
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - 7th Lunar Month

Bahasa Link:

Dear Lotuschef,
I met Se and Os lat night. It will be really nice if you were there too. It will be so much fun :)

Last night Os explained to me about the 4 preliminaries, as I have some stuff that i did not understand. He explained it very well, so i will apply as much as i can and will do what i can to improve the quality of my xiu fa. I know that I am so far behind, so i need to be more deligent now. Thank you fashi for your help too.

Oh ya, when I was talking to Os, somehow i am wondering if there is such things as get sick on the 7th lunar month. What I meant here is that I feel somehow when it comes to the 7th lunar month, I feel like I am sick. I dont feel well at all, like for the past few days i feel gastric pain and dizzy and tired. I don't know if my sicknesses have some kind of connection with 7th lunar month or not. But let say if there is some kind of connection, could you please advise me on what should I do?

Thank you fashii..


Hi dear
Nice to know you got Os to explain 4 preliminaries to you.
You should have attended the Marathon in the afternoon on the 21st July.

Ry said I spent 2 hours explaining each steps in detail. He is editing the video for that session.

However, the video will not be made available to all as we do not want any negative vibes to be created by those ignorants, alleging we are over-stepping Grand Master's teachings.

These are mostly from my personal experiences in cultivation and should only be shared with those truly serious to cultivate and utilize my sharings to open their minds to possibilities and an understanding of how truly varied and Immeasurable are the techniques to visualization drawing upon basic fundamentals of Buddha Dharma and essences.

The 7th Lunar Month --- As I have explained in previous aritcles; we learn to live harmoniously with all beings whether Visible or Invisible to our naked eyes.

The Invisible ones are all around us.

As a cultivator, we constantly share what we are able to draw from the universe and share with all, irregardless of the Forms they may be in.

Pure Karma does sharing with Homeless Spirits during every fire puja cultivation session. If you like, you can sponsor offering to them, like incense, lotuses....etc. This is as you wish and any amount welcome.

We also does offering to Earth & City Gods and their associates and affiliates; these are all posted on the services and events pages. These helps you to build affinity with all and you will notice you get help somehow in your career, business, and daily life.

These are all in Resource Path and one has to clear this First step before able to cultivate to Yoga in Preliminaries and Guru Yoga.....

Resource Path is also something we have to maintain throughout, irregardless of which stages we have advanced to.

Fear of the unknown - is lack of absolute trust and faith in the presence of one's Root Guru who is constantly with you and guiding you.

I also shared how to play with the Sun, when one is sickly.

Go sun yourself at least twice a day, early morning and early evening, so you benefit from the warm which is light energy too.

Remember, as long as you did not harm any one, there is no need to fear.

Always look inwards for answers and not point fingers at others, alleging they cause you discomfort.

Lama Lotuschef

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef

Edited by Lotuschef on 1 July 2016

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