
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Needles for blessing

Hi Fashi

Today I went to see Dr Y. She pass me a box of 针灸 needles n ask me to bring to fire puja to let u bless those needles n then bring those needles back to her when I see her again next week.

Can or not hah?? Hahaha


LC: Hahaha! Can if she believes...

Dear all, What a coincidence?

Fixation & Attachment yet again.

Guru said he will fulfill sentient beings' wishes. 满众生愿.

As long as it makes them happy and they feel SAFE & SECURED, why not? 

However, I will do Dr Y a favor as she is compassionate and gives free treatment to those needies. She also does counseling for those in need too. I used to be helping her in these pursuits.

Please do not bring anything for me to bless them and go and market them to reap profits for self enhancement. 
Charges apply too...

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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