
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pure Karma - SZ Spoke To Me? [1]

Pure Karma exist like TBS for a purpose and that purpose is to share Buddha Dharma with ALL, and succoring all Sentient Beings.
Pure Karma starts with helping those with Affinity to join us, Cleanse & Purify.
All that are sincere and diligent are welcome.
We are privately funded and do not have resources other than Charitable programs.
Pure Karma reserves our rights to exclude any party that are not cooperative or make demands for special privileges.
We firmly hold Equality mindset too. 

Pure Karma, is translucent and can't be grasp by those without True Affinity with Buddha.
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 3:02 PM, From JC.
Hi fashi
Haha, last night had a funny experience.
Before I slept, while I was laying on my bed, 
suddenly I felt a white strong light shining onto me. 
And my body started to move/fly (not sure going upwards or downwards), 
then my body kept turning circles and stopped. 

After that I felt my head and some parts of my body has those kind of 'numb', 
'tingle' feeling.. 
The experience was quite shiok. 
I dun think I had fell asleep yet lei. 

The feeling was so real.. :)

REPLY : On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 10:12 AM

The dazzling light shows u how to visualize light of Fo Pusa.
GM's is dazzling white that u hardly can open your eyes.
Zunsheng Fo mu also like that.
Some see GM with a human form
Some as the lotus child
Some see white light
When he is Amitabha he exhibits golden yellow or pink.

All the above gives u a good feeling like u are well cared for n 
u tend to smile from joy bursting out from within.

As least when I say white dazzling light u know what I m about. Haha.

The swirling or turning gives u an idea of dharma wheel turning.
That's how u work universal energy.


Recently: From YY

Hi Fashi,
This morning I asked GM to give me calm and peace.

Believe it or not...SZ talked to me in video cause I finished l...... and continued my office matters.

He began his speech about last time and now....then I think over...yes last time and now is so different. Because now we are more experiences more dynamic and more independent.

We are not perfect but in our heart we solely respect dearly to GM, Fashi, pusa and our parents.

What you have mentioned we are hurt initially but SZ explained that is because Fashi loves us dearly and do not wish to see us downfall. This immediately hits us very hard cause we have hurt you too!

SZ also reminded us NEVER retaliate to 2 important person in life. One to Fashi and the other is our parents. Cause our parents gave us our life and Fashi gave us nourished Spiritual/Buddha Path.

SZ said "要做一个有良心的人"。

Last nite, I had one of best dream...I dreamt that we were busy with Fire like helping people a section of Fire Puja...happily...laughing and talk loudly. Then, we look at our watches...and realised that is almost 3pm which is our own Fire Puja....then we all laugh even louder...and running rushing to our was so happy...CS and myself were in the car saw you and the whole gang...waving..still laughing...and all squeeze in the car and go for the fire puja.

Fashi I saw what "happiness" meant in Fire Puja.

SZ spoke many issues of our mistakes, secret teaching and like your article is same same....

Believe it or not....SZ spoke to me.

We know what is your intention and meant well for us. We wish we can express better but sometimes short and sweet is better than long winded.
Deeply appreciated for awakening us. 感恩法师。

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