
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Elixir of Youthfulness 保青春的灵丹

This is taken after event by Guru - see the light orbs! 

This is taken by me during a Happy Hour event by Lotus Light Charity for the senior citizens. Also happens to be my birthday. 

After listening to Guru's speech yesterday, Timelessness or Agelessness came into mind.

In my articles: Longevity Elixir, I have talked about cultivation being able to yield Longevity.

In my maiden Dharma speech in Seattle, 7 Nov. 2009; I also touches on True Buddha Dharma cultivation being a Longevity Elixir. 

Guru is a Living Buddha and Age or Time is truly immaterial anymore.

What Guru wants to bring across is that He has no leisure anymore with all the "entertainment" lined up or scheduled to dine with students, day and night.

The Care-givers of Guru are the Culprits here? 
Guru really don't need Care-givers in these forms of taking control of him and his time, leaving him with no leisure time, agree?

Do these care-givers truly love Guru? 
Do you agree that they all have their own private and individual agendas?

I foresee that after yesterday's speech, the "selling price" to dine with Guru is raised tremendously! 
Also the rush for students to grab opportunity to dine with Guru or travel to Taiwan or where ever to attend events by Guru hence. 

Hahaha! The Sentient Mindset of Using Guru as a Money Tree surfaced again in all those that have been reaping/harvesting returns for decades, agree? 

Please remember, don't just listen to Guru's speeches from the surfaces only. 
Also don't believe anything you hear from non-guru sources.
Use your own discernment to act or not to act, please.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef 

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