
Friday, November 23, 2012

Enlightening Interviews – Question 18: [Astral Body Projection or Clones Projection] what is this phenomenon?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Tanya Jawab Seputar Pencerahan – Pertanyaan ke-18: [Proyeksi Kloning atau Tubuh Astral] fenomena apakah ini?

[Note: Although all efforts are employed to maintain the accuracy of the original texts; we are not answerable to anyone for any difference in interpretation. Therefore, readers may choose to interprete the same text differently. Please read with Open Mind.]

Please read: Astral Travel

[My experience in astral travel is that the world traveled to is much clearer than the world of dreams. No physical boundaries can stop you in the astral world.
You can walk on water; you can fly up to the mountains; you can walk rivers or enter into houses.
Doors can't stop you.
You can travel very fast.]

The following is a Summary Translation of Guru's article from Book 227, pages 80 to 83; by Lama Lotuschef into English.

悟境一点通 - 第十八问 - [身外化身]是怎么一回事?
Enlightening Interviews - Question 18 - [Astral Body Projection or Clones Projection] what is this phenomenon?

Question: You have employed "power of mantra" to save a person, as long as one can [Concentrate all [Vitality] to the [tian-xin or the "3rd eye chakra"] to call to you (GM), you can bless using your Astral Body. Can you explain this? What is Astral Body Projection all about? If someone does this concentration of Vitality and chant [Ma Zu, Guan Gong, Yao Ci Jin Mu, Shang Di, Jesus, Allah.....] , will these Deities/Divinities perform the same blessing? ]]]

Guru raised 2 examples:

Wife: Husband, if I passed away one day, what will you do?
Husband: My dear, I will go crazy.
Wife: Then will you remain single and not marry again?
Husband: Aw! I think I won't be crazy to that stage.


Wife: Husband! Some said that woman at 20 is a spring mattress; 40 is tatami; then what about me?
Husband: You are still a spring mattress, only with spoiled springs!

These 2 examples showed that the Husbands are pretty clear-minded, can respond to situational stimuli; thoughts are direct.

[Vitality enters Tian Xin] – is uniting Vitality as One; also One Thought; also concentrating One Thought at Tian Xin.

Buddha said: 制心一处,无事不办. Create Heart in One Place, No matters Cannot be Done.
Guru said: 制心一处,一切灵验. Create Heart in One Place, Everything will be Realized.

As to what is Astral Body Projection?

Guru said: if you have read [西游记 Journey to the West], seen how Sun Wu Kong (Monkey king) pull a hair and blow Qi, transforming into many clones of him, this is Monkey King, only one Principal Yidam, the rest are all astral clones.
Upon another "Her" of breath, he jump into the clouds and all the his clones disappeared.
Yidam is Monkey King himself holding a bunch of monkey hairs.
(This is his Astral projection).

Or : when I am sleeping in [Nan Shan Ya She]. however, my [yuan shen - original spirit] , went to Japan, to save those involved in Atomic/Nuclear disaster; also go to Europe to save those in mining disaster; also to Phillippines to save those in Wind disaster; to Haiti to save those from Cholera.

My [Yuan Shen] ascended to Golden Mother's Garden, bring down her "cloth-bag" to bagged up [SARS] organism.

My [Yuan Shen] goes to Underworld to save those students like [Gao Ming Fu] who is in Hell's King court, undergoing judgment. …..

These are all [Astral body projection].

[Xin Di Guan Jing / Mahayana Visualization of the Original Mind Sutra] says: 理法身是本有之理。 智法身是性德之智。
The Dharmakaya of [Truth] is by virtue Present. The Dharmakaya of [Wisdom] is by virtue of Inherent Wisdom.

[Hua Yan Jing / Flower Garland Sutra / Avatamsaka Sutra] says: 智身-佛身所具能证之十身。法身-佛身所证之真理。
Wisdom Body – One of the Ten Buddha's body inherent ability attainment. Dharmakaya – Buddha's Body that has attained True Enlightenment.

Summarily, all sutra and viewpoints affirmed that [Dharmakaya] is particular to Buddhahood's break two hindrances, self nature pure level.
Also all [Transformation Bodies] are certification of know-all wisdoms' manifestation of Wisdom Body Transformation Level.

God of Protection, Vishnu of Paramapadam (Vaikuntha), has more than ten such Astral Bodies.
God of Destruction or Transformation, Shiva of Mount Kailash, has many such transformation.
God of Creation, Brahma of Satyaloka (Brahmaloka), is similar too.

I said: Projection of Body outside of one’s body all dependent on Cultivation. Please refer to [Maha Mayuri's starlight bodies cultivation sadhana.]


Please read:

[ Jul 26 ] Lojong – Mind Training Tantrayana

[ Jul 29 ] LOJONG – 7 points of Training the Mind

[ Jun 15 ] Astral Projection – Simple Moves

Cheers all. Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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