
Friday, August 24, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Doomsday? 逆转乾坤 Against Universal Law

                                                     Tejaprabha (Buddha of Blazing Light),
flanked by Sun and Moon Bodhisattvas, seven buddhas, princes of the seven stars,
planets and constallations deities.

Since last week, these words keep surfacing in in mind:- 斗转星移!means constellation going thru major rearrangement. 逆转乾坤 means turning of 2 major stars against their normal direction.
Hahaha! Still can't figure why. :)

Wisely Huang I've read/heard this before, they said this has something to do with the Mayan calender (December 2012)

I have visions that came with these words too. Like being in the centre n getting the stars n groups to sit in place

OS: with the star deities
2 major stars like in ursa major means a big change then

斗转星移 - dou zhuan xing yi - seems to be a command to execute
the other is the Qian & Qun --- North stars group - that I wrote about some time ago
GM refused to explain to me n kept smiling at me whenever I asked him smile

OS: wah, the northern constellation, governing the life and death
really have to wait and see leh hahaha
but you're given the insider info from the heaven above

but I have yet to solve the mystery lol
what am I suppose to do to prevent the forecasted " dooms day"?
merge with Marici? bcos looks like I am marici in that dream n gathering all the stars around me n ordering them to sit in their individual "seats" ! then I execute a command: 斗转星移 - dou zhuan xing yi . and the universe sort of spin.... hehehe... bizarre n crazy???

Therefore she reminded me again to be very cautious with our mind since the mind is very great and dangerous at the same time.
We can do so many things with our mind.

OS: oh yes ne, marici is the principal of the stars
lest it has something to do with my dream yesternight lol
she told me that
i woke up with static electricity on my head for about 5 minutes

Your dream is Mind Control

OS: you're right, like a maneuvering indeed
by the time you touched the mahamudra stuff, everything changes

The End of the world? Definitely Not!
But seems there are to be some major stars/constellation re-positioning only.
Whoever, predicted Dooms day on 21st December 2012, best go do some research.

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