
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Astral Travel / Spiritual Travel 神行/灵行

1. Why some people can Astral Travel and come disturb me in my sleep?

A. Why should someone who can cultivate to this level of being able to travel astrally even bother to come disturb you?
People has to yoga with deities or divinities then they are able to Astral travel.
All Divinities have Boddhicitta and won't do anything to harm anyone!
Therefore this is not done by them!

However, it is spirits that come and disturb you in your sleep or draw your spirit out to play or to frighten you!
You must have some karmic links with them or your frequencies are pretty much on pal.

Never ever give anyone the power to harm or control you!

For fellow students like the above, you have lost faith and trust in Guru, or never have any for Guru!
With faith & trust in Guru, just visualizing Guru appearing and often before you start to chant Guru's mantra, these spirits disappeared super duper fast! Hahaha!

Have you been truly cultivating regularly?
If not, at least chant as much as Guru's mantra frequently and drawing Guru into vision?

I repeat, the Diamond sutra actually explains no form & I use it to explain that we do not create or give anyone power to the extend that they are able to harm us.
Our heart's demon should not put Fear of lost of life or other sentient material to sway you over to their side.

Drop the Fear Factor and you will be fine.

Please chant Guru's mantra as much as possible and bring Guru into vision as well, at the same time.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

  • Astral Travel? 神行?
  • Astral Trip & Time Travel
  • Astral Projection – Boddhicitta 1
  • Karma – Purging Negatives
  • Astral Knows No Barriers

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