
Thursday, February 7, 2013

At Gun-point!

Terjemahan Indonesia: Acungan Pistol!
Image © cseward

Son pointed a gun at his father one day.

He demanded loudly: When are you going to let me take over?

So the Father started to impart to him certain knowledge to help him learn the ropes of the business at hand.

While learning the ropes, the son got some of his cronies to ask his father to retire, now that he has a successor named.

The Father announced to many that his son need essential knowledge to succeed him.
Also the son need lots of practice or hands-on, to take over smoothly and completely.
Son is just not ready yet!

Son seems couldn't wait to take over and went on to seek help again!

This time, his cronies helped him to hire some practitioners to harm his father.
The order was to disable the father so he couldn't go to work and be at the helm!

The father was handicapped by much pain from these mystical attacks but being a responsible person, he continued to attend to business.

Father to son: Perhaps you should start your own business from scratch. You are not ready to take over my business.

Son and his cronies?
Ignored this suggestion!

What will the son do next, to grasp control?

1. Question: Without relevant experience and Know-how, do you think the Son can maintain the good job that his father has been doing?

2. Question: Will his father's associates and supporters help him, knowing he is still lacking?

3. Question: Why sentient possession is so important to him that he even threatened his father at Gun Point?

Dear all, think upon these please.

If you have similar mindsets like the Son here, perhaps you should re-organise your priority!

If all off-springs of everyone, is to take a similar stance of getting their ways with their parents at Gun point, what will this world become?


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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