
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Crazy Wisdom疯狂的智慧 – Buddha’s Language 佛的语言 [3]



Crazy Wisdom – Buddha’s Language Wisdom疯狂的智慧 – 

The links above are Guru's Dharma Speeches on 9 Yanas - Maha Perfection.

On the 9 June 2013 speech, Guru talks about Buddha'a language and how Buddhas communicate with each other.

Guru also said that Cultivation is of Utmost important and YOU, means Self, has to do it!

See how Core mislead all with Care-givers win over those top cultivators who strictly abide Disciplines, and even no time to cultivate also can get merits from Guru, very auspicious.
[Core's published statements on 22 Sep. 2012, which they alleged to be from Guru.]

Dear all, 
Listen to Guru Only, helps you avoid pitfalls created by those jealous and ignorant beings who mislead you and hinder you in cultivation only!

O! another of the crime that Core accused me of is, I failed to listen to them as I proclaimed that I only listen to My One and Only Root Guru!

I am not interested in their sentient games and also humbly suggest that all stay away from them too!

Guru speech is very explicit in that YOU & You Alone can cultivate to Buddhahood with Guru's guidance! 
You don't need those that have yet to attain Guru Yoga at all! 


Pay close attention to Guru for therein lies your salvation! 

Lotus Steven's [Leave TBS] truly is a wise move, in distancing one from all these sentient scrambling, One will surely find one's own Buddha Nature in a shorter time.

Time needed to cultivate to Buddhahood also explained by Guru in the latest speech! :)

Go Listen!

O! As to Core's announcement and their justification alledged to be from Guru, Guru said: I don't care! 

So this is also my reply to you all: I really don't care or won't bother to waste precious time playing with you! 

I hereby advise Core's chairman & Team to REMOVED all fake announcement from the bulletin board which is official channel for TBS immediately!
Includes the 22 September 2012 statements; Removal of Lotuschef from TBS' reverend's register; Falsified Justification of power to act; and any material detrimental to all sentient being.

Next, apologize to all parties affected publicly, including Guru; all sentient being and most important the karmic negatives you created to harm yourself! 

Do this by the coming weekend during group cultivation, and you will surely get Guru's help in cleansing all negatives you created to harm yourself as well as others!

Guru said: if you satisfy all these, and truly repentant, you can then ask him, WHO AM I?

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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