
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Crazy Wisdom – Offering to Sanghas

Also read:
Back to Basics – Guru Yoga [2]
Lotuschef in Chat – 蓮師教言 Padmasambhava: Dakini Teachings

The following is part of the Garbage that we removed from Comments which is sent by yet another Anonymous! 




僧伽持戒忍辱,不能自恃清高 对出家人而言,要一天四座法,天天读戒律,若无特别原因,三衣不离身,若不遵守,也是犯戒
在家、出家都是平等,在家供养出家人, on 莲厨聊天 - 开悟或开误]

A brief summary translation of the above:
Anonymous is reprimanding the Dharma assistants of Malaysia for not attending the Sangha Offering event and said that ALMOST all Sanghas turned up but out of the almost 60 DA, only 5 turned up.
He went on to elaborate how these people breached Disciplines and how wonderful he was when he was a Layperson.
He also bragged about how he is studious and abiding disciplines and cultivating!

(Hahaha! His boss stated that Don't need to cultivate and also as long as you are one of Guru's care-givers, You Win Hands Up over those that Abide Discipines Strictly and Cultivates Well!)

He stressed Disciplines and Penalties over & Over again!!!

This is the Killer part: 在家、出家都是平等,在家供养出家人 means layperson & Sanghas are EQUAL, and Layperson must give offering to Sanghas!

These reminded me of someone and Guru and I had a Fun Chat on this one! 

In 2010, I was ordered to go up to the top floor of YX chapter and the VM started a barrage at me, all On His Own Steam! 

He accused me of Not Accepting Offering from Layperson and ALSO TAUGHT THEM to give the offering to Lotus Light Charity Singapore. 
He said: You have Resources, you don't need it (money in red-packet), Other Shangshi & Fashi need them!
He said: What is Lotus Light to you? Why you asked people to give to Lotus Light?

O! He had a good go at me; without even Practicing Equality or Respect for Others, just hollowed at me as if I am his Subordinate! All these time not giving me a chance to explain and he took whatever version someone fed him as the Gospel Truth! 
I have written this story before! :)

Dear all, In Tantrayana, we all practice to Succor Self as well as other, agree?

Most Important of all, we learn to TAKE CONTROL OF OUR OWN DESTINY & BREAK FREE FROM SAMSARA, agree? 

Why then do we need to Offer to those that claimed to be Sanghas and dressed like Sanghas; but do not TRULY TRULY BEHAVE like Sanghas!


(空行法教 )

Padmasambhava's Teachings:

If you diligently cultivate Buddha Dharma, there is no need to worry about clothing & food, these will naturally be provided.
I have never heard of or see any Cultivator starve to death.

[from Dakini Teachings]

As per Guru Rinpoche, Is there Need to Force Others to give Offering to Sanghas? NO! 

Guru said: Have time to pick/find faults with others like Anonymous above, Why Don't Reflect Whether You Have Cultivated Resource Path Adequately to NOT STARVE TO DEATH?

My humble opinion: I detest those that Make Use of Disciplines in a Buddhist Assembly INDISCRIMINATELY to Cause Suffering to others!

Discipline as per Buddha is a Teacher that Guides One along a Learning Path or Course!
Not for Anyone to USE to Hurt Others and Cause Suffering at all! 

Well, to apply Disciplines to Anonymous, He has Breached the Most Important Discipline of all; HE MISUSED BUDDHA'S TEACHINGS TO HARM OTHERS! 

Equality means everyone is Equal. 
As per Guru, when he was Atisha, he learned Boddhicitta from his Guru, Serlingpa.
One of the most remarkable one is [Mutual exchange of personalities], in which YOU put yourself into others' shoes and figure out how you would feel if you are THEM!

Moreover, Everyone has his own rights to perceive whether you are a TRUE SANGHA or not, or just another Dressed-up Fake that attempt to reap others of their possessions, perpetuating these Falsehood in the Name of Root Guru, and Buddhas!

Hahaha! Hilarious!

O! For your information: the VM that Reprimanded me, lost his chapter to the Local Authority, and is now "Free-lancing" or somehow languishing around!

Remember Root Guru said : Resource Path! 
If you don't give, and expect Returns, You actually accumulate a Huge and Ever-growing DEBT that You have to Eventually pay up in this life or subsequent ones, no matter which Realm of Samsara you are delivered to! 

Cheers all. Abiding Discipline is not what these Greedy and Misguided Self Proclaimed Sanghas Really Comprehend! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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