they are attracted to you, because you give out "love signals";

Best listen well to GM Lu and learn properly how to arm yourself!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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