
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lotuschef at Play – 龙袍生基法 Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Fa [2]

The saga unfolds:-

This is a chapter in Taiwan that also told the same story:-

Dated early 2011.

2011/05/01 21:50:57


無上尊貴的蓮生法王龍袍,龍氣飽滿,拿來做生基是最好的,加上師尊親自簽名和加持,錯過就太可惜了,蓮生法王穿過的龍袍法力宇宙超級大,龍袍上除了蓮生法王的簽名,還有吉祥和進財四個字,這已經是很難得的機緣,蓮生法王慈悲聖弟子,才有這樣大福金剛 (師尊)的賜福。 

[The above affix great universal power and auspiciousness to a Dragon Robe worn by Shizun; endorsed by signing and blessing it; there are lettering of  Jixiang - good luck and smooth path; JingCai - enter wealth; it's a rare opportunity added with Dharma King's compassion for saintly students; resulting in Great auspicious vajra  (Shizun) giving blessing of auspiciousness. 


This one is done in Malaysia - also the same story:-

Are they selling Buddha? That is Living Buddha Lian Sheng?

Can they sell a Living Buddha?

Seems they also selling Padmakumara?


Can Buddha not halt these team from trying to sell HIM further?

Looks like lots of senior students do not know that Shizun did not transmit the Sheng Ji Fa as well?

Or all fell for the External and Perceived Form of these masters and their team?

Never leave home without your copy of the Noble 8 Fold Path!



Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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