
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lotuschef in Chat - It is Truly Not About Money 真的不是因为钱

Karmic dedication packs.

Karmic Bardo Delivery pack.

Lotus offering 

hi dears
The 14 packs of karmic dedication for Y's parents, SZ said don't need to do
Y has done lots for them in the past n not much help.

Only those emergency ones when Y's mom is critically ill and I asked SZ's help and also went to negotiate with these karmic foes.
however, both of them didn't even improve or become more willing to help themselves
paying the money for them, they don't feel anything

filial piety also has a limit.

when both of them are willing to really say sorry and change n not repeat the same, their karmic foes will accept and leave forever, and not hold action temporary and come back again, when they start creating negative again.

SZ & I also can't continue to ask them to stop please or please forgive them.
Both of us become liars and our words are no good anymore with these groups of karmic foes too.
Really don't waste money as Z current finances also not that ideal.

Coming to attend fire puja with the wrong intention? for initial period it is ok, they get help to want to help themselves.

However, both have the idea that as long as they come they will be ok!

Z needs the karmic offering more than anyone at this moment in time.

Why don't use the money to do a Karmic bardo for Z's karmic foes?

Y, please wake up.
There is a real limit to things that Fo pusa will do and help with, the people they help need to meet them half way too.

Also the lotuses for karmic foes gong fo, for those not sincere in really making a change to be happy and to make others happy, don't waste money!

Please do consider and let me know.

This is SZ's opinion. Like P, he has to really experience the pain n constant suffering of renal dialysis, to want to save himself. At least he is cultivating liao.

We wait for True positive affinity with Buddha to surface.
Nothing can be force.


Dear all, 
most think that they can pay and buy their way out of Trouble.

Hahaha! Sorry, No Deal!

Remember the Story of Crying Wolf?

SZ & I, being made to Cry Wolf to save Y's parent in critical condition.
I remember that after one such incident, Y's parent was discharged and she immediately went to Genting Highlands! 

Then on another, she went on a visit to Vietnam.

But the main point is this person that we helped is not repentant and continues as usual, demanding to have her way in everything irregardless of consequences.


No amount of money will make me and SZ "cry wolf" anymore! 

I have also taught fellow students that cultivate with me, how to do karmic dedication daily on their own. 
Me & SZ wants nothing to do with anymore karmic foes of certain person coming to exact violent "revenge" or "retaliation" on us and not the person that wronged them, because we try to make peace between parties.

I always stress: It is Truly Not about Money! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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