
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pure Karma - SZ Spoke To Me? [2]

Dear all,
If you have been following this blog, you would have grasp what "Kind of Feel", you will have when you SEE or FEEL Shizun's or Divine Presence, agree?

In the above, YY's parents are not cooperative and YY wants to push through that they have their ways and do as they like.

Do you see YY "Using SZ said" as her weapon?
Because Lotuschef vows that she will only Listen to her One & Only Root Guru!

A person that thoughts are jumbled and needs to ask [GM to give me calm and peace].
This is an external seeking and anathema to a successful yogi that can not only talk to GM but can SEE SZ and Hear from SZ in real live action.

One moment GM & One moment SZ too, very disturbed mindset.

Dear all, when you think you see SZ or hear SZ talking to you, chant SZ's mantra please.

Also, SZ won't talk to you in detail but just smile at you, but you will realize and go about doing an assignment with his guidance.

Or in short soft tone messages.

1. I landed in a wide open field in the night, when I am physically at home sitting in front of my computer writing. 
I silently asked: Where is this?
The soft tone reply: Jakarta.

2. I found myself teleported to Pure Karma's new location, and about 3 meters ahead of me, is SZ walking briskly towards the altar.
SZ turned around smiling to me.
No words utter but I got the message to follow closer as we are arriving at the altar.

3. I was writing mini-scripts to help fellow students do dedication to their individual karmic foes.
SZ's voice whispered : 用心 用心 用心 [use heart or pay attention and do well]

This is the mini-script that I shared:

[送呈: 莲花xx 之累世祖先、冤亲债主、缠身业灵、水子灵

祈愿: 业障消除、冤亲解散、早日往生佛国净土]

If you do this at home for yourself, do not need to write address, but if you do for others, please write the address of the person doing dedication. 
Add address below or behind this script.
You need a combination of incense paper, lotuses - as many as you like, but in multiples of 7.
Pure Karma uses 10 types of incense paper and 7 or multiples of 7 lotuses.
However, you can also use 1 lotus.
Place the mini-scripts into lotus or paste it on the top sheet of stack of incense paper. 

Feel free to use this mini-script, but not for commercial purposes.
Warning: Misuse of this scripts constitute stealing of Dharma from Lotuschef. As per SZ, Dharmapalas will penalize you. 

Sentient minds perceived that when SZ or Divinities talk to you, they are like those in movies, telling you things in details!!!
Which is why YY's claim of SZ speaking to her is not credible, agree?
SZ is not long-winded! :)

Now, there are 2 recent occasions that JC experienced.

1. He asked SZ about the 3rd eye.第三眼.
Days later, in Medan, a hotel lobby, I was explaining 9 steps breathing and then touches on the 3rd eye.
Hahaha! YES! JC was shocked and he said that he asked SZ about 3rd eye, few days ago!

2. He asked SZ about Qi entering the Central Channel.气入中脉.
Lotuschef was explaining movement of Qi in healing and somehow [Qi entering Central Channel].

So for some, SZ answers through other channels.


Continue next article : Pure Karma - SZ Spoke To Me? [3]

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