
Friday, June 21, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - Nothing better to do!

The following are comments from Anonymous and the statements are targeted at Lotuschef!

Dear Anonymous, 
If you have nothing better to do, please go play elsewhere.

I have more fruitful assignments to upkeep daily, unlike some that Play Power Games Daily!

Guru said if you waste your life in a Human Shell, you will be [Sent to Ant Country] upon your demise!

Wake up and be diligent from this Instant.

Read your statements through and see what's Wrong?

Why HIDE behind Anonymous? Hahaha!  
Only a shady person with plenty to hide, continues to criticize others in the DARK, because he is cowardly scared of being exposed and [Facing the Music] from his own deeds!

Just like those that hired Maoshan and other masters to perform Rituals to harm One's own Root Guru, you are no different or from the angle you revealed of yourself and your purposes, you are very likely the one that did the hiring of these evil stuff on my Root Guru!

Who needs anyone to tell them about Enlightenment? Only Lian Ning as far as we all know!!!

Guru already revealed many angles of Enlightenment from the time I took refuge!
Sad that you didn't pick these up! 

There were aplenty in 6th Zen Patriarch Sutra; Hevajra Sutra; Kalachakra events; ,,,, many others.

Read my [ Arrows of Enlightenment]? :) :) :) 

Did I ever state that I am Enlightened??? Hahaha! 

Have time go look through all of them and stop wasting your time trying to best ONLY ONE person that you think is after what you are after!!!


Lotuschef Lama

[Please translate these and enjoy!!!]

Anonymous on 6/15/2013

妄語連連,佛魔只隔一線,不守戒律休論道,蓮廚請您自重!你那半桶水的論戰,我看得都想吐了,適可而止,免得丟人現眼。哈哈哈! on Crazy Wisdom疯狂的智慧 – Buddha’s Language 佛的语言 [3]

Anonymous on 6/21/2013 @5:51pm

蓮廚大法師,我只問你一句,你如果是覺者,你覺了什麼?一個覺者應該有何言行? 答不出來,你就是迷! 開悟的答案是蓮X給你的! 哈哈哈!快說你悟到什麼! on 九乘佛法次第 [4]

6/21/2013 1:35pm
Wa Fashi,

The 九乘佛法次第 series 1-4 that u posted is good staff!

Where u get the informations from? :)

LC: Online search.
I told you all I have plenty to do!
Not like those in core always trying to harm others n especially those that cultivates well.

They really don't know what they miss!
Only it's a bit deep n you must be cultivating sincerely to understand.

AA: Haha.. GM really dote on you :)
These few articles are so eye opening!!!

LC: ya. like the english series of 9 yanas, hope to let all have some basic knowledge of what Guru is sharing!
I found some more and reading thru them to see if useful or not.
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YES! Anonymous is really very far off mark with his remarks, agree?

Just his level of understanding is so low that he can't appreciate good materials?

A Jealous mind and Heart is filled with unwholesome thoughts and very poisonous to one's cultivation advancement.

Your statements can also show how well or poor your educational and intelligent level are, do you know?

I welcome feedback and comment from intelligent and relevant sources, but please save yourself from being ridiculed further by all that read our blogs!
You have shown how Very Ignorant you are and still continue to try and show off whatever you think is Wisdom! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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