
Sunday, February 3, 2013

2-2-2013 Guru on Boddhicitta


1. Treat all & Self as Equal
2. Put yourself into others' shoes
3. Prioritize others before Self
4 -7. Four Immeasurable

Buddhist students must know all these 7 Boddhicitta.
You won't defame, slander, scold others.
If you are scolding people then you are learning from Mara and not Buddha.

Can't not criticize others.
It's people who are too full of Pride that will bring down others, with mentality of being Supreme.
Thinking self as the topmost, the highest and above all too.
This is what Mara will do.

O! Boy! What Have I Been Doing with My Articles? Hahaha!
Thank goodness, I didn't fit the bill!!!

To Me, Guru is topmost!
To Me, being "critical" as per sentient perception, is not my true intention.
I believe someone has to extend help to the lost ones or those still in deep slumber.
They need to wake up.
So in Boddhicitta of sacrificing Self for the good of others, I am only using Buddha Dharma to transform into Boddhicitta to succor others.

Like Jesus Christ dying on the cross for others, he is at least a Level 8 Boddhisattva.
So I might be consider a Boddhisattva like him too, agree?
:) Hahaha!

Look from more than One Angle. Guru tells you something which is the general concept.
However, in Application or Usage of Buddha Dharma, there are 84,000 doorways.

If you think I am Mara cronies, perhaps you should think again? :)
Buddha And Mara are just a hair-line apart!
Happy Cultivating!

Cheers all.

Om Guur Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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