
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Family Violence

Terjemahan Indonesia: Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

At a general meeting one afternoon, AA made an announcement.

AA to all present: From now on, I will take charge of Administration and Finance, which I had all these while left to others. [Others - his ex-spouse & associates]

That evening, AA's brother in law, ex-spouse's brother, came to his place to teach him a lesson.

A chair was flung out at AA, and also he was messed up real badly.

He had bruises on his face and one side of his face became swollen too.

Worse still, the locks to his house were all changed under order from his ex-spouse.

He was left wondering on the streets in the cold night all alone.

He don't own a mobile all his life and really couldn't seek help from friends.

When BB, a long time friend came by to pick him up, he was really in bad condition.

He has no means of seeing to his injury through the time his friend found him.

Why did these happen to him?

Sentient Material Wealth & Possession are the culprits?
No! The 3 Poisons of Greed, Aversion and Ignorance of sentient beings!

The ex-spouse denied the attack on AA, and covered up by telling all that AA went for cosmetic surgery!

However, there were plenty of eye-witnesses' accounts on these incident!

2 of the houses belonging to the ex-spouse's family were burnt!
The one that did the beating, has a son about 30 years old, suddenly died.

Video recordings and photos taken after the attacks when AA appeared in public for meetings!
The one that beat AA was overheard to say that he didn't know why he just got so angry that he beat AA up so badly!

It seems that AA's daughter didn't even help him process his divorce documents too!
His spouse not willing to relinquish half of their joint assets, even after AA renounced all these and willing to give her all of their matrimonial assets!

AA's business is very lucrative and his spouse pockets all the cash takings and also falsified accounts by under-declaring income.

Hahaha! I think that the Tax boys should go have a look at AA's spouse's finances! :)

AA's son got very sick and needed to be carried by 2 strong men to seek help too.

Well, Karma can return swiftly for those who are repeatedly and continuously creating great crime of  harming others.

If you are one of the eye-witnesses, and the actual person involved or offered help to AA, you know how bad was the injury to AA.

However, AA told all to leave alone as he doesn't want to take any action against his spouse and her family.

See how the 3 poisons can cause great harm when One is blinded by cravings for Sentient Materials.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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