
Friday, August 24, 2012

9 steps breathing - Meditation - Pure Light

My dear Fashi,

Can I check with u..  Last Sat in McDonald you told me a few times my issue is The Nine Cycle Breathing.  May I know why u said that huh?

By the way, have been practicing it for the past one week J


Dear JC
In Guru's book, Rainbow Body Attainment 3; Appearance of Pure Light, which I had shared in this blogspot, Guru said: when one is able to meditate and regularly, Pure Light builds up.

Recently in another speech, Guru talks about rosy hue and shine of a successful cultivator, smooth skin and youthful features and etc.....

In this one above, I am doing visualization of sending offering upwards and then drawing Light blessing downwards to fill everyone at the event. 

In this one, I am at play but looks smooth skin, rosy and shining and very youthful, like a kid. 
This kid is so care free, correct? 
There is JOY just from looking at me, correct? 
You feel you are there playing together with me, correct? 
See the circle of white mist? 

A person doing 9 steps breathing successfully, can drop all thoughts instantly and be unaffected by the environment at all times. 
Whether helping you all doing offering and drawing light blessing to fill all of you or just offering "Fun" on my own, like playing Fireworks, I am in Samadhi.

Samadhi is a permanent state whether you are sleeping; eating; walking; .....
This is possible when you cultivate to drop your Thoughts and your environment at all times.

When you seek answers from me or outwards, it can only mean you have not achieve Clear-mindedness to solve your own queries, agree?

I hope all cultivators or claimed to be cultivators learn to seek answers within only. When you need to consult, means you have not even clear Resource and Preliminaries at all! 

For those that think you have Spiritual responses and can see "ghosts" with form, that is, with defined heads and bodies, I am sorry to tell you that these are not what you should "SEE".

Remember I shared that when I see "ghosts", they are grey-greenish smoke like mass? 
They too are formless like us when we transform into Light.

This is from a fellow student: - [It seems that C2 is quite sensitive at sensing energy.
She said: "I knew there is something with you, when you were praying before consuming the food, I could feel something like a magnet from you."
I don't know how to conceal that from others so that they won't sense it either hahaha, and they kept on believing that I could see something despite I kept on refuting their statements.] 

These Energy & Magnet like thingy are light waves and doing the delivery to pureland and the offering to Divinities all generate energy like a whirlpool or cyclone. Sort of suck everything inwards and upwards. 

Therefore, crossing the 9 steps breathing hurdle, one can starts to truly meditate and accumulate Pure Light. Please go read: Appearance of  Pure Light 净光出现.

9 steps breathing - Meditation - Appearance of Pure Light - Lighting up permanently! 

These are all my humble opinions from my own experiences only. Readers may choose to differ.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.

Lama Lotuschef

Video on 9 steps breathing 

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