
Monday, February 4, 2013

Lotuschef on [Guru's speech 2-2-2013]

I shared these as the English Live-cast didn't come out for this session. 

There are more from the speech
Uncanny though. :)

Guru said Buddha Nature will appear when you are very pure and quiet.

Not you cultivate and develop Buddha Nature.

Buddha nature is Inherent and can't be manufactured.
All u need to move the hindrances away n you can see your Buddha Nature

1. diligent cultivation
2. qi, central channels, bright dots - light from cultivation lights up & open all chakra, the blue light of child about I finger in length appears. This is your Buddha Nature or Empty property of your Buddha Nature.

So we are talking about Inherent or Original Buddha Nature.

The Livecast signals were real bad yesterday, I have no choice but wait till today to watch the recorded version.

also the white jambala lives in the same Crystal palace as Yellow jambala, so they must be related

white jambala likes to bathe, and crystals

so you offer 7 bowls of bath water and 7 bowls of crystals

there is a detail sadhana for visualization too

wait for the chines transcript to translate if have time

so the main point at least I share with you 2 liao

n my What is enlightenment to you?
the engulfing all as self is boddhicitta

hehe. many points in guru speech that I wrote about past few days
scary coincidences again!!!


For those of you that don't understand Chinese, this is what I can do at the current moment.

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