
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lotuschef In Chat - 降头 Voodoo

Dear 8 yrs old  Buddha Lian Chu,
   You look very pure and fine from the picture. 
白雪雪,滑De De.  淨業即是淨業 ,妳今世做得到又喜 幫 助 人,成佛,快啦,
[White as snow, smooth too. Pure Karma means Purify Karma, you can do it this life, also like to help others, becoming Buddha soon la.]

我sept 到Seattle, (2 months)  well, will see if I can stand that long.

 蓮廚師:  I mean to ask you for long time.  Who did the woodo on me, while I
was in TW?  Was it Lian F? or his brother- .  or 蓮X from ..........?

I can see there are few nuns all receive woodo from someone practicing witchcraft!
蓮A ,蓮B ,蓮C , they all were / victim.  
While  he and she do all these to me and other  people. 
Are they  instruct by Lian D  蓮D?

Dear LH,
Most people have lost their links to Root Guru and when they become Greedy for Power; Control; Wealth; .... they will be easy targets for those practicing Dark Arts.
[You can go look up Guru's book 85 - 无上法王印 - 十善堂开光 pages 21-25.] 

This was my advice to a student from Australia. - when doing cultivation, chant 108 times 4 Refuge Vows 4 皈依. 
Visualize Root Guru + True Buddha Lineage Gurus; Buddhas; Dharma; and Sanghas; all fill you with Great Dazzling White Light.
You in turn radiate it outwards in circular forms to share with all beings around you. 

Do not need to visualize who you share with. In this way, you achieved what Buddha teaches about No Differentiation, No Segregation, and All are One.

Breathe in when you draw the Light empowerment transmission and let it filled you completely. Slowly breathe out and push this Light outwards and the longer you can exhale, the further you can share this Light with more. 

This is also good practice as a precursor to successful cultivation of the 9 steps breathing technique 九节佛风. 

As you constantly send out this Light, nothing can come near you. 
Steadfast faith and trust in Root Guru and the Triple Gems to always protect you and bless you.
Sharing this Light also builds great affinity with all visible and invisible. 
Great Right? 

Do not ask me again, who did what. It is you that are not properly armed and you that allowed Evil thoughts to take control. 
You have not understood what I tried to tell you all along too, that harming you does not benefit anyone, why should they?
Look inwards, your problems lie within as you lost Clear-mindedness and trust in Guru to care for you. 

You can also dedicate more Gao Wang Sutra 高王经 to all beings and chant more 100-syllable mantra 百字明咒 to cleanse self as well as others. 
Think of others and not of self.
Guru said when you are the only one on the Moon, there is No Dharma, and no need for laws or disciplines.
This is also possible when you are One with all beings!
The Ever and Very Important YOU disappeared and merged with All, nothing can harm you anymore. 

Guru also teaches to use Thought to Halt Thought/Thoughts. 
When you are busy visualizing and chanting, NEW Thought cannot Grow.

Lama Lotuschef

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