Monday, January 16, 2017

愿菩提-七朵莲花 ~ Wish Boddhicitta-7 Lotuses!

 Above: Singer, Composer of [7 Lotuses] ~ Huo Feng!
Above: GM Lu singing the song entitled [7 Lotuses]!
  • 七朵莲花 ~ 7 Lotuses!
    • 歌词 Lyrics: 
    There's a beautiful stretch of sea with 7 coloured lotuses blooming

    Lovable Guru Rinpoche walks towards me

    He asked whether I have true feeling & love in my heart

    * 我说我心中有爱七朵莲花开
    I said that I have love in my heart and 7 Lotuses bloom

    ** <我盼着所有的人们心中莲花开
    I hope that everyone has Lotuses blooming in their hearts

    I hope that everywhere on Heaven & Earth there is Love

    I hope that fresh flowers of Peace blooms abundantly in Human Realm

    I hope that there is no suffering of pain and no sorrow >**

    ***< 我看到所有的人们心中莲花开
    I can see Lotuses blooming in everyone's hearts

    I can see Love exists everywhere in the Heaven & Earth

    I can see the fresh flowers of peace blooms abundantly in the Human realm

    I can see there is no suffering of pain and no sorrow >***

    (莲花生大师心咒) ongahongbanzagulubeimaseidei
    Padmaguru's mantra: Om Ah Hom Beza Guru Padma Siddhi Hom (Xie)

创作背景 Composition background
歌曲录完音之后的第三天,汶川地震了 。
About 20 days before the Wen-zhou earthquake, suddenly one day, Huo-feng thought of a phrase in Sanskrit to pray for harmony, peace, auspiciousness between the Heaven and Earth, thus he composed this song <7 Lotuses> to express his prayers for harmony, peace, auspiciousness.
毕晓迪&张勤 helped to arrange the song after it is written.
The Earthquake took place 3 days after the completion of recording this song. 
Upon hearing news of the earthquake, Huo-feng was very unhappy, thus hope that through this song [7 lotuses] can call out to all to love our grounds, love our sky, and all can be auspicious, can be happy, can live in friendly harmony like brothers.
Because this song expresses the great affectionate breast of peace and love, it was sung in many places to raise funds for the Earthquake's victims.
Thats the composer's or songwriter's heartfelt intent! :)
But the lyrics has real Rich Buddha Dharma flavour! 

[*] ~ he has love in his heart and 7 lotuses bloom -this love that enables 7 lotuses to bloom or in other words the opening of the 7 chakras, is Boddhicitta and when all 7 chakras opened, this person can see his Buddha Nature!
Realisation or Enlightenment! :)

**< ....>** ~ his Boddhicitta wish!

***<....>*** ~ his Boddhicitta wish Realised! 

And this wish is made to Padmaguru or Padmasambhava, chanting his mantra several times!

Interesting Song!

A great song that GM Lu brought up to share with all!

Body Speech Mind!
Yes! You can choose to walk into this song and first make a Boddhicitta Wish then proceed to Execute Boddhicitta! 
Viola! You succeeded?
If not, try again! :)

Karma is always One's own responsibility and remember to Blame No One But Self! 

Also make sure you maintain Steadfast Faith in your Root Guru as well! 
Don't let yourself be victimised by mere mortals or spirits of Lower realms, when you have a Living Buddha for your Root Guru! 

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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