
Monday, February 4, 2013

无争 No Battling

Buddhism is a Non Battling religion.
Realization of All sentient material and matter being Ultimately Void Or Empty, there really is no need to battle with anyone for them.

Everything in your current visit cannot be taken with you to your next and subsequent lifetime, except your karmic influences, which is formless.

Hahaha! Let me gather my thoughts for a moment, please.

From about 10pm last night, my eyes were heavy and its a signal for me to shut them for lesson with Guru. But I was out with students who wanted to bid me farewell and Happy New Year, as I will be in Taiwan next.

Upon arrival at home, I finished off an article I was writing about Boddhicitta and some translation of Guru's latest speech. Saturday's live-cast didn't catch the whole as the signals were real bad. So waited until this afternoon to listen to it.

I finally shut eyes at about 12 midnight.
This is the topic I am to write and I have to get up at 2am to do my homework! Hahaha!

Actually this is to distance Self from Dualistic mindsets of Good/Bad; Right/Wrong; Righteous/Evil; Win/Loose; ......

Sentient Mindset is such that Self is the most important of all. In this trend, this Self wants to Win all time.

Why do people devise schemes to cheat others?
To Win!
To Gain the Upper Hand!
To grab control of sentient material they perceived as Essential/Crucial to their continued existence!

This is feeding Ego, Pride, and fabricating in their minds, Adulation, admiration, Power to control others, ......

When you reach a level where you think that others can't survive without you, hahaha! You are truly completely lost and your Buddha nature is deeply covered by your own Karmic hindrances!

Still the same humble suggestion: spend some time to sit down and sort out the tangled webs of your Needs and chuck those that you really don't need for daily maintenance of your physical shell to stay healthy to cultivate.
Donate or share with others that are in need of supplies for their continued survival.

You find that smiles on faces around you are more satisfying than accumulating a yard-full of "garbages" that do you no good!

Well, like Guru said frequently, you can scold, jeer, slander, defame, beat, sue,... me, I will not mind and will not retaliate.

This is True Renunciation of a Buddha.
A Buddha has no needs but plenty to give!

Yoga? Study Buddha's characteristics and you can easily achieve yoga when you completely match all the characteristics fully. :)

Cheers all.

What shall I do with myself now that I am Wide Awake? :):):)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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