
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Relevance

The Five Dhyani Buddhas

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bercakap-cakap – Relevansi

The Hada, the greatest form of showing respect.
These are 5-colors ones with a Pearl sewn on top.
This Hada is offered to Divinities eg. Buddhas & Boddhisattvas.
The 5 colors can represent the 5 wisdoms of all Buddhas.

The recent rumors that went around after Guru's 20-10-2012 speech, and the call to all in TBS to recite the [Plead for Buddha to stay in this realm] verses, seem frivolous if all are truly diligent in cultivation in accordance with Guru's teaching.

Chanting lots of Guru's mantra, should be a daily practice as Guru said, cultivate once a day and you will be alright! However, must cultivate with Understanding and not just go through the motion! :)

Chanting Guru's mantra, has plenty of benefits.
  1. When chanting and with Visualization of Guru in your heart chakra or smiling at you, you are practicing [Using thought to eliminate thoughts]; One to over ride many. So you have a calmer and clearer mindset.
  2. Once you start to chant, your heart chakra lights up and you can visualize you are Guru, sharing light as far and wide with all beings. You can also visualize all beings transform into Light and merges as ONE! You are included.
    [You are practicing Boddhicitta of sharing with all without Discrimination, and this is actually Mahamudra or higher tantra. Transformation into Light is actually the Buddha's Dharmakaya form.]
  3. Just dedicating merits of chanting Guru's mantra to all, is also good to clear negative and established Affinity with all sentient beings. :) You make lots of friends in a very short time!
  4. When chanting Guru's mantra you can also visualize healing, as I have shared in recent articles.
  5. Chanting more of Guru's mantra, bring you close and closer to Guru too!

Therefore is there a need for a special call to all to [Plead for Buddha to stay in this realm]?
Buddha or Guru, your Root Guru, is always with you, and you only need to start chanting and visualizing only!
Just cultivating regularly and diligently is the same as Keeping Guru in this realm!

Guru said he will stay not very long and he urges that all treasure this Affinity with him.
He didn't say anything about his leaving or retiring at all.

Do not mindlessly take for truth what big brothers or sisters tell you verbally or in written form like  email, please.

From my recent articles, and analysis, not many of them truly has wisdom or practice what Guru taught and shared. And most really have no idea what Buddha's students can do or cannot do!

From Guru's book 96 - Overtures:
[For those that are evil in ways & mindset, we have to employ kind persuasion rather then one track mind of beating them. It is this group of people that we need to teach and succor.]

However, our School's administrative committee, issued an Official Notice to all to go into a Private Forum, hosted by a person calling herself [ilovegm]. This host roused all to show the defamators how strong they are and threatened them with [Force in Numbers]!

She wrote: make them hear wind of us and flee in fear!

Pretty threatening? :)

They behave like mafia more than Buddha's students, agree?

Anyone think that Guru will leave TBS at this time, when administration creates its own chaos?

Will Guru leaves us, knowing that lots of ignorants are being blindly led?

My humble opinion: Didn't you cultivate to learn to ultimately control your own Life & Death?

Guru talks about the 5 Buddha's wisdom, listen carefully and learn and move away from those that are control freaks or power-grabbing craze!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef



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