
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Wakeup Call

However, sharing is to allow others to be more diligent in cultivation n follow Guru's teachings closely. The problem is not FACE but how to "clean-up". Sometimes we need to get help from others too. 
Do not perceive karmic influences as loss of Face or image. This is one item that all cultivators need to drop. 

AA: I agreed.  If we look at it positively, it is a wake up call and is still not too late to ‘tune’ back to the right track.
I believe unknowingly it may happen to anyone of us if we are not mindful.  
It is good that there is someone out there that consistently check and remind us.  
** Please tell me if I am heading another direction hor **

Sometime mistakes one made will benefit the whole group as we are all here to cultivate, learn and guide one another.
We are like a big family.  Family members don’t laugh at one another.  We will support one another.

LC: hahaha! 
Yes, we are a family & sharing is good n helps all to keep on the bodhi  path. 
This way we all sort of walk hand in hand to help others as well.

Keeping the group small with charges made people scold me and said I am $$$ face, :) however, I can give each of you more time....
It is hard to explain how when I touch the lotus offering to your forehead n help you send it up, I get signals sometimes in return 
the minor problems will be cleared or cleansed n I normally just keep quiet. I will hint hint to you to do this n that
If one truly wants to learn, then go do research. therefore should at least extend the effort to learn
I prefer you all not listen 100% to me too. As I am not GM and can make mistakes too. Hehe :)

Anyway, Face is attachment to sentient form and truly don't exist for a cultivator....

BB: Thanks Fashi for sharing. This is also a wakeup call for me. Every incidents we learned and pick up the right or wrong in cultivation. One must be humble...sorry and sorry...Everyday I repentance to Buddhas cause down the road I still have a long way to is better to say sorry then Greed over power and led to wrong journey again.
Even at road side while walking I sometime just chant n chant until I got caught by CC....he look at me...what are you chanting....haha...
We sayang and loves you dearly Fashi,
Please go ahead and correct sad we are difficult students to teach....but someday I hope the fruits will bear and all of us become one.

AA: Hahaha, most of us will understand de..
Hope people can understand GM and your ‘bitter heart’.. J

Face is not important if one really wants to improve.  There is no need to compare with others in this cultivation path..
Sometime one may go out of track, but as long as we constantly walking back on the right track, eventually we will reach the destination.  Some faster, some slower but is a sure thing.. 

But like what you said, some may really think that they already have the foundation and is keen to know/learn more new techniques.  It may be good to tell them to go back to basic and to learn in depth rather than width (many many techniques)… If you tell them, I believe they will listen to

Dear all, remember Guru talks about Athisa learning Boddhicitta from Serlingpa?
What is the important lesson?

Put Self in other's position! Means you visualize you as the person in question, what would you expect from others? Ridiculing you? Jeering at you? 
Or extending a hand and help you understand what went wrong and stand by you to face all with you? 

True Buddha School is a real big family with Guru as the Patriarch. 
Beyond True Buddha School, all beings are family too.

We learn to be unaffected by any external factors, by cultivating. 
Do not give forms to the poisons or the 6 thieves, in Jinmu's (Golden Mother) words. 

Remember Diamond sutra of No Form & Lotus Sutra too, Forms exist as a Convenience to succor those in need only. 

Pick some good tips? :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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