"Quetzalcoatl taught the
ancients all the necessary skills to advance their civilization, from
mathematics and science to agriculture and astronomy, as well as the famous
Mayan calendrical formulae which predicts the end of the world to be December 21st 2012 . He taught the people to live in peace and then moved
on disappearing across the sea, but he promised he would someday return.
Unfortunately for the ancient inhabitants of Mexico they mistook the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors
and Cortez in 1519 as Quetzalcaotl's return, bringing about their tragic doom.
Accepting them with open arms and treating them with utmost reverence the
ancient people expected their newly arrived god to bestow great benevolence
upon them. Instead the Spanish invaders brought nothing but greed and brutality
for their trusting hosts.
The name Quetzalcoatl (ket-tsul'kwot-ul) means "plumed or feathered serpent". We must certainly then mention the great ancient city ofChichen Itza on Yucatan peninsula in Mexico . There, twice a year, an amazing spectacle related to
the feathered serpent god takes place:
"TheTemple of Kukulkan (the Feathered Serpent God, also known as Quetzalcoatl) is the largest
and most important ceremonial structure at Chichen Itza . This ninety-foot tall pyramid was built during the
eleventh to thirteenth centuries directly upon the multiple foundations of
previous temples. The pyramid is a store-house of information on the Mayan
calendar.... The northern stairway was the principal sacred path leading to the
summit. At sunset on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, an interplay between
the sun's light and the edges of the stepped terraces on the pyramid creates a
fascinating—and very brief—shadow display upon the sides of the northern
stairway. A serrated line of seven interlocking triangles (chakras) gives the
impression of a long tail leading downward to the stone head of the serpent
Kukulkan (Kundalini),
at the base of the stairway." (Linda Casselman)
So then, on these two very important dates, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, it appears that Quetzalcoatl is indeed present among his people as the shadow of the serpent moves along the steps of the Pyramid of Kulkulkan.
The name Quetzalcoatl (ket-tsul'kwot-ul) means "plumed or feathered serpent". We must certainly then mention the great ancient city of
So then, on these two very important dates, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, it appears that Quetzalcoatl is indeed present among his people as the shadow of the serpent moves along the steps of the Pyramid of Kulkulkan.
This is a dream of a fellow student which I interpreted as the Kundalini Serpents and wrote on August 6, 2012.
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