
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - Who Am I? [8B]

Read in Indonesian : Lotuschef Bermain-main – Siapakah Saya? 我是谁? [8B]

The peacock feather has an eye each.

Hahaha! If you look closely at my forehead, other than a faint line demarking the front and back part of my skull bone like the Arhat fish; there is at the front another mark that looks like the Mayuri Eye!

The sharp point or tip of this feather is pointing downwards towards my 3rd-eye chakra.
I met someone that has a more protruding "Mayuri Eye" too!

Well, some students told me I look like Guru last December in Medan.
It was truly sad that they didn't attend the recent event in Medan this round because someone tried to force Pure Karma to hold the event elsewhere!

If you are able to see Guru in me, then you should come cultivate and like Guru said:Don't bother about what others said.

Cultivation is for yourself and nothing to do with anyone else!
Also all between you and your own Root Guru.

If you are able to see Root Guru, why let others turn you away?

Think: You are literally turning your back on Guru and what Guru wants to teach you, agree?

I sincerely hope all students don't let others hinder you from cultivation.

When you are going smoothly, don't let any demons in any forms stop you from continuing to cultivate diligently!

Pure Karma has applied a limit to physical attendance, as individual offering needs more time and the event went beyond 2 hours!

So when you see us put up event notices, please register early!
Please cooperate with all Pure Karma's volunteers to ensure logistics are smoothly functional.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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