Saturday, June 24, 2017

殊胜的 ~ 一切如来心陀罗尼 Ukkaṭṭha ~ Casket Seal Dharani

Above: Look closely at the pointed arms of the star, see the Casket Seal Dharani stupa?
Below: The High King Sutra printed in the centre and the Casket Seal Dharani stupa in 4 corners!

 The Casket Seal Dharani printed onto the Stupa in these sheets of incense paper.

Homa Offering placed into paper lotus with Casket Seal Dharani Stupa on one side and the Usnisa Vijaya Dharani on the other.

  • 殊胜 -
  • In Buddhism
    Ukkaṭṭha, (adj.) (pp. of ukkaṃsati) — 1. exalted, high, prominent, glorious, excellent,
    ukkaṭṭha : (adj.) 1. high; prominent; 2. excellent; 3. specialised.

  • 19-4-2011 殊胜的 - 一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经
  • .......时薄伽梵告金刚手:“此大全身舍利积聚如来宝塔,一切如来无量俱胝心陀罗尼密印法要,今在其中。
  • 金刚手!有此法要在是中故,塔即变为重叠无隙,如胡麻子,俱胝百千如来之身;当知亦是,如胡麻子,百千俱胝如来全身舍利之聚,乃至八万四千法蕴亦在其中;九十九百千万俱胝如来顶相亦在其中;由是妙事,是塔所在之处,有大神验,殊胜威德,能满一切世间吉庆。”
  • Then The Bhagavad told Varjrapania.“ All Buddhas' uncountable kotis heart dharani secrete seal Dharma is in this great whole body relics concentration Buddhas’ Stupa. This Stupa became overlapping with no gap, as many as sesames. Hundreds and thousands of kotis Buddhas
    Bodies are also as many as sesames. Hundreds and thousands of kotis Buddhas' whole bodies relics concentration, even the eighty four thousand Dharmas are inside this Stupa.
    Ninety nine hundreds of thousands of millions kotis Buddhas' heads' form are also inside. Because of this wonderful reason, no matter where this Stupa is, it is very spiritual efficacious. The wonderful virtue may satisfy all Earthly good wishes."

Moreover, The Buddha told Varjrapania: “If anybody writes this Sutra and put it into a Stupa. It will be a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Varjra Store. 
It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Dharani Heart Secrete Blessing. 
It is a Stupa of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. 
It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ tops and eyes. 
It will be protected by all Buddhas’ spiritual power. 

If anybody put this Sutra into a Stupa or a Buddha statue, This Statue will be made by seven gems. It will be very efficacious and will fulfill all wishes. 
The umbrellas, covers, nets, wheels, plates, bells, bases and steps will be made by power. 
The material from mud, wood, stone or brick will become seven gems because of the power of this sutra.
All Buddhas will add their powerful force and continuously bless this Sutra by honest speech.

If any sentient being prostrates himself before and offers an incense and a flower to this Stupa. Serious sin of eight billion kalpas of this sentient being will be deleted. His disaster will be avoided when he is alive. He will reborn in a Buddhist family after he dies. 
If anybody should be punished to Abi Hell, when he prostrates himself before this Stupa one time or walks around this Stupa one time clockwise. The door of the Hell would be closed and the road of Bhodi will be opened.

All Buddhas will bless by spiritual power to any place where the Stupa or the image locates. No tornado, thunderstorm, lightning will do harm. No poisonous snake, poisonous worm and poisonous beast may hurt. No lion, mad elephant, tiger, wolf, wild bees may hurt. No panic from Yaocha, Luocha, Buduo, Nakunshe, Zheli demons, monsters, epilepsy. No sick from cold or hot, lilou, tanzhu, sore and scabies.

Anybody will avoid all disasters if he just has a look at this Stupa.

No plague will hapen from human, horses, animals, boys and girls. 
He will not suffer from unnatural death. 
He will not be wounded by knife, water and fire. 
He will not be invaded by robbers, thieves or enemies. 
He will not suffer from hunger and poor. 
No incantation from ghosts and monsters may do harm.

The Four Heavenly Kings and their relatives will protect him day and night. Great Yaocha Generals from the Twenty Eight Departments, and the sun, moon, five stars banners cloud and comets will protect him day and night. 
All the Dragon Kings will reinforce their air to create rain on time. 
All the Heavenly beings, Trayastrimsha Heaven will come down three times for offering.

All Celestial beings come three times for praising, surrounding and salute to this place. Sakya King and all Heavenly girls come down to do offering three times day and night. 
This place is blessed by all Buddhas. 
This Stupa is like that because the Sutra is inside.

If anybody establishes a Stupa with mud, stone, wood, gold, silver, cupper and lead, and he writes this spiritual Dharani and put it inside. 
The Stupa become seven gems as soon as the Dharani is put. 
The steps, plates, umbrellas, covers, bells and wheels become all seven gems. The Buddha forms around the four sides of this Stupa stay and protect day and night because of the Dharma.

The seven gems Stupa with whole bodies relics wonderful precious store grows by the power of this Dharani to Ajianiza Heaven. 
All Heavenly beings pay respects to, protect, pay offering to this Stupa day and night when it rises to the Heaven.

Varjrapani asked: “Why is this dharma so wonderfully virtuous?” 
The Buddha said:” Because of the spiritual power of this Casket Seal Dharani.”

Realise why Pure Karma have the Casket Seal Dharani printed Stupas in all sizes and also on incense papers?

No matter what anyone choose to allege as per their own mindsets that they perceive as detrimental to Pure Karma or Lotuschef, 
Wake-up now!

We are well shield by the Ukkattha's [Casket Seal Dharani] stupa ~
[It will be a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Varjra Store. 
It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ Dharani Heart Secrete Blessing. 
It is a Stupa of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas. 
It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas’ tops and eyes. 
It will be protected by all Buddhas’ spiritual power. ]

Time to shield yourself well?

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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