
Friday, August 24, 2012

New age of spiritual enlightenment in 2012

Dreams - Snakes

This was a dream related to me by a fellow student.

[ LH: In the dream, I found my spouse and myself walking into a large underground cave with very high ceiling.
At the far corner, I sighted lots of snakes!

Fearful of them harming us, I grabbed my spouse's hand and we ran.

Suddenly, I started to chant guru's mantra : Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

The snake that was almost upon us immediately transformed into a bright and beautiful lady.

She stretches out her hands and they have palms upwards and close together, cupping a very bright shining ball of light and offering to me.

Fashi, its like the photo whereby your hands are lighted up like gold dust! ]


Hahaha! I seem to be present in the dream too!

Well, the Kundalini serpents came to mind upon hearing the tale of her dream.


"BIG SUR, Calif. — At twilight, not far from a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, a Mayan shaman spoke of the return of Kukulkan to dozens of listeners sitting on the floor inside a yurt: As Venus, a planet of special significance to the ancient Mayans, passed directly between the Sun and Earth in June, the forces out there were heralding the return of Kukulkan, the snake deity, and the start of a new age of spiritual enlightenment in 2012.

'The cosmos is talking to us — we need to listen,' said the shaman, Miguel Angel Vergara. 'Kukulkan shines in the infinite. Kukulkan is the sacred energy beating in every atom. Kukulkan is the feathered serpent living in your heart forever.' "

Dear readers, 
Hahaha! Seems the whole world is going to be a very bright shining ball of light!

However, it is sad for those who believed the Doomsday tales and sold up all their assets and spent lavishly every penny they have!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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